Wakfu Cra Types and Builds Guide

Wakfu Cra Types and Builds Guide by unskillfulone

First,Cra’s biggest weakness is that they are range class, so when a cra was standing beside a enemy(especially iop), they are doomed.


Air cras have the biggest range in the game, the air cras specialty are pushing enemy. Air beacon and retreat arrow can push enemy away, but both of them cost 1 wp. air cra also has plaguing arrow that does not need line of sight :p However, the air branch do least damage of all three branch.


Kind of hybrid between air and earth, they do good damage, and all the spells have side effect Blazing arrow, explosive arrow, burning arrow and fire beacon have burning effect that damage enemies after they finish their turn. Blinding arrow have blinding effect that reduce one’s range to the minimum. The fire cras have also one specialty that except blazing arrow, the rest of fire spells do AoE damage ! However, the fire spell are expensive to use.

Fire Cra Build by olavi

Im a level 28 Fire/Air Cra at the moment and i would like to share choices that i have done, ( since i’ve been enjoying the character ).
So i decided to go hybrid on fire and air but not using all of the spells. Im using only Blazing arrow, Explosive arrow, Retreat arrow and Homing arrow and Blinding arrow in close combat ( along with beacons ). That way the spells wont be too low level compared to your own.

All my points i’ve spent on Crit hits ( PWN!! ), and i dont think there has ever been a fight with no critical hits at all. With full Blibli set you have 11crits and 48% air dmg and 66% fire dmg, ( means around 20 on every hit, twice with blazing arrow ). With full gobbal set the air bonus is alot smaller and fire bonus about 10% smaller but you have +1ap wich means you can do “Long Distance Combat” + 2 “Blazing Arrows” every turn. Then you can easily hit 45-55 in one turn.

Ok so, no damage reduction since youre not using ANY earth spells and not all of the fire or air spells. You can push with Windy Beacon and Retreat Arrow ( +dmg around 22) Homing arrow so you can pretty much hit anywhere on the map, Blazing for awesome damage and explosive and incandescent beacon for GREAT AoE damage.

Haven’t yet decided wich is best to level in special attributes but my choices so far have been +1 powerful shooting, +1 heightened vision and +2 long distance combat.
This is a pretty solid and ALOT OF FUN build wich you should try out if you cant make up your own mind ^^


This is the most devastating one among the three branches. Earth cra specialty is doing epic damage, especially when they use piercing arrow, that hit multiple enemy randomly, earth beacon is the most powerful among the three, and the beacon’s side effect:earthquake can add more damage !
earth cra also can stun an enemy using destructive arrow. Earth cra can also use arrow blow, the only melee spell for cra However, like fire branch, most of the spell are expensive too. The earth cra most powerful spell, destructive arrow, require 1 wp

Earth Cra Build by GoldfishGod

Just a little muck about, and I’m quite happy with the results at the moment (well, my char that’s using it is quite low level)

Spell overview:
Only 6AP needed. +MP effects are more useful than +AP.
Primary Spells: Arrow Blow, Piercing Arrow

vs multiple at range: Piercing Arrow, Ranged Combat (a.k.a “Black Ice Arrow, a.k.a the one support spell that looks like a gun-turret)
vs single at range: Destructive Arrow, Homing Arrow
vs melee: Arrow Blow, Seismic Beacon

buy the Powerful Shot (+Damage Passive spell), Black Ice Arrow

Start combat so that you can easily line up with a cluster of enemies, but keep far away as well.

Multiple Ranged: Line yourself up with the biggest group using the mimimum needed movement. Convert remaining MP into +crits with Black Ice Arrow. Shoot Piercing Arrow.
Single Ranged: Line yourself up, shoot Destructive Arrow, and Homing Arrow.
Melee (if you cannot, or do not want to back away): Eventually monsters wil probably reach you, since you’re converting MP into +crits. Use Seismic Beacon to shield one of your sides, and use Arrow Blow to melee them. In the case of multiple monsters, use Arrow Blow to trigger the Beacon instead. Use Retreat Arrow if you want to escape through the space occupied by your Beacon, or if you just want to reposition.

The current XP system does not work well with Beacons, meaning they level very slowly. Hopefully this’ll be fixed soon. In the same way, using 5 XP spells might not exactly be the most effective way of levelling spells. I’d be inclined to drop Destructive Arrow and/or Homing Arrow if you don’t want to risk it.

You’re probably not gonna win any solo fights vs Iop. This is mostly a PvE build.

Fire and Air Cra by olavi

Im a level 28 Fire/Air Cra at the moment and i would like to share choices that i have done, ( since i’ve been enjoying the character ).
So i decided to go hybrid on fire and air but not using all of the spells. Im using only Blazing arrow, Explosive arrow, Retreat arrow and Homing arrow and Blinding arrow in close combat ( along with beacons ). That way the spells wont be too low level compared to your own.

All my points i’ve spent on Crit hits ( PWN!! ), and i dont think there has ever been a fight with no critical hits at all. With full Blibli set you have 11crits and 48% air dmg and 66% fire dmg, ( means around 20 on every hit, twice with blazing arrow ). With full gobbal set the air bonus is alot smaller and fire bonus about 10% smaller but you have +1ap wich means you can do “Long Distance Combat” + 2 “Blazing Arrows” every turn. Then you can easily hit 45-55 in one turn.

Ok so, no damage reduction since youre not using ANY earth spells and not all of the fire or air spells. You can push with Windy Beacon and Retreat Arrow ( +dmg around 22) Homing arrow so you can pretty much hit anywhere on the map, Blazing for awesome damage and explosive and incandescent beacon for GREAT AoE damage.

Haven’t yet decided wich is best to level in special attributes but my choices so far have been +1 powerful shooting, +1 heightened vision and +2 long distance combat.
This is a pretty solid and ALOT OF FUN build wich you should try out if you cant make up your own mind ^^

So far i’ve mostly leveled solo at gobbals and bliblis but around these levels it might be smarter to level with a couple of friends.. When playing solo i usually start with incandescent beacon and “long distance combat” + blinding/burning/explosive arrow. Btw the “burning” effect is 100% with a critical effect. Also i use retreat arrow like every other turn.

When leveling with a group I just find a good spot where I don’t have to run at all so i can use “long distance combat” every turn.. Well actually nowadays that im using Blibli set i cant use it with 2x blazing arrow, so it’s up to you to decide if you want greater hits or 7ap. // With midnight needle [ Long Distance Weapon Master lvl20 ] You can place 2 beacons without spending points on Expert Mechanics attribute. Crazy AoE Dmg!#! ^^

The Damage% bonus raises every time you level a spell, leveling air spells will raise your air dmg% and fire your fire dmg%.
Oh and for pvp, haven’t really done that much but when i accidentally became and outlaw I got attacked like 10 times and i won 9 fights of em, at lvl 20.

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