TERA Online Mystic Guide
TERA Online Mystic Guide by Karyudo
The following guide was put together to inform people on the mystic class so they can make an educated decision if they would like to play the class. The Main questions most people have in regards to the Mystic class are in regards to how they compare to Priests, for questions/information regarding this please refer here: Priest VS Mystic Comparison Guide The overall answer is both perform the same role of “Main/Solo” healer for parties in different ways and are 100% interchangeable with one another.
The Mystic:
What is the Mystic? To put simply Mystics are a highly mobile jack of all trades support character. We have enough heals to support solo healing a party through all content. We have buffs to make clearing content both faster and more efficient. We have the CC to lockdown enemies (including bosses) for long periods of time. Our teleport and glyphs relating to it also make us incredibly mobile and hard to pin down in PvP. Also while we do have pets they are not a main focus of the class and aside from the Fairy (which is used as a self heal) you probably wont find yourself using the pets often. If your looking for a pet class my answer would be Tera does not have one despite the mystic having some.
Mystic Videos:
Mystic PoV Terror Labyrinth (Hard Mode):
The following is a breakdown of the Skills available to Mystic’s I have arranged them into categories not by level gained, you can find them in order by level here All Skill descriptions are based on the max level of the skill.
I. Heals/Cures
II. Buffs
IV. Crowd Control and Debuffs
V. Evades/Utility
VI. Damage
I have Rated the associated glyphs as follows:
Blue:Awesome Glyph, Must have for Any Build
Green:Good Glyph
* Indicates that this is a Master Glyph. Its effects are acquired from the Training Camp dungeon; it is not available at the basic trainer.
I. Heals/Cures
[Arun’s Vitae|Cast Time: 1.3|Cooldown: 5sec|MP:400|Heal:1826×7 Ticks]
[Levels obtained: 1,6,12,18,24,30,36,42,48,54]
Description: Gather Arunic power to create a mote that restores 1826 HP every second for 7 seconds and removes all harmful effects.
[3]Glyph of Acceleration [Arun’s Tears]:Increases casting speed by 25% for the next chain skill: Arun’s Tears.
-Cures on every heal tick
-Amount Healed is static
-Supplementary Heal pre-cast during healing down time
-Can be used as a self heal when Fairy is down or damage taken is minimal
-Glyph not recommended as there is no need to cast Arun’s Tears Faster.
-Aggro is generated when orbs are created, no aggro is generated on use.
[Thrall of Life|Cast Time: Instant|Cooldown: 35 Sec|MP:875|Heal:N/A]
[Levels obtained: 16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44,48,52,56]
Description: Summons a Thrall of Life that periodically heals you and removes all harmful effects. Lasts 12 sec or until death.
[5]Glyph of Energy: Cooldown time decreases by 20% (28s)
*[2]Glyph of Energy: Cooldown time decreases by 20% (28s)
[2]Glyph of Grounding: Increases defense of summoned creature by 100%
-Primary Burst Self heal
-Small range aoe heals (need to be almost on top of party members for them to be healed)
-Spam heals until death, fewer heals cast depending how much you force fairy to move
-All Heal casts also Cure
-Amount healed can only be altered by +heal received equipment
[Arun’s Cleansing Touch|Cast Time: Instant|Cooldown: 2.5 Sec|MP:125|Heal:N/A]
[Levels obtained: 16]
Description: Purge all harmful effects from your allies. Lock on up to 2 group members within 19m, then press the skill button again to purge all targets.
[4]Glyph of Multiplication: Increases Number of lock-on targets by 1
*[3]Glyph of Multiplication: Increases Number of lock-on targets by 1
-Main Dispel, cures all debuffs on target, can not target yourself
-Glyph of Multiplication a Must for Endgame content, possible to ignore at earlier levels
[Titanic Favor|Cast Time: 1sec|Cooldown:2.5 Sec|MP:350|Base Heal:2585+113×10 Ticks]
[Levels obtained: 18,24,30,36,42,48,54]
Description: Heal up to 2 allies within 19m for 2585 HP, then heal an additional 113hp every 1 sec for 10sec. (Modified by your Heal Bonus) Lock-On skill.
[6]Glyph of Multiplication: Increases Number of lock-on targets by 1
[4]Glyph of longshot: Increases range by 3 meters
[3]Glyph of longshot: Increases range by 3 meters
-Primary Heal for all situations
-Multiplication Glyph is a Must have
-Heal amount IS altered by Gear
Healing Formula:
Base Heal*[(1+weapon recovery stat/1000)*(1+bonus recovery amount+targets bonus heal received)=Actual amount healed
Using a 58 wand with Weapon recovery stat of 4152 with +9.1% bonus healing on a target with +8.6 healing received armor the result would look like this:
Burst Heal= 2585*[(1+4.152)*(1+.091+.086)]=15,675HP
Hot= 113*[(1+4.152)*(1+.091+.086)]=685*10ticks for 6850 total
Total= Burst+Hot=22,525
Now what does this nice wall of numbers mean?
Simply put with a decent 58+ weapon your Titanic favor gets boosted by more than 600%, so the 12.7k HP over all Heal of the orbs is drastically overshadowed by Titanic Favors 22.5k HP Making Titanic Favor our go to heal when things get rough. Does this mean orbs are worthless? of course not! you can plant them during the time your team is not in danger allowing for burst healing of them picking the orbs + you hitting them with Favor at the same time giving more then enough healing to get back in the fight. This creates a dynamic where your team can aid in saving their own asses or even patching up their own minor injury’s saving you the aggro of using the lock-on heal.
Where should I place My orbs?
I would recommend placing your orbs in a circle around the area the fight is taking place in, this makes them widely available to the party and they can run to the one nearest them when they need a Heal. For MP orbs however I would recommend you creating a stock pile in 1 general location for your DPS to use this allows the dps to know exactly where to go should they need extra MP. When possible at the start of the fight place an MP orb or two where the tank is going to pull the boss, this will give them an ample supply of MP to start the fight with and get things started on the right foot.
II. Buffs
[Titanic Wrath|Cast Time: Instant|Cooldown: 8 Sec|MP:1125|Stat Boost: 25STR]
[Levels obtained: 26,56]
Description: Energy pours into you and nearby party members within 8m, increasing strength by 25 for 25 seconds.
[5]Glyph of Lingering: Increases Effect Duration by 35%
*[2]Glyph of Bounds: Increases range by 5 Meters.
[4]Glyph of Influence [Arun’s Vitae]: Reduces mp cost for the next chain skill” Arun’s Vitae.
-Largest strain on the MP bar, when push comes to shove this is the skill that you stop casting.
-Provides a significant DPS boost for party (~16% boost for affected party members)
-Blue/Green Glyphs are recommended for PVE but you are better off spending the points on CC in a PvP build.
-Does not stack with Priests Blessing of shakan
[Vow of Rebirth|Cast Time: Instant|Cooldown: 15 Min|MP:250|Heal:N/A]
[Levels obtained: 42]
Description: Form a pact between you and a group member in front of you, who will resurrect if killed in the next 20 Min.
[5]Glyph of Energy: Cooldown time decreases by 40%
[8]Glyph of Indignacy: You will also get the effect of Vow of Rebirth
*[7]Glyph of Indignacy: You will also get the effect of Vow of Rebirth
-Instant Self rezz option for the party member of your choice +you with the glyph
-The glyphs for this skill are all nice but come at a very hefty price
-Gives 70% hp/mp and 10% stamina on revive
[Aura of the Swift|Cast Time: Instant|Cooldown: 2 Sec|MP:125|Stat Boost:10% Run Speed]
[Levels obtained: 20]
Description: An aura emanates within 20m of you, increasing group members movement speed by 10%. Drains 30MP every 2 seconds while active. Cannot be used with Aura of the Merciless.
[2]Glyph of Brilliance: Decreases MP consumption by 50.
-Depending on the recipient class our buff is slightly better than the priest variation due to the % but at the worst it is equal to theirs (e.g. = on zerkers).
-Glyph is worthless because it only alters initial cast
[Aura of the Unyielding|Cast Time: Instant|Cooldown: 2 Sec|MP:250|Stat Boost:50% Crit Resist]
[Levels obtained: 26,38,52]
Description: An aura emanates within 20m of you, increasing group members crit resistance by 50%. Drains 30 MP every 2 seconds while active. Cannot be used with Aura of the Tenacious.
-Importance of this buff and an explanation of its effects following Buff Descriptions
-Buff is % based so class receiving the buff changes the magnitude
-Crit resist by class: Warrior-74 Slayer-63 Berseker-65 Lancer-75 Archer-53 Sorc-52 Priest-51 Mystic-52
[Aura of the Tenacious|Cast Time: Instant|Cooldown: 2 Sec|MP:750|Stat Boost: +20mp/sec]
[Levels obtained: 36]
Description: An aura emanates within 20m of you, restoring 20 MP to all other group members every second. Drains 30 MP every 2 seconds while active. Cannot be used with Aura of the Unyielding.
-Passive 20mp/sec solves most classes MP problems, no effort on part of the mystic is awesome
[Aura of the Merciless|Cast Time: Instant|Cooldown: 2 Sec|MP:750|Stat Boost: 2x Crit Rate]
[Levels obtained: 50]
Description: An aura emanates within 20m of you, doubling the crit rate of group members. Drains 30 MP every 2 seconds while active. Cannot be used with Aura of the Swift.
[5]Glyph of Brilliance: Decreases MP consumption by 300.
-Effect stacks with all weapon,armor,bonfire buffs and crystal options giving critical rate bonus
-Glyph is worthless because it only alters initial cast
-Importance of this buff and an explanation of its effects following Buff Descriptions
-Buff is % based so class receiving the buff changes the magnitude
-Crit rate by class: Warrior-50 Slayer-56 Berseker-58 Lancer-50 Archer-40 Sorc-38 Priest-33 Mystic-35
What Aura’s Should I be using?
Assuming you have access to all 4 Auras it breaks down like this:
(Crit rate Or Run speed) and (Crit Resist Or MP Regen)
For almost all situations you are going to want to Run Crit Rate and MP Regen, for most instances the extra kill power of the crit rate buff and the utility of the MP regen buff far outweighs the defensive factors of increased run speed or crit resist. However this is not always the case, in PvP you will often find that it is advantageous to use the Crit resist buff (more on this explained below).
Crit Buffs, Whats the Big Deal?
The Mystics buffs relating the crit are often misunderstood by people who are new to tera for a few reasons. The first is that gear has an incredibly minimal effect on your crit rate. The second is an understanding of how crit rate works in Tera. Disclaimer the formula that follows was derived through in game testing and may not be 100% accurate.
Crit Rate Formula:
Sorry! Section info will be posted after final verification. Debated not posting the entire guide until testing for this section was complete but was convinced that I should go ahead and post the rest of the Guide. If you have any interest in the mystic class or having one in your group I Highly recommend checking back as this is information you don’t want to miss out on.
These numbers only apply to PvP because there is no way to know the Resist rates of Mobs. Also it has been documented that there are some bosses with rates high enough to make the Mystic’s resist buff pointless in pve. However this instance has not been seen for crit Rate. (MP aura preferred in PvE anyways)
III. Pets
Note: The info for Thrall of Life pictured below is located in the heals section.
[Thrall of Protection|Cast Time: 2.2 sec|Cooldown: 5 Sec|MP:425]
[Levels obtained: 4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44,48,52]
Description: Summon a Thrall of Protection that draws aggro from monsters and makes melee attacks. Last 10minutes or until death.
[5]Glyph of Energy: Cooldown time decreases by 10%
[4]Glyph of Power: Increases strength of summoned creature by 25%
[3]Glyph of Grounding: Increases Defense of summoned creature by 25%
*[4]Glyph of Protection: Increases endurance of you and your group members by 10% for 10 minutes
-Mostly only useful for soloing BAM’s in PvE
-Can be used to LoS attacks in pvp
-Only source of an Endurance buff from a Mystic (when glyphed)
-Can knock down targets
[Thrall of Vengeance|Cast Time: Instant|Cooldown: 22 Sec|MP:875]
[Levels obtained: 12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44,48,52]
Description: Summon a Thrall of vengeance that makes ranged attacks against your enemies. Lasts 17 seconds or until death.
[3]Glyph of Power: Increases strength of summoned creature by 25%
[3]Glyph of Grounding: Increases defense of summoned creature by 25%
[3]Glyph of Lingering: increasues the lifetime of summoned creature by 25%
*[2]Glyph of Lingering: increasues the lifetime of summoned creature by 35%
-This pet is mostly rendered useless by stupidly high MP cost
[Thrall of Wrath|Cast Time: 2.8 sec|Cooldown: 10 Min|MP:1250]
[Levels obtained: 38,42,46,50]
Description: Summon a Thrall of Wrath with a powerful area attacks. Lasts until it makes 3 attacks or dies.
[5]Glyph of Energy: Cooldown time decreases by 50% (5min)
[4]Glyph of Power: Increases strength of summoned creature by 25%
[4]Glyph of the Blaze: Increases casting speed by 30% (2sec)
-Closest thing we have to “Burst Damage”
-Pet will use one of 3 types of attack:
1)Frontal Body slam
2)Frontal Blast
3)3 Small Blasts (highest Damage)
-Overall rarely worth using due to long cast and high likely hood of missing
Overall the pets are a disappointment and for the most part are not ever used especially in party play. In groups your thralls can actually cause collision problems for other players and in the case of Wrath scare the [filtered] out of them thinking adds popped! So they are not advised to be used in a group setting aside from the Fairy which is the only Thrall you will use on a Regular basis as it is your burst self heal.
IV. Crowd Control and Debuffs
[Sonorous Dreams |Cast Time: 1.2 sec|Cooldown: 35 Sec|MP:750|Target Limit: 2]
[Levels obtained: 14,44]
Description: Put targets briefly to sleep. Lock-on Skill
Duration: 20Sec PvE 10Sec PvP
[5]Glyph of Brilliance: Decreases MP consumption by 188
*[2]Glyph of Brilliance: Decreases MP consumption by 188
[4]Glyph of Energy: Cooldown time decreases by 20% (28sec)
-Sleep is removed upon target taking any damage (includes DOT ticks!)
-Waiting to long to cast after activating can result in the skill going into cool without being casted
-Energy Glyph is a must have for PvP and very nice for PvE
-PvE Enemy’s are be immune during certain skill animations, so it is best to use this between skills
-Despite breaking on damage still works well as an interrupt in PvE
[Regression |Cast Time: Instant|Cooldown: 1 Min|MP:600|Target Limit: None]
[Levels obtained: 24,50]
Description: End all beneficial effects on enemy targets within a 8m radius of you.
[4]Glyph of Energy: Cooldown time decreases by 25% (45sec)
-Useful in PvE for removing certain boss buffs such as Reflect, dmg reduction, dmg or atk speed buffs etc.
-Glyph is only necessary for PvP but is still nice for certain bosses in PvE
[Mire |Cast Time: Instant|Cooldown: 1 Min|MP:750|Target Limit: 4]
[Levels obtained: 32,56]
Description: Movement speed of shackled targets briefly decreases by 90%, but their balance increases by 100%. Press the skill button once and mouseover to lock on up to 4 targets within 118m, then press the skill button again to shackle all targets.
Duration: 4 Sec
[6]Glyph of Energy: cooldown time decreases by 20% (48s)
-Effect does not stack with slows, most recently applied takes precedence
-More of a PvP skill then a PvP but can be helpful for chain CC in PvE
-Glyph of Energy only useful for PvP
-Root does have a Damage limit, exact amount unknown
[Ancient Binding |Cast Time: Instant|Cooldown: 30 Sec|MP:437|Target Limit: 1]
[Levels obtained: 42]
Description: Hurl a magical bolt forward 18m, briefly slowing the target by 50%.
Duration: 6 Sec
[5]Glyph of Lingering: Increases effect duration by 50% (9sec)
[5]Glyph of Numbing: 50% chance to decrease enemy attack speed by 30% for 6 seconds
-Shares cooldown with Shara’s Lash, making this skill a wasted skill from lvl 50 on
-Effect does not stack with any other classes slows
[Curse of Exhaustion |Cast Time: Instant|Cooldown: 3 Min|MP:1000|Target Limit: 4]
[Levels obtained: 46,58]
Description: Curse your enemies for 25 seconds with 20% increased cooldown times for all skills. Effective only on other players. Press the skill button once and mouseover to lock on up to 4 targets within 18m, then press the skill button again to curse all targets.
[3]Glyph of Energy: Cooldown time decreases by 20% (2min 24sec)
-PvP only skill
[Shara’s Lash |Cast Time: Instant|Cooldown: 30 Sec|MP:500|Target Limit: None]
[Levels obtained: 50]
Description: Cast a bolt of Sharan energy forward 10m that explodes at range or on contact, briefly stunning foes.
Duration: 3sec
[5]Glyph of lingering: Increases effect duration by 40% (4.2sec)
*[4]Glyph of lingering: Increases effect duration by 40% (4.2sec)
*[4]Glyph of Fleetfoot: On hit increases your in combat speed by 50 for 3seconds
-Our most frequently used debuff/CC for all content
-Bolt Stuns upon making contact with an enemy hitbox or reaching maximum range and exploding
-Rather Large AoE range
-Stun Can chain when targets are close enough (e.g. you can stun all targets in a line)
-Lingering glyph is a must regardless of content type
-4.2 sec instant cast ranged aoe stun, what’s not to like?
[Curse of Confusion |Cast Time: Instant|Cooldown: 3 Min|MP:875|Target Limit: 4]
[Levels obtained: 56]
Description: Curse your enemies, causing them to run in fear 10m away. Effect ends if you are knocked down. Press the skill button once and mouseover to lock on up to 4 targets within 18m, then press the skill button again to curse all targets.
Duration:9sec PvP and PvE
Glyph of lingering: Increases effect duration by 25%(11.25sec)
-Complete loss of character control for affected targets in PvP
-Glyph of lingering is a must for PvP
-“I Win” button of sorts
-Does not break on damage
Fear Video Showing complete loss of control:
Video Will be added ASAP sorry!
Note How he attempts to right click skills to activate them and nothing happens
(Best way we could think of to show the effect in a video)
That Fear only alter’s wasd is a myth based on a fear type skill some mobs use in PvE.
CC how devastating can it really be?
Once the Mystic has access to its full arsenal of CC skills the amount of time we can lock down a target in pve or pvp is quite substantial.
Sleep=Sononorus Dreams
Root=Mire (90% slow)
Stun=Shara’s Lash
Fear=Curse of Confusion
10sec>4.2>4sec>11.25>10sec>4.2=43 seconds you can hold someone still in PvP
Fear+stun is 15.45 seconds that you (and your team) can attack up to 4 targets without breaking the CC, helpless targets are fast/easy kills especially with a high end DPS teammate at your side.
Root or Sleep = Free fully charged attacks for your zerker/sorc and we all know being hit by one of these skills is devastating (and potentially a 1 shot).
A little coordination behind the CC and there is nothing more destructive on the field.
4sec>4.2s>20sec>11.25>4.2>20sec>4sec>4.2s>20=92seconds you can lock down a PvE target
With kiting for 6sec/30 you can keep targets CC’d for the other 24.2sec using only sleep/stun.
Remember all of these CC’s hit at least 2 targets, and besides sleep 4 targets.
You can damage your target during stuns/fear and to a certain extent during roots. Your CC skills can also be used as excellent interrupts in PvE to disrupt bosses attacks and save your tank/party some damage.
V. Evades/Utility
[Teleport Jaunt |Cast Time: Instant|Cooldown: 8sec|MP:120]
[Levels obtained: 8]
Description: Teleport a short distance in the direction the camera faces.
[3]Glyph of Persistence: 25% chance to reset the cooldown.
*[2]Glyph of Persistence: 25% chance to reset the cooldown.
[4]Glyph of Acceleration [Arun’s Vitae]: Increases casting speed by 25% for the chain skill: Arun’s Vitae
[4]Glyph of Acceleration [Thrall of Life]: Increases casting speed by 25% for the chain skill: Thrall of Life
-Max Range is 15m
-While Glyph of Persistence is chance based the effects can be absolutely amazing, a Must Have Glyph.
-Useful as both an escape and a gap closer
[Mana Infusion |Cast Time: 4.5 Sec|Cooldown: 10sec|MP Regen 100×20 ticks]
[Levels obtained: 2]
Description: You regain 100 MP every 1 second for 20 seconds. Ends if you take damage or use a combat skill or item.
[3]Glyph of Blaze: Increases casting speed by 25%
[5]Glyph of Spirit:Increases MP regeneration by 20% (2400 total up from 2k)
-As this is our only viable skill for restoring our own MP both glyphs are solid choices
-Glyph of spirit is steep at 5 points but a way to help if you find yourself having mana issues
[Corruption Ring |Cast Time: Instant (channeled)|Cooldown: 15sec|Power: 297]
[Levels obtained: 10,16,22,28,34,40,46,52,58]
Description: Drain HP from targets within 6m, storing it as spiritual energy. The HP absorbed is proportional to how long you channel the ring. Use the Infusion Ring skill to release the stored energy as MP for Group members.
[5]Glyph of Trebling: Triples stun and knock-down resistance during channel
[4]Glyph of the Unfeeling: Reduces damage taken by 50% during channel
[3]Glyph of Influence [Arun’s Tears]: Reduces MP cost by 100 for the chain skill Arun’s Tears
-While the first two glyphs may sound really good in practice they are worthless
-While this is an AoE Max damage and MP Restoration is achieved by using it on a single target
-MP Recovered is split between party Members, best suited to use in a Duo
-Skill is only useful in Parties until you get Arun’s Tears
[Retaliate |Cast Time: Instant|Cooldown: 15sec|Power: 638]
[Levels obtained: 12,18,24,30,36,42,48]
Description: Leap to your feet while attacking the target. You can use this skill only when knocked down.
[4]Glyph of Power: Increases Power by 25%
[4]Glyph of Energy: Cooldown time decreases by 20% (12s)
*[3]Glyph of Persistence: Resets cooldown of Teleport Jaunt
*[2]Glyph of Balance: Increases Stun and Knock-Down Resistance by 5 times for 2 seconds
-All but glyph of power are an absolute must for PvP
-Glyph of persistence increases our mobility even more!
-Always being able to warp after a KD is Amazing in PvP
-Glyph of Balance goes along way to prevent you from being chain KD and counteract the balance on cloth
[Resurrect |Cast Time: 7Sec|Cooldown: 20sec|MP:1700]
[Levels obtained: 18]
Description: When dead group members lie within 5m, you can restore life to the nearest one.
[3]Glyph of Brilliance: Decreases MP consumption by 510
[5]Glyph of Energy: Cooldown time decreases by 50%
[5]Glyph of Blaze: Increases Casting speed by 40% (4.2sec)
-Target revives with 25% HP/MP and 10% Stamina
-Best Practice would be to Drop a HP Orb prior to rezzing when possible
-Regardless if Multiple party members are inside the Circle only 1 will be Revived
[Summon: Party |Cast Time: 4.5Sec|Cooldown: 10Min|MP:1000]
[Levels obtained: 22]
Description: Teleport all group members within the same zone to your side. You cannot teleport group members who are in other zones.
[2]Glyph of Brilliance: Decreases MP Consumption by 800
[1]Glyph of Energy: Cooldown time decreases by 20% (8min)
-Glyph of energy being the only 1 point glyph we have, should you end up with a spare point why not?
[Arun’s Tears |Cast Time: 1.3Sec|Cooldown: 5sec|MP:500 |MP Restored: 639]
[Levels obtained: 28]
Description: Gather Arunic power to create a mote that instantly restores 639 MP.
[4]Glyph of Acceleration [Arun’s Vitae]: Increases casting speed by 25% for the chain skill Arun’s Vitae
-Main way the Mystic actively works to Restore Party MP
-If you know the tank will pull the boss to a particular spot marking it with one of these will greatly help your tank do their Job with a pre placed MP pot to fuel their taunts etc.
-Setting a particular spot for a cluster of these helps dps always know where to find them when in need of MP
VI. Damage
[Sharan Bolt |Cast Time: Instant|Cooldown: N/A|MP:32 |Power: 392]
[Levels obtained: 1,4,10,16,22,28,34,40,46,52,58]
Description: Unleash a bolt of sharan energy at a single target up to 18m away. Does less damage to far off targets.
[3]Glyph of Power: Increases power by 25%
-Mystic basic attack
-Glyph of power is nice for leveling but should be replaced by endgame
-Damage decreases at 14m and 16m
[Metamorphic Blast |Cast Time: Instant|Cooldown: 2.5Sec|MP:163 |Power: 770]
[Levels obtained: 2,8,14,20,26,32,38,44,50,56]
Description: Project a cone of divine energy that damages nearby enemies.
[6]Glyph of Power: Increases power by 25%
-Damage is split when multiple targets are hit
-Again DPS related glyphs should be removed by endgame
[Metamorphic Smite |Cast Time: 1 Sec|Cooldown: 5Sec|MP:250 |Power: 1372]
[Levels obtained: 6,14,20,26,32,38,44,50,56]
Description: Damage targets within 3m.
[3]Glyph of Energy: cooldown time decreases by 20% (4sec)
[4]Glyph of influence [Metamorphic Blast]: Reduces MP cost by 41 for the next chain skill Metamorphic Blast
[4]Glyph of Blaze: Increase casting speed by 25% (.75s)
-Skill will give you the largest Numbers you will see on Mystic outside Thrall of Wrath
-Damage is split when multiple targets are hit
[Volley of Curses |Cast Time: 1 Sec|Cooldown: 1.4Sec|MP:163 |Power: 1152]
[Levels obtained: 14,20,26,32,38,44,50,56]
Description: Inflict a curse that does 817 damage every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. Effect stacks up to three times. Does Less damage to other players. Lock-On Skill.
[5]Glyph of lingering: Increases effect duration by 20% (12s for 1 extra tick)
[6]Glyph of Multiplication: Increases the Number of Lock-On Targets by 1
[3]Glyph of Influnce [Volley of Curses] Reduces MP cost by 33 for the next chain skill Volley of Curses
*[2]Glyph of Influnce [Volley of Curses] Reduces MP cost by 33 for the next chain skill Volley of Curses
-Damage is static and can not be changed by any attributes on the caster or target.
-Skill can be cast 100% on the move, including the animation
-DoT is stacked by reapplying before the duration ends, once stacked can be maintained with 1 cast/duration
All in all while our damage does not seem that bad at an early level starting in the 40s the gap between DPS classes and non-DPS classes (lancer/priest/mystic) starts to become quite apparent. By endgame leaving non-DPS classes only able to output ~20% the Damage of a DPS class. While non-DPS classes can solo content just fine the damage gap is such that you will want to bring a true DPS class along for most activities as the time investment solo simply is not worth the effort. Mystic’s melee skills should only ever be used when facing normal mobs and minions for BAM’s and Boss type mobs your primary source of damage will be Volley of Curses with Sharan Bolts thrown in where they fit. We can use our pets to do damage but the MP cost and the actual damage they output make this a frowned upon practice as the effort spent regaining the mp negates any damage gain the pets may have contributed.
Level 60 Skill:
[Healing Totem |Cast Time: Instant|Cooldown: 25Sec|MP:1125 |Heal: 353/2sec]
Duration: 60sec, Shield Value: 5,365 HP
The Totem stacks with all “Thrall” pets.
The Totem spawns 10m In front of the Mystic.
The Mystic that cast the totem does Receive all Heals Made by the Totem
The Heal Amount is not affected by Heal Boost on the Weapon.
Totem Can Not be Killed in PvP
Glyph of Brilliance: Decreases MP consumption by 500
Totem Video
Special thanks to Siyuri for helping verify the accuracy of this guide and lending her knowledge of the mystic class in general. I could not have done this without her assistance.
Thanks to Nalfen for providing the baseline for how to format a class guide.
Really appreciate all the work put into these guides. They most certainly give a great base on how to build your class. Thank you.
Thanks! This is helped me understand the mystic a lot better.