The Secret World Chat Commands and GUI Guide

The Secret World Chat Commands and GUI Guide by Ariensky Crowley

As with other Funcom games, features can be accessed in two ways:
Chat-commands or GUI
There are a lot of things I could not find in the GUI, but they are there in the form of commands.
If you have found them as GUI-elements, you are very welcomed to reply in this thread, so it can be added.

How To:

If you are near the person:
Click him/her and right-click the box with his/her healthbar and choose invite to group.

If you see someone talking in the chat, you can invite the person by right-clicking the name.


Chat command:
/invite NAME

You can befriend a person in the same way you team up with them.

If you want to befriend someone not next to you, the command is:
/friend add NAME

To check if your friends are online:
Shift-F opens social panel (friends/cabal/ignored lists)

Click in the input-field of the chat, then click [tab] for a list of available channels.
When you see others talking, you can also click the channel name [in the brackets] to select that channel.

To show an item Ctrl-Right-click it in the inventory.

Edit Chat-windows
You can drag and drop them to be either tabs as you know them from browsers, or individual windows.
Right-click and choose detatch

To add or remove channels/system messages from a window:
Right-click and choose “subscribe to”, then select the information/channel you want from the sub-menus.
There is a V in front of those active in the window.

A section on private channels (more advanced stuff) comes later in the post

Get unstuck
1) Type this in the chat-window:

2) Use the device that takes you to Agartha

3) Log out and in again

If none of this helps:
4) Type this in the chat-window:
/petition I am stuck, please help me. I have tried /stuck, logging in and out as well as the Agartha recall device

Sure you can do it shorter, but typing all this will let the GM know you have tried on your own

Make a Guild(Cabal)
The lore states it is called “Cabal”, but the commands ingame calls it guild.

/help Cabal
Will give you the commands, enabling you to make a guild, promote and demote people.
It will give you your own Guild channel in a separate tab as well.
When you log on you will get a MoTD (Message of The Day)

/cabal (create guildname) | (rename newname) | (invite [name]) | promote | demote | remove | leave | (sendmoney amount) | (withdrawmoney amount) | message

The command to making the Cabal works, but I was unable to invite new members, neither through the GUI (Shift-F) or the command.

Again commands:

/emote [tab]
That will give you a complete list of emotes, select one of then and hit [enter] They are quite nicely made and there are many to choose from.

Gives you the parameters for commands.
As in the example of /help guild

Changing gear fast (semi-advanced)

Macro (clicking)red text is skipable/optional/advanced
Open the macro window by typing this in the chat:
/option chat_macro_window true

(Advanced: in the “The Secret World” folder, make a new folder called “Scripts”, open Notepad (Windowskey+R type notepad) and write:
/option chat_macro_window true
Save it in teh scripts folder as call it macro.txt and close it.
In TSW write:
That will open the macro window then.
More advanced: remove .txt from the name, then you avoid to write it in TSW as well)

You will get the window on the left in this image:

By clicking the NEW button, you get the window on the right.

There you can type:
/gearmanager use BUILDNAME
(You can see your build names by tying:
/gearmanager list)

Give it whatever name you want and it will appear in the macro window:

You can now click those to execute them, hence changing builds fast.

Aliases (typing), semi-advanced
Combining two things:

here is an example, then I will explain how:
/gearmanager list
::gives the following::
List of gear builds:

/gearmanager use ElementaBlood
::changes to that setup instantly::

/gearmanager use BloodGun
::changes to that setup instantly::

/alias Gun gearmanager use BloodGun
Makes “/Gun” do the same

/alias Ele gearmanager use ElementaBlood
Shortens the other setup as well

Now all I have to do to change is:

/alias shortName gearmanager use LOOOOOOOOOOOOONGbuildName

then typing:
will change to the build LOOOOOOOOOOOOONGbuildName

as for the full extend:
/alias [aliasname [command {parameters}]]
alias: You can use this command to create ‘aliases’ to existing commands, and even fix some of the parameters.
If you don’t enter any parameter, all of your aliases will be listed. If you enter one parameter, the provided
alias will be deleted. Otherwise, a new alias to the provided command and its parameters will be registered.

/gearmanager (save name) | (delete name) | (rename oldname newname) | (use name) | list
gearmanager: This command will let you save, rename, delete and use a gear build.

You can manage/change the same things pressing “C” and choosing the gear manager.

Infoview (clicking), advanced
I don’t have a screenshot of this, but trust me, it works:
In the red before we made a file in the “Scripts” folder.
We are going to do that again, but with more text this time.
(this code below is for understanding, it does -NOT- work, use the code lower in the post)

[Makes it text only you can see. As tells are limited to 420 characters, you need to be sure it is less if you want to remove /text, to show it to others, eg if they inform you of their build names you could make an infoview they are able to use.. I would recommend only having 3 or 4 then, to be sure of that. this script is 388, but the variables %1, %2 etc. will expand to what your input is]

[starts the link for the chat, and starts building the text of the infoview we use a " to encapsulate it all]
[Makes a link that will execute (chatcmd://) the code in the chat newline (n) can be used to execute multiple commands here ' is used. if you want an infview to close as people click it: (n /close infoview) will do that]

[line space so you do not accidently click the wrong one]




">My builds
[Puts in the closing " and names what the link should be called in the chat]

This is the code compressed, and working
It all needs to be in one line:





%5">My builds

save the file as eg. “Builds”
and in the game type:
Replace BUILDNAME1 etc. with your build names.
(You can see your build names by tying:
/gearmanager list)
Then you will get a window (technical term: infoview) where you get 4 links you can click on, that will load the builds you have specified.

A very nice feature in Funcom games

Non-emote commands, by topic:

Basic Communication
/tell charactername message
tell: This command will send a private message to a character.
(same as /t & /whisper & /w)

/reply replymessage
reply: This command will reply your message to the last whipser/tell the player got.
(same as /r)

/me message
me: With this command you can say something as if your character is saying it.

Friends & teaming

/friend (add [playername]) | (remove [playername])
friend: Add the given character to your friends list.
(Shift-F to see who is online)

/invite [playername]
invite: This command will invite your target or the character you specify by name to your group.

/ignore [playername]
ignore: This command will put your target or the character you specify by name on the ignore list.

/who playername
who: This command will give you information about a character.
Meaning: What region they are in.

/raid create | message
raid: This command lets you talk to your raid.
(same as /ra)

/raidinvite [playername]
raidinvite: This command will invite your target or the character you specify by name to your raid.
(same as /invitetoraid)

Useful commands

follow: Follow the targeted character.

/afk [status] | [afkmessage]
afk: This command allows you to go into ‘afk’ mode with an afk message the player can provide. If another player is telling something he will get an automatic reply with the players afk message.

camp: This command will take you back to the character selection screen.

quit: This command will bring you back to the login screen.

bugreport: This command will open the bug report window so a user can report a bug.

petition: This command will create a petition for the user.
Used to contact GMs

stuck: This command will move the character out of his miserable position

/help [command]
help: This command will either give you information on one specific command or list all available commands if called without a parameter.

played: This command will show you the cumulated duration for which your character has been played.

born: This command will retrieve the character’s birth date.


sit: Your character will sit down.

stand: This command will let your character stand up.

Advanced Communication & Raiding

/cabal (create guildname) | (rename newname) | (invite [name]) | promote | demote | remove | leave | (sendmoney amount) | (withdrawmoney amount) | message
cabal: Command for creating, managing, leaving or disbanding a cabal
(Same as /guild)

Deaf: This command toggles Deaf. If you are deaf you will only receive messages from people in your friends list.

/chat (join Channel [Password]) | (leave [Channel]) | (chatlist [Channel]) | (ban Channel playername) | (unban Channel playername) | (topic [Channel] [topic]) | (deop Channel playername) | (op Channel playername) | (mute Channel playername) | (unmute Channel playername) | (kick Channel playername [comment]) | (password Channel (remove password) | password) | (mode Channel mode [optional])
chat: Command for manipulating the custom chat channels

/logcombat booleanparameter
logcombat: This command will enable/disable combat logging.
(/logcombat 1 or /logcombat TRUE)

/say message
say: This command will let you say a message to the players in your vicinity.
(same as /v)

/shout message
shout: This command will let you shout your message to other players.
(same as /s)

/group message
group: This command will let you send a message to your current group.
(same as /g)

/guildsay message
guildsay: This command will tell your message to your guild.
(same as /gu)

/ch channel
ch: This will set the output channel to the selected channel.

/chsay channel message
chsay: This command will let you write to a channel you specifiy.

Advanced / Scripting Commands

/gearmanager (save name) | (delete name) | (rename oldname newname) | (use name) | list
gearmanager: This command will let you save, rename, delete and use a gear build.

/alias [aliasname [command {parameters}]]
alias: You can use this command to create ‘aliases’ to existing commands, and even fix some of the parameters.
If you don’t enter any parameter, all of your aliases will be listed. If you enter one parameter, the provided
alias will be deleted. Otherwise, a new alias to the provided command and its parameters will be registered.

selectself: This command will select yourself as target.

/option optionname [value]
option: Queries or sets a game option, but does not print the changed value.

/setoption optionname [value]
setoption: Queries or sets a game option.

/target playername
target: Target the provided player.

/text textmessage
text: This command will print your message in chat.
No one else will be able to see it.

/loadclip flashfilepath
loadclip: Loads a new Flash file.

/unloadclip flashfilepath
unloadclip: Unloads a Flash file.

/reloadclip flashfilepath
reloadclip: Reloads a Flash file.

reloadui: Reloads the User Interface resources.

/reloadhotkeys [reset]
reloadhotkeys: Reloads your hotkey settings.

claim: This command will open the claim window.

If you in a folder named “Scripts” in the main TSW folder make a make a file called:
Hi %1, lovely to see you again

Then in the game you can write:
/Greetings Crowley

and it will write:
Hi Crowley, lovely to see you again

%1 %2 etc. goes up to at least 40 (as far as I have tested)
%0 is the scripts own name.

You can call other scripts in your scripts.
You can colour the text:

I like


You can make information boxes for people:

and also execute commands via those informationboxes:

Click Me!">Open Me!

If the above is called click, then:
/Click /tell Crowley Nice script you made there!!
Then everyone doubble-clicking the Click Me! will send a message to me.

A more useful thing:
/Click /chat join Lovechannel 1337
for an easy way to invite your friends into a channel.

In other Funcom MMOs %t would stand in for target, meaning the person you have selected, including friendly targets.
This does not work at the moment.

also the commands:
and /start do not work in TSW

Unknown commands

gpview: Commands to control and check the status of the gameplay preview feature.

hide: This command will put the character into hide state.
obviously does not work

/cc servercommand
cc: Sends a command to the chat server. Try “/cc help” for a list of available server commands.
(not working)

Non-emote commands, alphabetical order:

/afk [status] | [afkmessage]
afk: This command allows you to go into ‘afk’ mode with an afk message the player can provide. If another player is telling something he will get an automatic reply with the players afk message.

/alias [aliasname [command {parameters}]]
alias: You can use this command to create ‘aliases’ to existing commands, and even fix some of the parameters.
If you don’t enter any parameter, all of your aliases will be listed. If you enter one parameter, the provided
alias will be deleted. Otherwise, a new alias to the provided command and its parameters will be registered.

born: This command will retrieve the character’s birth date.

bugreport: This command will open the bug report window so a user can report a bug.

/cabal (create guildname) | (rename newname) | (invite [name]) | promote | demote | remove | leave | (sendmoney amount) | (withdrawmoney amount) | message

cabal: Command for creating, managing, leaving or disbanding a cabal
(Same as /guild)

camp: This command will take you back to the character selection screen.

/cc servercommand
cc: Sends a command to the chat server. Try “/cc help” for a list of available server commands.
(not working)

/ch channel
ch: This will set the output channel to the selected channel.

/chat (join Channel [Password]) | (leave [Channel]) | (chatlist [Channel]) | (ban Channel playername) | (unban Channel playername) | (topic [Channel] [topic]) | (deop Channel playername) | (op Channel playername) | (mute Channel playername) | (unmute Channel playername) | (kick Channel playername [comment]) | (password Channel (remove password) | password) | (mode Channel mode [optional])

chat: Command for manipulating the custom chat channels

/chsay channel message
chsay: This command will let you write to a channel you specifiy.

claim: This command will open the claim window.

Deaf: This command toggles Deaf. If you are deaf you will only receive messages from people in your friends list.

follow: Follow the targeted character.

/friend (add [playername]) | (remove [playername])
friend: Add the given character to your friends list.


/g message
g: This command will let you talk to your group.

/gearmanager (save name) | (delete name) | (rename oldname newname) | (use name) | list
gearmanager: This command will let you save, rename, delete and use a gear build.

gpview: Commands to control and check the status of the gameplay preview feature.

/group message
group: This command will let you send a message to your current group.

/gu message
gu: This command will tell your message to the guild.

/guild (create guildname) | (rename newname) | (invite [name]) | promote | demote | remove | leave | (sendmoney amount) | (withdrawmoney amount) | message
guild: This command will give you access to some of the guild functions.

guild: This command will give you access to some of the guild functions.

/guildsay message
guildsay: This command will tell your message to your guild.

/help [command]
help: This command will either give you information on one specific command or list all available commands if called without a parameter.

hide: This command will put the character into hide state.
obviously does not work

/ignore [playername]
ignore: This command will put your target or the character you specify by name on the ignore list.

/invite [playername]
invite: This command will invite your target or the character you specify by name to your group.

/invitetoraid [playername]
invitetoraid: This command will invite your target or the character you specify by name to your raid.

/loadclip flashfilepath
loadclip: Loads a new Flash file.

/logcombat booleanparameter
logcombat: This command will enable/disable combat logging.

/me message
me: With this command you can say something as if your character is saying it.

/option optionname [value]
option: Queries or sets a game option, but does not print the changed value.

petition: This command will create a petition for the user.

played: This command will show you the cumulated duration for which your character has been played.

quit: This command will bring you back to the login screen.

/r replymessage
r: This will let you reply to your last received private message.
(same as /reply)

/ra create | message
ra: This command will let you talk to your raid.

/raid create | message
raid: This command lets you talk to your raid.

/raidinvite [playername]
raidinvite: This command will invite your target or the character you specify by name to your raid.

/reloadclip flashfilepath
reloadclip: Reloads a Flash file.

/reloadhotkeys [reset]
reloadhotkeys: Reloads your hotkey settings.

reloadui: Reloads the User Interface resources.

/reply replymessage
reply: This command will reply your message to the last whipser/tell the player got.
(same as /r)

/s message
s: This will let you shout a message to players in your vicinity.
(same as /shout)

/say message
say: This command will let you say a message to the players in your vicinity.
(same as /v)

selectself: This command will select yourself as target.

/setoption optionname [value]
setoption: Queries or sets a game option.

/shout message
shout: This command will let you shout your message to other players.
(same as /s)

sit: Your character will sit down.

stand: This command will let your character stand up.

stuck: This command will move the character out of his miserable position

/t charactername message
t: This command will send a private message to another character.
(same as /tell & /whisper & /w)

/target playername
target: Target the provided player.

/tell charactername message
tell: This command will send a private message to a character.
(same as /t & /whisper & /w)

/text textmessage
text: This command will print your message in chat.
No one else will be able to see it.

/unloadclip flashfilepath
unloadclip: Unloads a Flash file.

/v message
v: This will let you say a message to players in your vicinity.
(same as /say)

/w charactername message
w: This command will send a private message to another character.
(same as /tell & /t & /whisper)

/whisper charactername message
whisper: This command will send a private message to another character.
(same as /tell & /t & /w)

/who playername
who: This command will give you information about a character.
Meaning: What region they are in.

The list
/ [tab]
will give you a long list, here it is:

/born When your character was made
/camp log out
/ch used to choose a channel to speak to
/Emote_Headstand Looks very amarureish
/Emote_Scared_protecthead Note: first letter is not capital
/emote_use_ground Note: not capitalised letters
/Emote_wounded_sprawled_getup Note: not capitalised letters
/follow priceless command. Lets you follow people you have selected.
/me /me smiles becomes: [Character name] smiles
/petition Writing complaints to GMs
/played How long you have played this game, also shows time
/quit Faster logout than /camp
/r reply to the last tell-message you got
/scratch_head Note: the emote is: /Emote_Scratch_Hair
/selectself very usefull command, F1 does teh same
/setoption a very useful tool for scripting custom GUIs
/stuck if you ever get stuck, try using this one
/Threaten_emote Note: capital letter
/whisper an “alias” for /tell
265, many of them duplicates being there 2-3 times.

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