Kingdoms of Camelot Dark Forest Guide

Kingdoms of Camelot Dark Forest Guide by Lord TsungTzu

Level 1-10 bogs randomly become level 1-10 dark forests.
Dark forests can be scouted and they can be attacked.
If a dark forest wins a battle, it still remains where it
is. The troops that were killed will not return. Only those
surviving the battle remain in the forest.
Each time a dark forest is defeated, it disappears.
Once an hour new dark forests reappear in new places all
over the domain to replace those that have been defeated.
You can thus attack any one dark forest only once.
If you do not get a report from attacking a dark forest,
the forest most probably isn’t there anymore.

Defeating a Dark Forest

Depending on the skill of your knight, your troops will
be hit a certain number of times, till either you or they
are defeated. The more skill your knight has, the fewer
rounds will be needed to defeat a dark forest.
The strength of your own troops has little meaning. Do
not send large numbers of strong units, especially not

For minimal losses, use layered attacks. Note however,
that the order in which your layered troops fight is
quite possible random, or at least dependent on the
number of different types of troops defending.
The more layered single troops you include, the more of
them will get a chance to fight, and reduce the remaining
troops for the bulk of your force to defeat.

Level 1:
Short Distances – 1 MM/10k Archers (lose only the MM)
Long Distances – 1 Light Cav/120k Scouts (lose only the cav)
Also Effective: 50k MM/30k Pike/40k Sword/50k Archer/20k Cav/10k HC

LVL 2 : Scout, then send an attack of one of each type of
troop except catapults plus 10 times the number swordsmen
as Wanderers of Din and 10 times the number of pikes as
Blades of Netzekt.
Also Effective: 40k MM/10k Pike/40k Sword/60k Archer/30k Cav/20k HC

LVL 3 .: Scout, then send one of each type of troop except
catapults, plus 30,000 pikemen and 30,000 swordsmen, plus
29,990 heavy cavalry if there aren’t many Wanderers of Din,
or 29,990 archers if there aren’t many Blades of Netzekt.
Also Effective: 30k MM/20k Pike/30k Sword/70k Archer/20k Cav/30k HC

LVL 4 : Scout, then one of each type of troop except catapults,
plus 30,000 pikemen and 30,000 swordsmen, plus 29,990 heavy
cavalry if there aren’t many Wanderers of Din, or 29,990 archers
if there aren’t many Blades of Netzekt.
Also Effective: 10k MM/10k Pike/30k Sword/60k Archer/50k Cav/40k HC

LVL 5:When attacking a Level 5 Dark forrest, always use your
most experienced Knight. This was tested successfully
with a knight with 110experince.
A rather safe setup of troops is:
25,000 Militiaman (you will loose 8,619mm)
30,000Swordsman (you will loose 5,002sword)
45,000Archer (you will loose 766arch)
Also Effective: 10k MM/10k Pike/10k Sword/40k Archer/50k Cav/60k HC/10k Balls/5k Ram/5k Cats

LVL 6:
10k MM/10k Pike/20k Sword/30k Archer/50k Cav/40k HC/20k Balls/10k Ram/10k Cats

LVL 7:
10k MM/10k Pike/10k Sword/20k Archer/40k Cav/40k HC/50k Balls/10k Ram/10k Cats

LVL 8:
10k MM/10k Pike/10k Sword/10k Archer/10k Cav/20k HC/65k Balls/50k Ram/15k Cats

LVL 9:
10k MM/30k Pike/30k Sword/10k Archer/20k Cav/20k HC/25k Ball/25k Ram/30k Cats

LVL 10: (3 waves)
#1 & #2 waves 199k archers/1 Catapult
#3 wave 200k Catapult
loss ALL

Items and Drop Rate

Each time you defeat a level 1-4 dark forest, you have a
small chance of getting an item for your inventory,
the best of these being Divine Inspiration and Divine
These items can be found in all levels of dark forests,
with a drop rate that increases with the level of the
dark forest. You might also be able to get crests, seals
for keys needed for city #8.
The drop rate for these items is:
Lv 1 Dark Forest: 5 items drop every 1000 attacks
Lv 2 Dark Forest: 11 items drop every 1000 attacks
Lv 3 Dark Forest: 19 items drop every 1000 attacks
Lv 4 Dark Forest: 29 items drop every 1000 attacks
Lv 5 Dark Forest: 19 items drop every 1000 attacks
Lv 6 Dark Forest: 29 items drop every 1000 attacks
Lv 7 Dark Forest: 41 items drop every 1000 attacks
Lv 8 Dark Forest: 59 items drop every 1000 attacks
Lv 9 Dark Forest: 79 items drop every 1000 attacks
Lv 10 Dark Forest: 101 items drop every 1000 attacks


You will collect a “vast” (hahaha) amount of gold from
defeating a dark forest:

Lv 1 Dark Forest: 1,150 gold
Lv 2 Dark Forest: 2,300 gold
Lv 3 Dark Forest: 4,600 gold
Lv 4 Dark Forest: 9,200 gold

Experience Points (XP)

When attacking dark forests, the outcome is always
better, the higher your knight’s skill is.
And each time you defeat a dark forest your knight will gain more experience:
Lv 1 Dark Forest: 3,000 XP
Lv 2 Dark Forest: 6,000 XP
Lv 3 Dark Forest: 12,000 XP
Lv 4 Dark Forest: 24,000 XP
Lv 5 Dark Forest: 48,000 XP
Lv 6 Dark Forest: 96,000 XP
Lv 7 Dark Forest: 192,000 XP
Lv 8 Dark Forest: 384,000 XP
Lv 9 Dark Forest: 768,000 XP
Lv 10 Dark Forest: 1,536,000 XP
Refresh after defeating a dark forest in order to be able to assign these new experience points.

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