CrimeCraft Skills Guide

CrimeCraft Skills Guide by DrSeptimus

Everybody have their own opinion of which skills used to be the best, but keep in mind this is merely an guide to help newbies. Please do respect my opinion even if you disagree about it.

1) Stockpile Build – Enchanced Endurance, Collector, Embezzlement

Min Level Requirement – 24

Total Level Requirement for max level 3 – 39


– Excellent in stockpile match.


– Useless at pvp and other pve match types.

Description– This is by far the best combination for stockpiling, being a stockpile player myself I found out having this enchanced endurances work the best due to unlimited stamina that allowed you to run all the way around the map ahead the rest of competitor, reaching the container before the other does (Yeah!! I have constantly pick up container ahead of other player as they often run out of stamina.)

To top up with, if you rush quick enough to the pve; the pve would took about 1-2 seconds to response to you and weapon with sufficient damage such as shotgun could took it off in a flash. Collector on the other hand work as survival skills as it allowed you for constant healing after an pve was killed. Usually there would be 1 medkit drop out of 2 killed pve, allowing your health to always at max.

Embezzlement on the other hand gives you an additional cash due to the low amount you would earn from completing, an combination of embezzlement with aug would drastically increase the amount you earn making it very profitable for stockpiling.

2) Bomber Build – IED Training, Demo Training, (Cluster Rocket/Cluster Grenade/Frag Grenade)

Min Level Requirement – 24

Total Level Requirement for max level 3 – Unknown


– Excellent damage and area of effect.


– Useless versus explosion dampening field

– Dangerous at close proximity.

Description – One of the most useful and yet the most dangerous trick to be used. If you ever feel the need to be terminator or just love a big bang, this combination work extremely well as it deal devastating damage at huge area against an group of enemies.

3) Turf/CTZ Supporter – NBR Grenade, Explosion Dampening Field, (Smoke Grenade + Smoke AUG for low difficulty match/Corrosion Grenade for high difficulty match)

Min Level Requirement – 24

Total Level Requirement for max level 3 – 48


– Increase survival rate during capture/defending area.


– Not useful for other type of match such as Riot.

Description – Explosion Dampening Field provide an immunity against grenade and rocket which had been a norm in this game. It was almost impossible to capture a zone without getting one killed if there is a lack of it. Despite the immunity that was granted by EDF, you are not vulnerable to flying bullet yet. NBR allowed you and your mate an constant healing during the capture process that increase the survival rate and counter attack.

However, please take notice that you MUST toss the NBR grenade before the EDF as the EDF null the NBR grenade.

Smoke Grenade are often regarded as useless skills, but that is not true. At low level difficulty match, every armor have almost little to none advantage at all as they are being nerf. This makes the Corrosion Grenade doesn’t have any valid use at low difficulty match since there is nobody that could have 30% or more resistant at low difficulty match.

Smoke Grenade come in handy especially with AUG since they could deduct 5 hp per seconds. A good toss of this grenade towards enemy position would prevent them from camping or capturing an zone while at the same time making it difficult to aim. Another good part about this smoke grenade was to cause an lag for those with poor graphic card performance. Believe me, smoke grenade can cause a lot of lag for those within it which allowed you to shoot and kill them easily as they would having a hard time to counter it.

To make it even better, the smoke grenade does kill enemy. You would be suprise at how many people that are way too stubborn when it comes to capturing a zone, they would stay under the smoke even if their health is low just in order to capture the area which it allowed you an free kill in the end.

Despite the advantage of smoke grenade, it is no longer handy when it comes to huge difficulty match since 5 hp lost per second are almost little to nothing due to their high health regeneration, hitpoint and boost. This is the part where corrosion grenade came from. Corrosion Grenade greatly reduce an enemy resistant for a short period of time, making them much vulnerable to your firepower.

At CTZ and Turf War, enemy often stay close to the capture point (Capture Point always expose to an attack). Tossing the corrosion grenade to the capture point would ensure any enemy that came close within it have weaker defense and die much easier. This is one of the few excellent way to defense your capture point.

4) MG Nest Build – NBR Grenade, PSP Rounds, Liquid Armor

Min Level Requirement – 24

Total Level Requirement for max level 3 – Unknown


– High resistant with the capability to deal huge damage at short period of time.


– PSP defense bonus does not affect molotov and knife damage.

– Require LMG with low recoil and high accuracy for good aiming.

– Corrosion Grenade reduces PSP bonus.

– Vulnerable to Shock Grenade.

– Only for close proximity fight.

– One second delay during deployment.

Description – This are not called as MG Nest build for nothing. The PSP rounds is an active ability that gives you an much better rate of fire and strong resistant at the same time. PSP resistant along with liquid armor making you an incredibly solid and close to indestructible form of war machine.

If you are Chuck Norris wannabe, this are definitely one of the few good choice. Do remember to toss NBR Grenade to the floor before you use it as NBR level 3 heal 15 hp per seconds and NEVER EVER MOVE when the psp ability is active.

5) Sniper Build – Regenerative Auto-Injector, HVI Rounds, Ambush Tactics

Min Level Requirement – Level 30

Total Level Requirement for max level 3 – Unknown


– Deal incredible damage against any retreating enemies.


– Poor close combat fight.

Description – This build are only recommended for those who interested in defending their own territory or objective such as robbery and snatch and grab mode. The auto-injector work well for sniper since sniper often stay at base and out of view while stood/crounch still when sniping, allowing auto-injector to work well in comparison with NBR grenade.

NBR are not recommended for this build as they have longer cooldown and limited healing time in comparison with Auto-Injector as auto injector guarantee an almost close to full hp healing for a short period of time while allow you to continue to safe guard an area without the need of interferance of healing.

HVI Rounds and Ambush Tactics work as a good partner as opponent player often retreat to base especially after getting an flag or bag. This is the moment where the opponent back are often expose and at the most vulnerable moment, an bonus damage from ambush tactic along with HVI guarantess an fatal shot to the enemies especially if it was an direct hit to the head.

6) Ninja Build – Active Camouflage System, Wind Shadow, Stealth Tactics

Min Level Requirement – 38

Total Level Requirement for max level 3 – Unknown


– Able to launch an suprise attack.

– Your location are completely unknown to your enemies.


– Useless at PVE.

– Useless when there is Camouflage Sensor Array.

– Weak against Heartbeat Detector user.

Description – One of the best way to suprise your foes from the back as you are invisible to their radar and naked eyes. It is excellent for knifing an sniper but are worthless at pve.

7) Technician Build – Charge Compression, (IED Training/Demolition Training), (C4/Proximity Mine)

Min Level Requirement – 36

Total Level Requirement for max level 3 – Unknown


-You can drink coffee and eat cookies while waiting for enemy to fall into trap.

– Prevent yourself from being flank.


– Require AUG or it might lost upon death.

– Only for defense/protection purpose.

– Useless against SatCom users.

Description – This is definitely for match that are often related to defense. The compression allowed you to place more than one and thus increasing the range of territory that you could hold up with. You can opt to use IED for more efficient damage or Demo for wider range of destruction.

8) Medic Build – Direct Injection System, Enhanced Metabolism, Enhanced Recovery

Min Level Requirement – 34

Total Level Requirement for max level 3 – Unknown


– Greater healing effect.

– Higher survival rate.


– Limited boost charge.

– Weak against Incendiary Rounds with AUG bonus.

Description – This build allowed you for constant healing while combating against the foes without the need of interruption of healing. It also drastically increase the healing effect due to Enchanced Metabolism and able to re-use the boost at short time due to Enchanced Recovery.

However, do remember this build are often easy to be accused by other player as hacking due to the excellent healing rate and fast boost cooldown. Bewarn that it was poor against Incendiary Rounds user with AUG bonus since it could block your boost usage for a short period of time.

9) Napalm Build – Molotov, Incendiary Rounds, Fire Control Techniques

Min Level Requirement – 20

Total Level Requirement for max level 3 – Unknown


– Able to block enemy from using ability and boost if equip with AUG.

– Drastically decrease enemy health over time.


– Could burn yourself if molotov was toss in close proximity.

– Tossing range for molotov was short.

– Weak against NBR Grenade.

Description – This build often ensure an kill for you considering the fact enemy health often at the lowest peak after taking several shot from you and still receiving damage from your fire. If incendiary rounds was used with AUG, it could prevent the enemy from using ability or healing boost; given it a moment of second before it was fallen to death.

10) Commando Build – Heartbeat Detector, SatCom, Electric Shield

Min Level Requirement – 38

Total Level Requirement for max level 3 – Unknown


– Cannot be ambush by enemy that easily.

– Able to avoid enemy traps.


– Pointless at PVE.

Description – This probably the least used skills ever by players considering that player prefer to play offensive/defensive/support rather than avoid ambush. If you think this build was way too useless, think again.

The great advantage of this build are the capability to bypass the enemy defense and flank them from unsuspecting position as most of the player was pretty much confidence of where their enemy are going to approach without acknowledge their foes already known where they are hiding.

At huge map such as Delosville where there is ample of area to hide, this build allowed you to know their position and thus ambush can be avoided. SatCom are necessary as you have no guarantee that no enemy would  ever use proximity mine, c4 and turret at such a huge map. If an enemy are ready to camp, what’s make you think they would not lay out a defense to protect themselves?

You would often have close encounter with your opponent when you trying to ambush the enemy from unsuspecting position as knifing the opponent are often the quickest way to kill the opponent undetected. But never ever forgot the enemy could knife you back, this is where the electric shield prevent your opponent from doing it.

11) Porcupine Build – Electric Shield, Camouflage Sensor Array, Second Chance

Min Level Requirement – 42

Total Level Requirement for max level 3 – Unknown


– Cannot be ambush by knife.

– Excellent against melee enemies.


– Only use to counter melee attack.

Description – I called this the porcupine build cause your enemy are the one who would be hurt if he ever think of touching you. Player often have the habits of using Active Camouflage System to ambush the other from the back or front all the sudden.

The use of array allowed you to detect them earlier for an early encounter before your head are rolled. Second Chance prevent you from getting killed as knifing often resulted into fatality while Electric Shield would stop them for a few seconds for a good kill.

12) Turtle Build – Liquid Armor, Blast Helmet, Shock Grenade

Min Level Requirement – 12

Total Level Requirement for max level 3 – Unknown


– Extremely solid.


– Low difficulty match are not recommend due to penalty.

Description – This build probably the only build that have absolutely no weakness at all and work the best at huge difficulty match. An combination with resistant boost along with your current armor resistant making you almost invincible to non-splash damage.

If this resistant was used to your advantage, you could easily rush to the front of the enemy and toss a shock grenade to cripple it which allowed you an opportunity to knife it.

13) Advanced Sniper Build –  Active Camouflage System, Stealth Tactics, HVI Rounds

Min Level Requirement – 38

Total Level Requirement for max level 3 – Unknown


– Able to bypass enemy defense and snipe them from unexpected location without revealing yourself.


– Patients, timing and skills are necessary.

Description – This build allowed you to cross right into the enemy territory and take position over a vantage point to kill them without revealing your position. However, it requires patients, timing and sufficient skills to find the right spot as you are UNABLE TO RUN during the activation of camouflage system due to the lack of shadow wind skills.

One great perk about this build is that you could fire as many shot as possible without the worry of revealing your position to newbies thanks to the stealth tactic.

14) Retribution Build – Electric Shield, PED Grenade, IED Training

Min Level Requirement – 36

Total Level Requirement for max level 3 – Unknown


– Ambush killer would be killed.


– Useless against enemy who kill you from long distances.

Description – Any enemy player with the ill intention of knifing you for a free kill would get their own dessert from this build. This build was ment for kill for a kill. In other word, any opponent who knife you would be shock only to be killed by your PED.

It is RECOMMENDED to use AUG to ensure your PED detonate quicker to avoid kill steal by other players. The IED training purpose was to maximise the damage as some player have an rather high resistant or sufficient health to withstand the explosion.

15) Kamikaze Build – PED Grenade, Enchanced Endurance, Ambush Tactics

Min Level Requirement – 30

Total Level Requirement for max level 3 – Unknown


– Excellent knife rush trick.

– Have small chances to kill enemy even if the attempt has failed.


– Useless against experience player.

Description – This build are recommended for player who often play banzai charge (Refer to wiki if you don’t know what it mean). The Ambush Tactics allowed your knife to have higher success rate to kill your opponent if their back was facing you and the endurance purpose was often for headshot knifing (A common tactic at crimecraft for free kill).

PED grenade serves as an tool of destruction against any opponent who manage to counter attack you. You are recommended to equip with AUG to ensure the PED detonate quicker to avoid fast reflex opponent from dodging it.

16) Headhunt Build – PSP Rounds, Explosion Dampening Field, Second Chance

Min Level Requirement– 42

Total Level Requirement for max level 3 – Unknown


– Excellent against boss and rogue hammer.


– Requires support from teammate.

– Defense must be weaken.

– Efficiency only at maximum if the boss is alone.


17) Assaulter Build – Explosion Dampening Field, SatCom, Second Chance

Min Level Requirement – 42

Total Level Requirement for max level 3 – Unknown


– Excellent for robbery match.

– Higher survival rate.


– Only useful for robbery match.


18) Heroin Build – Direct Injection System, Desensitization, Enhanced Recovery

Min Level Requirement – 34

Total Level Requirement for max level 3 – Unknown


– Low cooldown rate.

– Low negative effect.

– Greater boost bonus.


– Limited boost.

– Weak against Incendiary Rounds with AUG bonus.


19) Demolition Build – Fragmentation Grenade, Corrosion Grenade, Charge Compression

Min Level Requirement – 36

Total Level Requirement for max level 3 – Unknown


– Excellent against heavy armor enemies.

– Excellent against group of enemies.


– Tossing corrosion grenade at close proximity could affect yourself.


20) Advanced MG Nest Build – PSP Rounds, NBR Grenade, Explosion Dampening Field

Min Level Requirement – 30

Total Level Requirement for max level 3 – Unknown


– Invulnerability against all kind of enemies attack for a short period of times. (Including shock grenade and molotov)

– Capable to deal huge damage at short period of time.


– Only for close proximity fight.

– One second delay during deployment.

– Require LMG with low recoil and high accuracy for good aiming.


21) PVE Survival Build (Hard Mode) – Regenerative Auto-Injector, Collector, NBR Grenade

Min Level Requirement – 24

Total Level Requirement for max level 3 – Unknown


– High survival rates.


– Only for pve hard mode.

– Pointless at pvp.


22) Engineer Build – Proximity Mine, Camouflage Sensor Array, (LMG Turret/Rocket Turret)

Min Level Requirement – 42

Total Level Requirement for max level 3 – 58 (You need to purchase skill point to max it out.)


– Excellent supporter/defensive roles.


– Only useful for match related to defense such as robbery and safeguard.


23) Snatcher Build – Enchanced Endurances, SatCom, Second Chance

Min Level Requirement – 42

Total Level Requirement for max level 3 – Unknown


-Excellent for Snatch & Grab match.

-Higher survival rate.


-Only useful for robbery match.


24) Most Useless Skill – Improved Detection, Salvage Mastery, Flash Grenade


Improved Detection – Particularly pointless once you are level 42 due to SatCom.

Salvage Mastery – You only gain 1 additional crafting material and it cost a lot of skill point (6 point).

Flash Grenade – They cannot completely blind a player and neither pve. To make it worst, you and your ally could be affected as well due to bad toss.


1) YakuzaJK
Pointing out error in database.

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