Dofus Earning Kamas Beginner’s Guide

Dofus Earning Kamas Beginner’s Guide by StVier

A lot of people have repeatedly been asking about how to make kamas in the shortest time possible and there has been plenty of contributions from rest of the population. I will attempt to summarize all the suggestions so that new players can choose whichever route they prefer. Credit, of course goes to everyone who has contributed in this forum.

First of all, there is no quick and easy way to earn kamas. Everyone works hard and because the economy is run mostly by the community (mostly, real human users), the law of economics function just like in the real world. As long as you have this rule stuck in your head, then let’s proceed onto the ways of making kamas. I will list them in order of progression of level.

a) Quests
Assuming that you start off by exploring Incarnam, you should be fully familiar with characters with an exclamation mark over their head, that these quest givers are your initial source of kamas. There are many quests available and some of them have level restrictions so do check in periodically with the various NPCs. A good quest list is available from the Dofus Wiki.

b) Mobs hunting
For some reason, killing mobs earn you kamas but I supposed it’s not important where Gobballs hide their kamas or why they have kamas… In any case, kama-making from mobs hunting is a by-process while levelling your character and doesn’t really require any additional effort, nor does it really make you rich. However, for beginners who wants to make a quick buck, note that certain creatures gives more kamas while some others are apparently less generous. I find that Gobballs hunt generally gives more kamas in addition to…

c) Resources
The horns, the legs, the feathers are all extremely valuable. Creature drops are used in various crafts as well as used in exchanges for scrolls. As to how much 1 arachnee leg is worth as compared to 100 arachnee legs? This is a question for debate that’s heavily influenced by bot-farmers simply because it’s not often that human players would simply sit there for 15 minutes or so doing pure arachnee leg hunting. The market prices for resources can be very variable and highly influenced by bots which farms in F2P areas (and in some cases, P2P areas). If you find that your inventory space diminishing rapidly, it only means you are hoarding up ‘junk’, and by ‘junk’ I refer to resources that drop whenever you vanquish a creature, the very resources that’s supposed to make you rich WHEN you sell them. The problem though, is a lot of people are trying to make a quick buck by pricing some of these resources a bit too high, especially if they are selling just one or two. If it’s a rare or high prospecting drop, I agree that they deserve a more premium pricing per unit but it wouldn’t really make sense if you are just trying to get rid of stuffs you do not want. If you can drop it easily, others could easily drop it too and just because you were training on the mobs and conveniently getting these drops doesn’t really make it right that you should try to squeeze every possible drop of profit. It will maybe earn you a tiny pile from time to time but I guarantee it wouldn’t be consistent unless you are actively hunting these specific resources and constantly churning out batches upon batches of, let’s say Gobball Horns. The bottomline is that it will give you a spike in kamas and tide you over for a while but never actually enabling you to have any form of breakthrough unless you work hard at it.

d) Gathered materials
Taking up one of the gathering professions, the primary materials gathered can be sold to crafters. Crafters consume these materials at incredible rates and it wouldn’t be a surprise if a shortage of supply occurs. As to what price you want to sell your gathered materials at, it’s totally up to different individuals but try to remember that the lengthy time you take to cut 1 tree is due to your inexperience (as a low-level gatherer) and so do not expect booming returns simply by cutting a few trees or gathering a few flowers.

e) Crafting
The next step up would be to take up one (or more) of the many crafting profession and start making stuffs to sell. The hard fact of crafting is that not everything in your recipe list is sought after, especially if it’s possible to drop them from mobs with a low prospecting lock. In any case, it is possible to sell whatever you make because technically some class will find a use for the bonus, however small it is. There are certain professions that more or less guarantees a consistent in-flow of kamas if you are able to maintain a constant output of products to sell. I leave you to figure out what these professions are if you do not already know.

f) Investing
Probably the most profitable but also the most difficult to master, requiring insight to values of things. The only rule to this route of kama-making is “Buy low, Sell high”. With great variability of prices in effect, what one deems to be ‘expensive’ could be seen as ‘cheap’ by another, and vice versa. You wouldn’t want to be stuck with a piece of equipment that you have no use for but also can’t sell it for a profit. The risk involved is no one knows for sure what is the price cap of any item is but it’s inevitable that prices keep going higher and higher because rare items are behaving just like antiques, with the value almost always increasing with the number of times it changes hand. All in all, investing only promises great returns to those who knows how to play the game right.

The Art of Selling
There a couple of ways to sell your unwanted items, merchant mode for P2P players, the Market or simply advertising in the correct channel. Putting things in the Market is just like putting your items on Ebay under a specific category but the problem is that it incurs a charge just by listing your items with the Market. Going into merchant mode, and under the restriction of only 6 merchants are allowed on a map (except for certain specific areas), only people passing by your location MIGHT take a look at it so therefore it’s up to how you price your items so that the people who bothers to browse through your list will give a bit more thought to getting that item off you.

Due to the fact that Dofus doesn’t have any passive spending (like bills, food and lodging), there is thus no urgency to acquire a steady stream of income…. which is why a merchant selling certain items will still be selling those items 1 week from now, or even 1 month from now. There are 2 ways to selling things; Sell cheap and it goes fast, or sell expensive and it goes slower but earns you a higher profit (Think ‘fast’ food compared to ‘slow’ restaurant food) so it’s up to you how to strike a balance between the two ends.

Remember the Two Golden Rules:
1) An item is worth as much as someone is willing to pay for it.
2) An item is worth nothing if no one is going to buy it.

So what should you do now?
Dofus offers F2P for various reason and Incarnam and Astrub are there for you to have a taste of living in the world of Dofus. The ability to try out the various professions in Incarnam is to find one that you feel you can carry on for long periods of time. Cutting trees, reaping cereals, fishing etc can be very boring two-click routines and other than the occasional Scarecrow, there’s really not much for you to do. If you are able to endure till level 30, you will be able to take up a second profession, often one that’s linked to the first profession. Profession-combos include Farmer-Baker and Miners-Jeweller but it’s likely that you will not be fully self-sufficient, often requiring materials from another profession, for example wand-carving requires both stones (Mining) and woods (Lumberjacking). Like I mentioned right in the beginning, if you want to earn kamas, you gotta work hard.

Tips by Akanine 

Personally i have 4 methods of making money which i interchange depending on market fluctuation, but i thought i’d just clarify a few points from your original post.

Crafting professions are very good sources of kamas providing you have the initial kamas to put into them. A level 1 fisherman however is going to make more than a lv 1 tailor; low levelled gathering jobs will make a lot more kamas than low levelled crafting professions; this is due to the way the game is played- gathered resources are destroyed, and thus need to be replaced over and over again. Compared to a high level crafting profession, the kamas coming in is pretty poor but it can be enough to keep you going. And remember- crafting professions require a significant kama investment, as well as time to get to a highish level. Some professions can have this to a minimum by having the gathering profession which is used for the crafting profession (this is almost a necessity for some professions), however if you’re at this point you don’t need a guide such as this =]

‘investing’ is an important one. It doesn’t matter who you are at a certain level you’re going to use this method. The main part of this method of kama making is that kamas make more kamas. i think an example is required here as first poster (sorry stvier) was a little cryptic. 100 Gobball horns on rosal go for between 17kk and 21kk under most circumstances, and a set of 100 come up for 15kk. you have 50kk in your inventory so the logical thing to do is to buy the 15kk and sell it for 18kk, making an easy 3kk profit. The profit here seems pretty low but think about it this way, you have 50kk, so you can do it 3 times (45kk)- giving 9kk back. with that 9kk you can do it the next day 4 times or move onto bigger (or smaller items).

This seems rather low and slow, but its a consistant way of making kamas. Once you’re up to a fair amount of kamas (say 400kk) you can do this for 10-15 items in the resources market and make 5kk off each, thats a 50kk – 75kk profit a day. then the next day you might pull 20 items you can do it to, 100kk profit.

_KAMAS MAKE MORE KAMAS_. don’t be afraid to spend with the goal of making more.

Addition by skyllasssss

I’d like to add to the crafting professions thing you wrote about:

For you to actually make good kamas or to get the investment you made inregard of your crafting profession you will have to reach highish levels, atleast 65-80. Why 65? at level 65 you will get the chance to learn a speciliazation on your specific crafting professions (magus). Magus lets you change the stats of an item with runes (you will have to get your magus high to make kamas with it, which again requires an investment) and as you can guess one can make the crappiest gobball amulet the best statted and sell it for a profi tof 20kk. Other option is to get your crafting professions to 80 to be able to make high level equipment which you can sell for a nice profit, to make better profits – magus it. These investments im talking about which you will have to make (if you do not have other professions from which you could benefit eg. lumberjack, miner) are significant. Once you get to high magus levels or craft levels you will be able to circulate your money – buy bad equips, magus them to have higher stats, sell, get profit, and repeat the circle again.

Note: Tailor mainly uses resources dropped by monsters

I myself have a 80 lvl jeweller, 80 lvl shoemaker, 65 lvl tailor, 100 lvl jewelmagus, 100 lvl shoemagus and a 100 lvl costumagus.
Here are the amounts of kamas i have spent on these professions:

  • Jeweller 2.7mk
  • Shoemaker 4.9mk
  • Tailor 4.2mk
  • Jewelmagus 1mk
  • Shoemagus 1mk
  • Costumagus 1mk

and my main is only 62 lvl, to start with i funded my jeweller with my 100/100 farmer/baker. Shoemaker i funded with my jeweller and farmer, tailor with my shoemaker and jeweller. Maguses I funded with the other craft professions.

Now i make around 600kk-2mk a day.

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