The Secret World Crafting and Disassembling FAQ

The Secret World Crafting and Disassembling FAQ by Chrisax

In TSW, crafting (“tradeskilling”) is at the same time very simple and very sophisticated, but it is also very unusual.

The principles

Items are made from various components / materials that have to be combined to form specific patterns (symbolic shapes). The same pattern with different components / materials will give different results, or no result at all.

A tool “Assembling kit“, of different types, is required for a lot of crafting operations but not all.

Components / materials drop from mobs, or as mission rewards, or can be bought from other players

Items can be destroyed to get components / materials back but with a loss in quality

Items quality goes from 0 to 10 (Quality level: “QL”) and for each quality (except 0 and 1 it seems) they can be

white (very ordinary, starting items in general)
green (very decent quality)
blue (high quality: a blue at QL “N” is usually as good as a green QL N+2 and sometimes better; for example a blue QL 3 is often comparable to a green QL5)
purple (exceptional)

Components / materials quality follows a 5 quality steps scale, dropping from start zones to high end zones.

– Base (mostly Kingsmouth)
– Imperfect
– Normal
– Sacred
– Pure (mostly Transylvania)

Components / materials can be upgraded by combining 5 lower quality materials to make one of the quality just above

Making items (”Assembling” in TSW vocabulary) in TSW is entirely done in the Assembling window that is opened with the “y” key

The Assembling window is used to make items (“assemble”) or to return them to basic components (“disassemble”)

The Assembling window presents:

– a 5×4 grid (horizontal x vertical): components / materials will be placed there
– a “tool” slot: a tool (an “assembling kit”) will place there when necessary (not always)
– a result / item slot: the result will be pre-visualized there and then created there / items to disassemble will be placed there too
– a button to assemble or disassemble

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ]
[ ]

Disassembling items

– y key to open the crafting interface

– in the slot “item”, put the item you want to disassemble

– if it can be disassembled, the button “assemble” will turn into “disassemble and will light up

– the elements you can get back by disassembling will be shown in the assemble grid

– check if the elements are really what you want to get

– press the button

– in the grid area you’ll get materials / components

– NOTE DOWN the shape / pattern they form: you’ll be able to create an item of the same kind by reproducing this pattern. (This FAQ provides the known patterns in a section below.)

– Green, Blue, and Purple items of the same type give the same elements. There is no bonus attached to the color (rarity)

– White (starting) items can’t be disassembled

– IMPORTANT: when you disassemble an item, the elements you get back are one quality level below the ones that were used to create the item. For example, if you disassemble an item made with “Pure” quality elements, you’ll get “Sacred” quality elements only.

– EVEN MORE IMPORTANT: pay a lot of attention to thz elements shown in the grid because disassembling does NOT give you ALL the elements used to make an item!
For example, if you disassemble a weapon with a glyph, you will only get metal from the weapon, and nothing that was used to make the glyph.

– There is no way to remove a glyph or signet from a weapon.

Materials and components & Upgrading them

You have 4 types of materials, and 9 components (Runes)


Metal: to make all weapons and Barrier potions
Water: related to health
Dust: related to healing
Fire: related to attack and damage

Runes, divided in offensive and defensive runes:

Offensive Runes
Denkyem Rune: gives critical damage
Lu Rune: gives critical rating
Trinity Rune: gives penetration rating
Wheel Rune: gives hit rating

Defensive Runes
Earth Rune: gives block rating
Koru Rune: gives physical protection
Pentagram Rune: gives magical protection
Wedjat Rune: gives defense rating
Yggdrasil Rune: gives evade rating

Material and Runes follow a 5 quality steps scale:

Base (mostly from Kingsmouth)
Normal (the adjective “normal” doesn’t appear in the name)
Pure (mostly from Transylvania)

So, for example you have Base water, Imperfect water, Water (no adjective for normal), Sacred water, and Pure water.

Upgrading material and Runes:

You can “refine” lower quality elements to create higher ones.

Place 5 elements of the same kind and quality stacked in the assembly grid of the assembling window, and click the assemble button. (They have to be stacked.)

So with 5 elements of rank “N”, you make one element of rank “N+1”
For example: 5 ‘Base Koru Rune’ will make 1 Imperfect ‘Koru Rune’

You can place more than 5 stacked elements in the assemble grid: each time you press the assemble button, 5 will be used to make one element of the next quality. When you are done, you can get the remaining elements back to your inventory.

Assembling kits

Assembling kits are the only tool necessary to create items. They are not always required. (For example, adding a glyph to a weapon requires not tool, as we’ll see later in this FAQ.)

Assembling kits come in QL’s from QL 1 to QL 10 and in rarity (color) from green to purple

green (very decent quality)
blue (high quality: a blue at QL “N” is usually as good as a green QL N+2 and sometimes better; for example a blue QL 3 is often comparable to a green QL5)
purple (exceptional)

The QL and the color of the Assembling kit determines the QL and (when applicable) the color of the item created.

For example a QL 5 Green Weapon Assembling kit will make a QL 5 green weapon, and a QL3 Blue Weapon Assembling kit will make a QL3 blue weapon.

The Assembling kit also indicates what quality of components must be used:

QL 1 kits: Base materials
QL 2-3 kits: Imperfect materials
QL 4-6 kits: Normal materials
QL 7-8 kits: Sacred materials
QL 9-10 kits: Pure materials

Assembling kits are:

– Weapons Assembling kits, QL 1-10, green to purple: to make any weapon; usually drops form mobs
– Talismans Assembling kits, QL 1-10, green to (?) purple: to make any kind of talisman
– Consumable Assembling kits, QL 1-10, green: to make “potions” of various kinds; sold by some Council of Venice NPC’s, drops from mobs
– Glyph Assembling kits, no QL, no color: to make any glyph

Weapons making

All weapons use only metal.

All weapons use 7 metal clumps

The quality and color of the weapon is determined only by the Weapon Assembling kit (see Assembling kits section above)

The quality of the metal to use is determined by the Weapon Assembling kit (see Assembling kits section above):

QL 1 kits: Base materials
QL 2-3 kits: Imperfect materials
QL 4-6 kits: Normal materials
QL 7-8 kits: Sacred materials
QL 9-10 kits: Pure materials

To make a weapon:

– Place the 7 pieces of metal of the right quality in the grid of the Assemble window
– Form the pattern (shape) corresponding to the weapon you want (see just below)
– When the pattern is right, the Tool slot lights up
– Place the Weapon Assembling kit in the Tool slot
– The result is previewed in the result slot, move your mouse above it to see the characteristics
– If all if OK, press the assemble button

Patterns for weapons:

Assault Rifle    Blood:         Blade          
[x][x][x][x][x] [x][ ][x][ ][ ] [ ][x][ ][ ][ ]
[x][ ][x][ ][ ] [x][x][x][ ][ ] [x][x][x][x][x]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [x][ ][x][ ][ ] [ ][x][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Chaos           Elemental       Fist (Claw)
[ ][x][x][ ][ ] [ ][x][ ][ ][ ] [ ][x][x][x][ ]
[x][x][x][ ][ ] [x][x][x][ ][ ] [x][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[x][x][ ][ ][ ] [ ][x][ ][ ][ ] [ ][x][x][x][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [x][ ][x][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Hammer          Pistol       
[ ][ ][ ][ ][x] [x][x][x][x][ ]
[x][x][x][x][x] [x][x][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][x] [x][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Talismans making

Talismans use Fire, Dust, or Water

Talismans use different numbers of elements to be made:

12 for Head talismans
10 for Neck and Belt
8 for all others

The quality and color of the Talisman is determined only by the Talisman Assembling kit (see Assembling kits section above)

The quality of the elements to use is determined by the Talisman Assembling kit (see Assembling kits section above)

QL 1 kits: Base materials
QL 2-3 kits: Imperfect materials
QL 4-6 kits: Normal materials
QL 7-8 kits: Sacred materials
QL 9-10 kits: Pure materials

The role of the Talisman is determined by the material used

– Fire: makes “Offensive/DPS” Talismans (damage/attack focused + small lifepoints)
– Dust: makes “Healing” Talismans (healing bonus focused + small lifepoints)
– Water: makes “Tanking” Talismans (protection focused + high lifepoints)

To make a talisman:

– Place the 8 or 10/ or 12 elements of the right type and quality in the grid of the Assemble window
– Form the pattern (shape) corresponding to the talisman you want (see just below)
– When the pattern is right, the Tool slot lights up
– Place the Talisman Assembling kit in the Tool slot
– The result is previewed in the result slot, move your mouse above it to see the characteristics
– If all if OK, press the assemble button

Patterns for talismans

[ ][x][x][ ][ ] 
[x][x][x][x][ ] 
[x][x][x][x][ ] 
[ ][x][x][ ][ ] 

Neck            Belt
[x][x][x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][x][ ][ ] [x][x][x][x][x]
[ ][x][x][x][ ] [x][x][x][x][x]
[ ][ ][x][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Finger          Wrist
[ ][x][x][ ][ ] [ ][ ][x][x][ ]  
[x][ ][ ][x][ ] [ ][x][ ][x][ ]  
[x][ ][ ][x][ ] [x][ ][x][ ][ ]  
[ ][x][x][ ][ ] [x][x][ ][ ][ ]  

Occult            Luck
[ ][ ][x][ ][ ] [x][x][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][x][x][x][ ] [x][x][ ][ ][ ]
[x][x][x][ ][ ] [ ][ ][x][x][ ]
[ ][x][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][x][x][ ]

Edit: fixed a error with Occult and Luck that were inverted

Potions making

All Potions use 8 elements and the same pattern (a bottle shape)

The quality of the elements to use is determined by the Consumable Assembling kit (see Assembling kits section above)

QL 1 kits: Base materials
QL 2-3 kits: Imperfect materials
QL 4-6 kits: Normal materials
QL 7-8 kits: Sacred materials
QL 9-10 kits: Pure materials

Consumable Assembling kits are sold by some Council of Venice vendors; they can also drop from mobs

Potions use different elements depending on the potion wanted:

Elements can’t be combined and must all be of the same kind (you can’t make a potion giving evades + leech, for example)
– Fire: Energy Drink Leech
– Metal: Energy Drink Barrier
– Trinity: Anima Penetration Rating
– Yggdarsil Rune: Anima Evade Rating
– Water: Energy Drink HOT
– Wheel: Anima Hit Rating
(There might be other combinations but they are not known yet)

To make a potion:

– Place the 8 elements of the right type and quality in the grid of the Assemble window
– Form the bottle pattern (shape)
– When the pattern is formed, the Tool slot lights up
– Place the Consumable Assembling kit in the Tool slot
– The result is previewed in the result slot, move your mouse above it to see the characteristics
– If all if OK, press the assemble button

Pattern for potions (only one)

[ ][x][ ][ ][ ]
[x][ ][x][ ][ ]
[x][ ][x][ ][ ]
[x][x][x][ ][ ]

Glyphs making

Glyphs form the “Prefix” of an item (for example “Resilient ring”) and add a bonus to the item

The bonus given to the item depends on the QL of the item: the same glyph gives more to a higher item

Glyphs have only color (rarity), no QL, and can be added to items of any QL with a glyph slot

Glyphs can only be added to items that have a glyph slot open or items that already have a glyph installed. In this case the new glyph will destroy the old one.

There is no way to remove a glyph or signet from a weapon.

If a item with glyph is disassembled, you don’t get back the elements used for the glyph.

All glyphs use 4 runes in a same “cross” pattern

The color (rarity) of the glyph is determined only by the Glyph Assembling kit (see Assembling kits section above)

The quality of the runes to use is determined by the Glyph Assembling kit (see Assembling kits section above)

QL 1 kits: Base materials
QL 2-3 kits: Imperfect materials
QL 4-6 kits: Normal materials
QL 7-8 kits: Sacred materials
QL 9-10 kits: Pure materials

Runes are divided in offensive and defensive runes.

Offensive Runes

– Denkyem Rune: gives critical damage
– Lu Rune: gives critical rating
– Trinity Rune: gives penetration rating
– Wheel Rune: gives hit rating

Defensive Runes

– Earth Rune: gives block rating
– Koru Rune: gives physical protection
– Pentagram Rune: gives magical protection
– Wedjat Rune: gives defense rating
– Yggdrasil Rune: gives evade rating

Runes can be combined to make glyphs BUT offensive and defensive runes can’t be combined in the same glyph.
For example, you can combine Lu and Trinity (offensive), or Earth and Pentagram (defensive) but NOT Earth and Trinity (defensive and offensive)

If you use a 2+2 runes combination (for example 2 Lu and 2 Denkyem), it will create a glyph giving roughly balanced statistics for the effect of each rune (at least what the game considers balanced).

If you use a 3+1 combination, the effect provided by the 3 runes will be the major one.

The name of the glyph seems to be only based on the two kinds of runes used and NOT on the proportions used.
So a 2+2 combination will hve the same named as a 3+1 combination of the same kinds of rules.
But the tooltip of the Glyph will mention “moderate” additions for the two statistics added in the first case, and respectively “major” and “minor” additions in the second case.

To make a glyph:

– Place the 4 runes (4, 2+2, 3+1) of the right type(s) and quality in the grid of the Assemble window
– Form the cross pattern (shape)
– When the pattern is formed, the Tool slot lights up
– Place the Glyph Assembling kit in the Tool slot
– The result is previewed in the result slot, move your mouse above it to see the characteristics
– If all if OK, press the assemble button

Pattern for glyphs (only one):

[ ][x][ ][ ][ ]
[x][ ][x][ ][ ]
[ ][ x][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Known combination of runes and name of the resulting glyph

Defensive Glyphs:
4x Earth (Block rating) : Solid
4x Koru (Physical protection) : Steadfast
4x Pentagram (Magical protection) : Warding
4x Wedjat (Defense rating) : Stalwart
4x Yggdrasil (Evade rating) : Fleeting

2+2 (& also 3+1) Earth (Block rating) + Koru (Physical protection) : Vigorous
2+2 (& also 3+1) Earth (Block rating) + Pentagram (Magical protection) : Pure
2+2 (& also 3+1) Earth (Block rating) + Wedjat (Defense rating) : Valorous
2+2 (& also 3+1) Earth (Block rating) + Yggdrasil (Evade rating) : Ardent

2+2 (& also 3+1) Koru (Physical protection) + Earth (Block rating) : Vigorous
2+2 (& also 3+1) Koru (Physical protection) + Pentagram (Magical protection) : Attuned
2+2 (& also 3+1) Koru (Physical protection) + Wedjat (Defense rating) : Rugged
2+2 (& also 3+1) Koru (Physical protection) + Yggdrasil (Evade rating) : Fearless

2+2 (& also 3+1) Pentagram (Magical protection) + Earth (Block rating) : Pure
2+2 (& also 3+1) Pentagram (Magical protection) + Koru (Physical protection) : Attuned
2+2 (& also 3+1) Pentagram (Magical protection) + Wedjat (Defense rating) : Enchanted
2+2 (& also 3+1) Pentagram (Magical protection) + Yggdrasil (Evade rating) : Elusive

2+2 (& also 3+1) Wedjat (Defense rating) + Earth (Block rating) : Valorous
2+2 (& also 3+1) Wedjat (Defense rating) + Koru (Physical protection) : Rugged
2+2 (& also 3+1) Wedjat (Defense rating) + Pentagram (Magical protection) : Enchanted
2+2 (& also 3+1) Wedjat (Defense rating) + Yggdrasil (Evade rating) : Resilient

2+2 (& also 3+1) Yggdrasil (Evade rating) + Earth (Block rating) : Ardent
2+2 (& also 3+1) Yggdrasil (Evade rating) + Koru (Physical protection) : Fearless
2+2 (& also 3+1) Yggdrasil (Evade rating) + Pentagram (Magical protection) : Elusive
2+2 (& also 3+1) Yggdrasil (Evade rating) + Wedjat (Defense rating) : Resilient

Offensive Glyphs

]4x Denkyem (Critical damage) : Ferocious
4x Lu (Critical rating) : Brutal
4x Trinity (Penetration rating) : Piercing
4x Wheel (Hit rating)) : Accurate

2+2 (& also 3+1) Lu (Critical rating) + Denkyem (Critical damage) : Focused
2+2 (& also 3+1) Lu (Critical rating) + Trinity (Penetration rating) : Fierce
2+2 (& also 3+1) Lu (Critical rating) + Wheel (Hit rating))= Ruthless

2+2 (& also 3+1) Denkyem (Critical damage) + Lu (Critical rating) : Focused
2+2 (& also 3+1) Denkyem (Critical damage) + Trinity (Penetration rating) : Savage
2+2 (& also 3+1) Denkyem (Critical damage) + Wheel (Hit rating)) : Devastating

2+2 (& also 3+1) Trinity (Penetration rating) + Denkyem (Critical damage) : Savage
2+2 (& also 3+1) Trinity (Penetration rating) + Lu (Critical rating) : Fierce
2+2 (& also 3+1) Trinity (Penetration rating) + Wheel (Hit rating)) : Ravaging

2+2 (& also 3+1) Wheel (Hit rating)) + Denkyem (Critical damage) : Devastating
2+2 (& also 3+1) Wheel (Hit rating)) + Lu (Critical rating) : Ruthless
2+2 (& also 3+1) Wheel (Hit rating)) + Trinity (Penetration rating) : Ravaging

Adding a glyph to an item

Glyphs can only be added to items that have a glyph slot open or items that already have a glyph installed. In this case the new glyph will destroy the old one.

There is no way to remove a glyph or signet from a weapon.

If a item with glyph is disassembled, you don’t get back the elements used for the glyph.

To add a glyph to an item

– open the Assemble window with the “y” key
– put both the item and the glyph in the assemble grid
– no tools is required
– The result is previewed in the result slot, move your mouse above it to see the characteristics
– If all if OK, press the assemble button

Signets making (?)

Signets are the “suffix” of an item. They drop from hard mobs in specific areas.
So far it doesn’t seem signets can be crafted.
They can be added to items if items have a signet slot.
They are added the same way as glyphs are.

Signets addition by Yahweh

Yahweh posted a wonderful contribution about Signets. Here it is.

Information not confirmed yet and suppositions have a question mark (?) next to it, if not clarified in accompanying text.

Signet of –

Offensive Signets


Flux – Your Elemental attacks deal an additional N% damage. This Signet can be attached to Minor Talismans.

Distortion – Your Chaos attacks deal an additional N% damage. This Signet can be attached to Minor Talismans.

Liquidation – Your Pistol attacks deal an additional N% damage. This Signet can be attached to Minor Talismans.

Execution – Your Assault Rifle attacks deal an additional N% damage. This Signet can be attached to Minor Talismans.

Tomes – Your Blood attacks deal an additional N% damage. This Signet can be attached to Minor Talismans.

Serration – Your Fist attacks deal an additional N% damage. This Signet can be attached to Minor Talismans.

Swords – Your Blade attacks deal an additional N% damage. This Signet can be attached to Minor Talismans.

Shattering – Your Hammer attacks deal an additional N% damage. This Signet can be attached to Minor Talismans.

Shards – Your Shotgun attacks deal an additional N% damage. This Signet can be attached to Minor Talismans.


Assassination – Your Strike attacks deal an additional N% damage. This Signet can be attached to Minor Talismans.

Barrage – Your Blast attacks deal an additional N% damage. This Signet can be attached to Minor Talismans.

Storms – Your Burst attacks deal an additional N% damage. This Signet can be attached to Minor Talismans.

Recursion – Your Chain attacks deal an additional N% damage. This Signet can be attached to Minor Talismans.

Rage – Your Frenzy attacks deal an additional N% damage. This Signet can be attached to Minor Talismans.

Cleaving – Your Focus attacks deal an additional N% damage. This Signet can be attached to Minor Talismans.

N% = Color/Rarity type
Green = 1%
Blue = 2%
Purple = 3% (?)


Subjugation – When you land a critical or penetrating hit you reduce your offensive target’s hate towards you by a (variable) amount. 15 second cooldown. This Signet can be attached to Minor Talismans.

Variable = Color/Rarity type
Green = small
Blue = medium
Purple = moderate (?)

Sadism – When you hit a target you have a 10% chance to hit them for an addition N damage. This Signet can be attached to Head Talismans or Weapons.

N = Color/Rarity type
Green = 80
Blue = 158
Purple = 312 (?)

Abuse – When you hit a target you have a 10% chance to gain a damage increase of N% for 5 seconds. 11 second cooldown. This Signet can be attached to Head Talismans or Weapons.

N% = Color/Rarity type
Green = 7%
Blue = 14%
Purple = 28% (?)

Obedience – When you hit an impaired target you gain increased damage of N% per stack for 5 seconds, up to 3 stacks. This Signet can be attached to Head Talismans or Weapons.

N% = Color/Rarity type
Green = 1%
Blue = 2%
Purple = 3% (?)
19 Offensive Signets: 9 – Weapon Based, 6 – Attack Type Based , 4 – Proc Based

Defensive Signets


Ablation – When your health is below 50% the next 5 hits against you do N% less damage. 12 second cooldown. This Signet can be attached to Minor Talismans.

N% = Color/Rarity type
Green = 9%
Blue = 17%
Purple = 33% (?)

Rejuvenation – When your health is below 50% you are healed for N and affected by a heal over times healing you for every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. 12 second cooldown. This Signet can be attached to Minor Talismans.

N + = Color/Rarity Type

Green = 50 and 19
Blue = 98 and 36 (?)
Purple = 184 and 70 (?)

Fortification – When your health is below 50% you gain a barrier that will absorb up to N damage in 10 seconds. 12 second cooldown. This Signet can be attached to Minor Talismans.

N = Color/Rarity type

Green = 126
Blue = 249 (?)
Purple = 484 (?)


Salvation – When you block, evade or are glanced you gain N% damage reduction for 5 seconds. 6 second cooldown. This Signet can be attached to Minor Talismans.

N% = Color/Rarity type
Green = 2%
Blue = 4%
Purple = 6% (?)

Hatred – When you block, evade or are glanced you generate a (variable) amount of hate on your offensive target. 6 second cooldown. This Signet can be attached to Minor Talismans.

Variable = Color/Rarity type

= small
Blue = medium
Purple = moderate (?)
5 Defensive Signets: 3 – Health Based, 2 – Proc Based

Healing Signets


Harmony – Your Healing effects are increased by N%. This Signet can be attached to Minor Talismans.

Security – Your Barrier effects are increased by N%. This Signet can be attached to Minor Talismans.

Hunger – Your Leech effects are increased by N%. This Signet can be attached to Minor Talismans.

N% = Color/Rarity type
Green = 1%
Blue = 2%
Purple = 3% (?)


Thirst – When you critically heal a target they gain a N% leech effect for 5 seconds. 15 seconds cooldown. This Signet can be attached to Minor Talismans.

N% = Color/Rarity type
Green = 5%
Blue = 10%
Purple = 20% (?)

Equilibrium – When you critically heal a target they gain a N% damage increase for 5 seconds. 15 seconds cooldown. This Signet can be attached to Minor Talismans.

N% = Color/Rarity type
Green = 5%
Blue = 10%
Purple = 20% (?)

Echoes – When you critically heal a target they gain a heal over time effect, healing them for N every 1 second for 5 seconds. This Signet can be attached to Minor Talismans.

N = Color/Rarity type
Green = 7
Blue = 13 (?)
Purple = 25 (?)

Serenity – When you critically heal a target you reduce your offensive target’s hate towards you by a (variable) amount. 15 second cooldown. This Signet can be attached to Minor Talismans.

Variable = Color/Rarity type
Green = small
Blue = medium
Purple = moderate (?)
7 Healing Signets: 3 – Ability Based , 4 – Proc Based

Refining Signets:

Signets drop at the Green (uncommon) level from QL10+ mobs (mainly found in lairs, Transylvania and elite/nightmare dungeons) and can be refined via the crafting assembly to the Blue (superior) level and theoretically (haven’t farmed enough yet to test) into Purple (epic) level. In order to refine ANY signet you must use the same type of signet.

Green x 10 = Blue x1 (tested)
Blue x 10(?) = Purple x 1 (theorized from current build functionality)
Blue x 5(?) = Purple x 1 (theorized from forum posts regarding signet behavior in beta)

Temporary addition (thanks to SoSerious22):

“Gadgets” (Timed Powerups) making

Gadgets are Timed Powerups or “Trinkets” changing one of your stats for a short duration (like 20 seconds)

Gadgets seem to use the same elements as the “potions” + a gadget toolkit.

Gadget toolkits drops from mobs.

The pattern to make Gadgets is:

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] 
[ ][x][x][x][ ] 
[ ][x][x][x][ ] 
[ ][ ][x][ ][ ]

SoSerious22 reports he could make:

Stimulant Health: using 7 “Normal” Water= +250 HP for 20 Seconds, 2 minutes cooldown.

Stimulant Attack Rating: using 7 “Normal” Fire= +45 Attack Rating for 20 Seconds. 2 minute cooldown

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