Crystal Saga Pet Skills List
Crystal Saga Pet Skills List by JamesCannon
Here’s a list of the pet skills I have compiled thus far. I know theres still some missing. If you know of any missing ones let me know so i can search for them, Once the list is more complete I will start breaking down the pet types needed to get these skills and perhaps where to find upgrade books.
o.o what server are you in at?!
How about purification lv.1 – is it useful skills for my pet? please tell me is it useful or not that i could change it or theirs an option that much better than that.
hey about the skill, which kind of pet have the blessed protection, and what level it is and where it can be found ? please answer this, thankyou very much :)
if u happen to know each pet skill book for each skill will u kindly post… tnx