Dragon Nest Ice Resist Guide

Dragon Nest Ice Resist Guide by dragon431

1. Effective Dmg = (Dmg)*(1-ice resist%)

For example, let say u cast freezing field (-33%) follow by icy fraction (eg. 20k)
Effective Dmg = (20k)*(1-(-0.33)) = 20k * 1.33 = 26k

2. If I cast 2 or more skills that can reduce ice resist, can the – resist% of each skills add up to cause a greater -resist %? The answer is No. High lvl skill overwrites the low lvl skill. Same lvl skills also overwrite each other.

3. In a party cosists of more than 1 ele: Same as 2.


Previous version:

1. The way of how the dmg get boosted by reducing opponent’s ice resist. is as follow:

Effective Dmg = (Dmg)/(1+ice resist%)

For example, let say u cast freezing field (-33%) follow by icy fraction (eg. 20k)
Effective Dmg = (20k)/(1-0.33) = 20k * 1.492 = 30k

(not 20k*1.33)
Another example, let say ur opponent is the final boss of tower which has -50% ice resist., and u cast freezing field (-33%) follow by icy fraction (eg. 20K).

Effective Dmg = (20k)/(1-0.5-0.33) = 20k * 5.88 = 118k (wat a huge dmg!!)

2. If I cast 2 or more skills that can reduce ice resist, can the – resist% of each skills add up to cause a greater -resist %? The answer is Yes, but with a very strict condition.It depends on the order or sequence of skills that u cast, and the level of skills that u hv learnt.

For example, u hv a lvl 3 freezing field and a lvl 6 ice stab.  1st scenario, u cast freezing field (-33%) follow by ice stab (-20%). You cannot get (-53%), instead, the (-20%) from lvl 6 ice stab will override the (-33%) of ur lvl 3 freezing field. After that, if u cast icy fraction, it can only be boosted by the (-20%)

2nd scenario, u cast ice stab (-20%) follow by freezing field (-33%) and icy fraction. Because ur freezing field is at lvl 3, it cannot override the effect caused by ur lvl 6 ice stab, therefore, the ice resist % ll add up to (-53%) when u cast icy fraction.

Therefore, to get higher – ice resist %, u should cast a higher lvl skill follow by a lower lvl skill.
For example, u cast freezing field (lvl 8) then ice stab (lvl 6) then chilling mist (lvl 3), u can get -0.73 %. Imagine if u cast icy fraction after that on the mobs that is weak to ice…………

3. In a party cosists of more than 1 ele, they could actually stack up the -resist effect. This situation will actually apply to those palas and priests.

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