Dragon Nest SEA Farm Fast Jewels Without Killing Mobs Guide
Dragon Nest SEA Farm Fast Jewels Without Killing Mobs Guide by Earn_Fast_Money
Step 1: Go to Foothills of black mountain
Step 2: Go to Abandoned Welton Hallow on abyss difficulty
Step 3: Walk along the left side of the map till u hit a cave
Step 4: Check the cave weather there is a royal chest
Step 5: If the chest is not there exit and enter again, if the chest is there loot and profit
-Remove all equipments cause you will be exiting dungeon which causes durability loss
-Alternative way of appearing at entrance is to suicide at the mob pack and press f12 to end the dungeon by returning back to stage entrance
-Set graphics to lowest and off every program running & play in window mode to allow it to load faster
Tried it..not working…
is this still working ?
its still working ? =.=
maybe its not your luck
are you sure it is still working?
i tried it for at least 2 hours but i didnt got a single chest.
ordinary :D i get 3 to 4 RC there every hour :D its working
Is this still working?
I tried this but it didn't work.. Is it because of my level? I'm already lvl 33.. and by the way, wat jewels does this drop? rough or ordinary? THANKS :))
wooooow.. it true. there is royal cheast…
is this true?