Modern War Iran Player’s No Gold Guide

Modern War Iran Player’s No Gold Guide by Adem Karakaya

Hi everyone,

I have realized during the game that the Iranians are pretty low on defense and attack. All their money are stolen by other nations. Like America, Iran does not have any power boost (for atk & def) so I prepared this guide to help Iranians not to really take a bashing by other countries. Its my first guide

So i don’t know any rules or anything… So bear with me

1- Spend skill points on missions only

The only thing that Iran is good at is missions as they have a boost in energy production. Its pointless to waste it on other thing like attacking or deference. DO NOT WASTE IT ON OTHER SKILLS…

2-Do missions
Screw fighting other people. Most people have biiiig vaults and so you cant get their money… Doing the missions is the better way to earn an income. Also, you level up better when you do missions. I level up on average at least 5 days of play… This is the main aspect of your life. Missions…

Missions lead to
-more units being bought and earned (you need to buy them though)
-more defense against other countries, and
-more XP levelling than other people

From now on, your favorite word is ‘missions’

3-Grab the munition stockpile once you afford it

The munition stockpile is the best way to earn money outside of missions. Currently, a lvl 5 stockpile is giving me at least 90k and when raided 30k (grrr…) even then, it still gives me something to play with at the end of the day…

4- Spend your money after doing missions…
If you wanted to spend your money for units, wait until you do missions… some missions require you to have a certain amount of units to buy before you can do the mission… Common Sense?


Now, this sort of contradicts my views of the game. I only attack other Iran players. Why?, You may ask. Other countries (china,russia and Germany) have boosts to their units. You will 99% of the time get Owned by them if you challenge them. Iran players, on the other hand, are very weak (according to me before i wrote this guide) . Generally, the strongest player i have PvP’d was about 1900 atk and 1800 def compared to my awesome (but still weak) 2100 atk and 2600 def…Also it may be good to fight an American once in a while if their attack is low… They only get stamina boosts. One negative aspect though, dont cry coming to me saying that you got attacked
20 times by one guy…

6- the quicker, the better…
Once the boost towers came out, i immediately bought them so i can get lower construction costs and more boost to my units (for defense)… They save you money in the long run…

7-Defence against the Russians, Germans and Chinese
As those countries have a power boost towards their units, it is advisable to buy defense building (not toooooo much though) and save up money for defensive units… Good tactic to play as this helps you defend your money. Even if you get raided, chances are they are not taking any money…

8-fill your empty spaces up…
When you have like 200 allies, you can take 800 units into battle… To fill empty spaces you have, it is advisable to buy a couple of low strength units up, giving you a gap of about 20 strong units to Use… Also this can dramatically increase you defense and attack as you gain 1 or 2 attack points for every man bought. If you buy too many units, they go to waste, so either get more allies or let them replace dead units… I’ve also seen in some other forum (cant remember) that this is wasteful in higher levels. True, but if you buy units that are a little stronger than those 1atk 1def units this rule/principle of thought still applies. This would hardly be costly either (say you had 100k, if there are $1k men you can buy 100 units!)

9-Follow the goals
Goals are pretty mad stuff to have in the game. they help you level up more and gain valor, money etc. As goals differ depending on your current circumstance, you can change the way you play sometimes to make it more advantageous…

10-Gamers addiction
This would be one of the easiest principle to follow in this whole guide, play everyday. If you don’t play for a couple of days, you tend to have a huge drop in units and money. I had the odd occasion (about lvl 29’s) where i lost 100k because of 1 guy. I couldn’t play for ages afterwards because i was too broke to go forward in the missions… anyway, long story shortened, it took me ages to rebuild my EMPIRE (sounds better than ‘base’)…

11-That little bit of Energy…
if you have a little bit of energy left that you cant use to go forward, it is preferable to do previous missions and try to get the places to level 5. Sometimes when you have to upgrade a unit building, i use all my energy on doing that as i cant move forward. Good way to use energy wisely…

12-little bit of XP left…
When you level up, your energy bar (and i think your stamina) is fully refilled. try and balance the energy to almost zilch when you level up to make it like as if you have waited hours and hours to fill the bar in only two minutes… The leveling up works really well as when you use your skill points on your player, you still get your extra energy (30 energy). Leveling is like Christmas every week…

13- preheat the fuel
This may contradict no. 11, but it can work wonders for no.12… If you have missions unlocked and that have 3 parts or 10 parts to a mission, you should do these until you only need to do one more to complete the mission fully… These missions give Xp and in turn, you may level up, meaning an extra 2 minutes of playtime… This is good as when you go to do the mission for goals, you only need to do it once to count it as A mission complete… So it works both ways (awwwsuuuummm…)

Now, i may have missed out one or two tips (very unlikely) but i cant think of anything that i have left out… Some of these tips (you may have realized) are based for all the countries (im not gonna tell you which ones, because i hate every country in the game [except iran], but you probably know anyway…) Tell me if this guide is good enough and suggest any modifications or extra knowledge into this guide…

Take care…
Also add me on Modern War it is 472769505

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