OGame Researches Guide

OGame Researches Guide by kwinse

Researches are essential to the growth of any empire. Researches are needed to unlock almost every ship and defense, most other researches, and some buildings. Research is empire wide; once you research a level of something, you never have to research it again on that account, no matter which planet you visit. Research is spread throughout your empire automatically; you do not have to do anything once the research finishes. Additionally, you get one point towards your research statistic per level of research you have.

There are 16 different researches in the game, divided into 4 categories:
Basic research:
– Energy Technology
– Laser Technology
– Ion Technology
– Hyperspace Technology
– Plasma Technology
Advanced research:
– Espionage Technology
– Computer Technology
– Expedition Technology (In universe 42 and the named unis Expedition Technology is renamed to Astrophysics.)
– Intergalactic Research Network
– Graviton Technology
Drive research:
– Combustion Drive
– Impulse Drive
– Hyperspace Drive
Combat research:
– Armour Technology
– Weapons Technology
– Shielding Technology

All research is performed at a Research Lab. Only one research may performed at any given time, and one cannot build a Research Lab on any planet while a research is being conducted. Conversely, one cannot research anything while a Research Lab is being constructed on any planet.

All costs of research double with each level, with the exception of Astrophysics, which increases its cost by 1.75 times, and Graviton Technology, which triples.

Most researches continue to have benefits as you research higher levels. Some are only useful as requirements; researching past the level needed will only get you research points and general points. The requirement researches and their highest effective levels are:
– Laser Technology (Level 12)
– Ion Technology (Level 5)
– Hyperspace Technology (Level 8)
– Plasma Technology (Level 7)
– Graviton Technology (Level 1)

All formulas quoted in this guide are taken from Formula Thread v3.

Research Lab
Ingame Description:


An essential part of any empire, Research Labs are where new technologies are discovered, an older technologies are improved upon. With each level of the Research Lab constructed, the speed in which new technologies are research is increased, while also unlocking newer technologies to research. In order to conduct research as quickly as possible, research scientists are immediately dispatched to the colony to begin work and development. In this way, knowledge about new technologies can easily be disseminated throughout the empire.

Level 1 Costs:
200 Metal, 400 Crystal, 200 Deuterium

Required for:
– Energy Technology (Level 1)
– Laser Technology (Level 1)
– Computer Technology (Level 1)
– Combustion Drive (Level 1)
– Armour Technology (Level 2)
– Impulse Drive (Level 2)
– Espionage Technology (Level 3)
– Expedition Technology (Astrophysics) (Level 3)
– Ion Technology (Level 4)
– Plasma Technology (Level 4)
– Weapons Technology (Level 4)
– Shielding Technology (Level 6)
– Hyperspace Technology (Level 7)
– Hyperspace Drive (Level 7)
– Intergalactic Research Network (Level 10)
– Graviton Technology (Level 12)



Research Time, in hours:
(Metal + Crystal) / (1’000 * (1 + (Research Lab level)))
If you have an active Technocrat, multiply the result by 0.75.

Building higher level labs then strictly needed is not a bad idea, though there is a diminishing return. Only the lab on the current planet affects research times, unless a player has an Intergalactic Research Network, in which case you sum all linked labs’ levels for the formula.

Basic research

Energy Technology
Ingame Description:


As various fields of research advanced, it was discovered that the current technology of energy distribution was not sufficient enough to begin certain specialized research. With each upgrade of your Energy Technology, new research can be conducted which unlocks development of more sophisticated ships and defenses.

Level 1 costs:
800 Crystal, 400 Deuterium

– Research Lab (Level 1)

Required for:
– Combustion Drive (Level 1)
– Impulse Drive (Level 1)
– Light Laser (Level 1)
– Laser Technology (Level 2)
– Fusion Reactor (Level 3)
– Shielding Technology (Level 3)
– Heavy Laser (Level 3)
– Ion Technology (Level 4)
– Hyperspace Technology (Level 5)
– Gauss Cannon (Level 6)
– Plasma Technology (Level 8)
– Terraformer (Level 12)



[Production of a] Fusion Reactor:
30 * (level of Fusion Reactor) * (1.05 + (level of Energy Technology) * 0.01) ^ (level of Fusion Reactor)

[Hourly consumption of a] Fusion Reactor:
10 * (level) * 1.1 ^ (level) deuterium

Before the Fusion Reactor’s production formula was changed with version 0.78a, Energy Technology was a requirement technology, needed only up to level 12.

Laser Technology
Ingame Description:


In physics, a laser is a device that emits light through a specific mechanism for which the term laser is an acronym: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Lasers have many uses to the empire, from upgrading computer communications systems to the creation of newer weapons and space ships.

Level 1 costs:
200 Metal, 100 Crystal

– Research Lab (Level 1)
– Energy Technology (Level 2)

Required for:
– Light Laser (Level 3)
– Ion Technology (Level 5)
– Heavy Laser (Level 6
– Plasma Technology (Level 10)
– Battlecruiser (Level 12)

Laser Technology is a requirement technology, needed only up to level 12.

Ion Technology
Ingame Description:


Simply put, an ion is an atom or a group of atoms that has acquired a net electric charge by gaining or losing one or more electrons. Utilized in advanced weapons systems, a consentrated beam of Ions can cause considerable damage to objects that it strikes.

Level 1 costs:
1’000 Metal, 300 Crystal, 100 Deuterium

– Research Lab (Level 4)
– Energy Technology (Level 4)
– Laser Technology (Level 5)

Required for:
– Cruiser (Level 2)
– Ion Cannon (Level 4)
– Plasma Technology (Level 5)

Ion Technology is a requirement technology, needed only up to level 5.

Hyperspace Technology
Ingame Description:


In theory, the idea of hyperspace travel relies on the existence of a separate and adjacent dimension. When activated, a hyperspace drive shunts the starship into this other dimension, where it can cover vast distances in an amount of time greatly reduced from the time it would take in “normal” space. Once it reaches the point in hyperspace that corresponds to its destination in real space, it re-emerges.
Once a sufficient level of Hyperspace Technology is researched, the Hyperspace Drive is no longer just a theory.

Level 1 costs:
4’000 Crystal, 2’000 Deuterium

– Research Lab (Level 7)
– Energy Technology (Level 5)
– Shielding Technology (Level 5)

Required for:
– Hyperspace Drive (Level 3)
– Destroyer (Level 5)
– Battlecruiser (Level 5)
– Deathstar (Level 7)
– Jumpgate (Level 7)
– Intergalactic Research Network (Level 8)

Hyperspace Technology is a requirement technology, needed only up to level 8.

Plasma Technology
Ingame Description:


In the universe, there exists four states of matter: solid, liquids, gas, and plasma. Being an advanced version of Ion technology, Plasma Technology expands on the destructive effect that Ion Technology delivered, and opens the door to create advanced weapons systems and ships. Plasma matter is created by superheating gas and compressing it with extreme high pressures to create a sphere of superheated plasma matter. The resulting plasma sphere causes considerable damage to the target in which the sphere is launched to.

Level 1 costs:
2’000 Metal, 4’000 Crystal, 1’000 Deuterium

– Research Lab (Level 4)
– Energy Technology (Level 8)
– Laser Technology (Level 10)
– Ion Technology (Level 5)

Required for:
– Bomber (Level 5)
– Plasma Turret (Level 7)

Plasma Technology is a requirement technology, needed only up to level 7.

Advanced research

Espionage Technology
Ingame Description:


Espionage Technology is your intelligence gathering tool. This technology allows you to view your targets resources, fleets, buildings, and research levels using specially designed probes. Launched on your target, these probes transmit back to your planet an encrypted data file that is fed into a computer for processing. After processing, the information on your target is then displayed for evaluation.

With Espionage Technology, the level of your technology to that of your target is critical. If your target has a higher level of Espionage Technology than you, you will need to launch more probes to gather all the information on your target. However this runs the great risk of detection by your target, resulting in the probes destruction. However, launching too few probes will result in missing information that is most critical, which could result in the total destruction of your fleet if an attack is launched.

At certain levels of Espionage Technology research, new attack warning systems are installed:

At Level 2, the total number of attacking ships will be displayed along with the simple attack warning.
At Level 4, the type of attacking ships along with the number of ships are displayed.
At Level 8, the exact number of each type of ship launched is displayed.

Level 1 costs:
200 Metal, 1’000 Crystal, 200 Deuterium

– Research Lab (Level 3)

Required for:
– Espionage Probes (Level 2)
– Expedition Technology (Level 4)



Number of probes to see X level of information:
X + (Y * ([(your Espionage Technology) – (your opponent’s Espionage Technology)] ^ 2))
If a player has an active Technocrat then add 2 to the appropriate Espionage Technology.
If your Espionage Technology is higher than your opponent’s, then Y is -1. If your opponent’s is higher, then Y is 1, and if both are equal, Y is 0.

X = 2 for resources, activity, and ships
X = 3 for resources, activity, ships, and defense
X = 5 for resources, activity, ships, defense, and buildings
X = 7 for resources, activity, ships, defense, buildings, and research

You always get resources and activity no matter how many probes you send. If an espionage mission gets counterespionaged, the espionage report is still sent even if the espionaging fleet is destroyed.

Computer Technology (also known as Comp Tech)
Ingame Description:


Once launched on any mission, fleets are controlled primarily by a series of computers located on the originating planet. These massive computers calculate the exact time of arrival, controls course corrections as needed, calculates trajectories, and regulates flight speeds.

With each level researched, the flight computer is upgraded to allow an additional slot to be launched. Computer technology should be continuously developed throughout the building of your empire.

Level 1 costs:
400 Crystal, 600 Deuterium

– Research Lab (Level 1)

Required for:
– Intergalactic Research Network (Level 8)
– Nanite Factory (Level 10)

Maximum number of fleets one may send:
1 + (Level of Computer Technology)
If you have an active Fleet Admiral, you have two (2) additional fleetslots.

Expedition Technology
Ingame Description:


The Expedition Technology includes several elements of scanner research and allows you to equip different spaceships with research modules to explore uncharted regions of the universe. Those include a database and a fully functional mobile laboratory.

To assure the security of the expedition fleet during dangerous research situations, the research modules have their own energy supplies and energy field generators which creates a powerful force field around the research module during emergency situations.

Level 1 costs:
4’000 Metal, 8’000 Crystal, 4’000 Deuterium

– Research Lab (Level 3)
– Espionage Technology (Level 4)
– Impulse Drive (Level 3)



Maximum number of concurrent expeditions = INT((Level of Expedition Technology) ^ (1 / 2))
An expedition can hold at the slot 16 for 1 hour increments up to your current level of Expedition Tech.

More information on Expeditions can be found at FAQ about Expeditions and Merchants.

Ingame Description:


Further findings in the field of astrophysics allow for the construction of laboratories that can be fitted on more and more ships. This makes long expeditions far into unexplored areas of space possible. In addition these advancements can be used to further colonize the galaxies. For every two levels of this technology an additional planet can be utilized.

Level 1 costs:
4’000 Metal, 8’000 Crystal, 4’000 Deuterium

– Research Lab (Level 3)
– Espionage Technology (Level 4)
– Impulse Drive (Level 3)

Astrophysics’s cost increases by 1.75 times each level, unlike most other researches. One cannot colonize planet slots 3 or 12 until they have at least level 4 Astrophysics, slots 2 or 14 until level 6 Astrophysics, and slots 1 or 15 until level 8 Astrophysics.



Max Colonies = INT(((Level of Astrophysics) + 1) / 2)
Maximum number of concurrent expeditions = INT((Level of [Astrophysics]) ^ (1 / 2))
An expedition can hold at the slot 16 for 1 hour increments up to your current level of [Astrophysics].

More information on Expeditions can be found at FAQ about Expeditions and Merchants.
More information on Colonization, including a table with Astrophysics costs and formulas, can be found at Colonising a new planet, old and new

Intergalactic Research Network (also known as IRN, IGRN)
Ingame Description:


This is your deep space network to communicate research results to your colonies. With the IRN, faster research times can be achieved by linking the highest level research labs equal to the level of the IRN developed.

In order to function, each colony must be able to conduct the research independently.

Level 1 costs:
240’000 Metal, 400’000 Crystal, 160’000 Deuterium

– Research Lab (Level 10)
– Hyperspace Technology (Level 8)
– Computer Technology (Level 8)

Intergalactic Research Network combines Research Labs on separate planets to reduce research times. Each level of IRN allows that many planets’ labs to be linked with the one at which the research is started, so long as each lab linked would be able to perform the research on its own. More information can be found at InterGalactic Research Network (IRN).

Graviton Technology (also known as Grav)
Ingame Description:


The graviton is an elementary particle that mediates the force of gravity in the framework of quantum field theory. The graviton must be massless (because the gravitational force has unlimited range) and must have a spin of 2 (because gravity is a second-rank tensor field). Graviton Technology is only used for one thing, for the construction of the fearsome DeathStar.

Out of all of the technologies to research, this one carries the most risk of detection during the phase of preparation.

Level 1 costs:
300’000 Energy

– Research Lab (Level 12)

Required for:
– Deathstar (Level 1)

Graviton Technology is a requirement technology, needed only up to level 1. Its cost triples with each level to emphasize that. Graviton Technology takes only 1 second to research, as it requires no Metal or crystal (no project in the game can be completed in less than 1 second).

Graviton is the hardest research to get, as the only feasible way to gather the energy required is to build thousands of Solar Satellites on one planet. More information can be found at Graviton FAQ v2.

Drive research

Combustion Drive
Ingame Description:


The Combustion Drive is the oldest of technologies, but is still in use. With the Combustion Drive, exhaust is formed from propellants carried within the ship prior to use. In a closed chamber, the pressures are equal in each direction and no acceleration occurs. If an opening is provided at the bottom of the chamber then the pressure is no longer opposed on that side. The remaining pressure gives a resultant thrust in the side opposite the opening, which propels the ship forward by expelling the exhaust rearwards at extreme high speed.

With each level of the Combustion Drive developed, the speed of small and large cargo ships, light fighters, recyclers, and espionage probes are increased by 10%.

Level 1 costs:
400 Metal, 600 Deuterium

– Research Lab (Level 1)
– Energy Technology (Level 1)

Required for:
– Light Fighter (Level 1)
– Small Cargo (Level 2)
– Espionage Prove (Level 3)
– Large Cargo (Level 6)
– Recycler (Level 6)



Actual Speed = (Base Speed) * (1 + (([Combustion] Drive Level) * ([0.1])))

Impulse Drive
Ingame Description:


The impulse drive is essentially an augmented fusion rocket, usually consisting of a fusion reactor,an accelerator-generator, a driver coil assembly and a vectored thrust nozzle to direct the plasma exhaust. The fusion reaction generates a highly energized plasma. This plasma, (“electro-plasma”) can be employed for propulsion, or can be diverted through the EPS to the power transfer grid, via EPS conduits, so as to supply other systems. The accelerated plasma is passed through the driver coils, thereby generating a subspace field which improves the propulsive effect.

With each level of the Impulse Drive developed, the speed of bombers, cruisers, heavy fighters, and colony ships are increased by 20% of the base value. Interplanetary missiles also travel farther with each level.

Level 1 costs:
2’000 Metal, 4’000 Crystal, 600 Deuterium

– Research Lab (Level 2)
– Energy Technology (Level 1)

Required for:
– Interplanetary Missiles (Level 1)
– Heavy Fighter (Level 2)
– Expedition Technology (Level 3)
– Colony Ship (Level 3)
– Cruiser (Level 4)
– Bomber (Level 6)



Interplanetary Missiles:
Range, in systems:
(Impulse Drive level) * 5 – 1

Actual Speed = (Base Speed) * (1 + (([Impulse] Drive Level) * ([0.2])))

Once a player researches Impulse Drive level 5, their Small Cargos are upgraded to use an Impulse Drive instead of a Combustion Drive. The Small Cargo’s base speed is upgraded from 5.000 to 10.000, and it uses the Impulse Drive for its actual speed calculation. Its fuel usage is also increased from 10 to 20.

Hyperspace Drive
Ingame Description:


With the advancement of Hyperspace Technology, the Hyperspace Drive was created. Hyperspace is an alternate region of space co-existing with our own universe which may be entered using an energy field or other device. The HyperSpace Drive utilizes this alternate region by distorting the space-time continuum, which results in speeds that exceed the speed of light (otherwise known as FTL travel). During FTL travel, time and space is warped to the point that results in a trip that would normally take 1000 light years to be completed, to be accomplished in about an hour.

With each level the Hyperspace Drive is developed, the speed of battleships, battlecruisers, destroyers, and deathstars are increased by 30%.

Level 1 costs:
10’000 Metal, 20’000 Crystal, 6’000 Deuterium

– Research Lab (Level 7)
– Hyperspace Technology (Level 3)

Required for:
– Battleship (Level 4)
– Battlecruiser (Level 5)
– Destroyer (Level 6)
– Deathstar (Level 7)



Actual Speed = (Base Speed) * (1 + (([Hyperspace] Drive Level) * ([0.3])))

Once a player researches Hyperspace Drive level 8, their Bombers are upgraded to use a Hyperspace Drive instead of an Impulse Drive. The Bomber’s base speed is upgraded from 4.000 to 5.000, and it uses the Hyperspace Drive for its actual ship speed calculations.

Combat research

Armour Technology
Ingame Description:


The environment of deep space is harsh. Pilots and crew on various missions not only faced intense solar radiation, they also faced the prospect of being hit by space debris, or destroyed by enemy fire in an attack. With the discovery of an aluminum-lithium titanium carbide alloy, which was found to be both light weight and durable, this afforded the crew a certain degree of protection. With each level of Armour Technology developed, a higher quality alloy is produced, which increases the armours strength by 10%.

Level 1 costs:
1’000 Metal

– Research Lab (Level 2)

Required for:
– Heavy Fighter (Level 2)



Actual [Hull] Strength = (Base Strength) * (1 + ((Technology Level) * 0.1))
In battle, hull is used, which is (Structural Integrity) / 10.

Weapons Technology
Ingame Description:


Weapons Technology is a key research technology and is critical to your survival against enemy Empires. With each level of Weapons Technology researched, the weapons systems on ships and your defense mechanisms become increasingly more efficient. Each level increases the base strength of your weapons by 10% of the base value.

Level 1 costs:
800 Metal, 200 Crystal

– Research Lab (Level 4)

Required for:
– Gauss Cannon (Level 3)



Actual [Weapons] Strength = (Base Strength) * (1 + ((Technology Level) * 0.1))

Shielding Technology
Ingame Description:


With the invention of the magnetosphere generator, scientists learned that an artificial shield could be produced to protect the crew in space ships not only from the harsh solar radiation environment in deep space, but also provide protection from enemy fire during an attack. Once scientists finally perfected the technology, a magnetosphere generator was installed on all ships and defence systems.

As the technology is advanced to each level, the magnetosphere generator is upgraded which provides an additional 10% strength to the shields base value.

Level 1 costs:
200 Metal, 600 Crystal

– Research Lab (Level 6)
– Energy Technology (Level 3)

Required for:
– Gauss Cannon (Level 1)
– Recycler (Level 2)
– Small Shield Dome (Level 2)
– Hyperspace Technology (Level 5)
– Large Shield Dome (Level 6)



Actual [Shielding] Strength = (Base Strength) * (1 + ((Technology Level) * 0.1))

Damage to shields in combat is calculated based on percentage. See How a fight works for more information.

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