Battle Dawn Galaxies Battle Tactics Guide

Battle Dawn Galaxies Battle Tactics Guide by w00t

No Gate, No Strength
(Tactic 1)
Alright lets say 1 of the top 15 alliances are ur enemies. Ur alliance is number 42. So first get all of ur alliance to send spies towards the enemy. Wait a few ticks till u get enough to weaken ur enemy from the inside using the spy. (This may take awhile so i suggest u build all ur necessary structures.) So after u have enough infiltration ticks find all the enemy outpost and gates that pose a threat. So i suggest u jam them first and jam the enemy so they wont be able to detect the attack. I call this Silent, but Deadly. So once all OPs and Gates are eliminated near ur location get ur alliance to jam the whole enemy alliance. Then while they are jammed get ur alliance to build 2 OPs. One near ur colony and one behind the enemy, cuz u know eveyrhting behind the enmy is conquered and they wont bother to look there. So after 24 ticks turn ur 2 OPs into gates. Then tell ur alliance to teleport their squads to their gates. (If some of ur alliance members have missile silos use them. Use them as a distraction so they waste their energy and cant ion cannon ur squads.) Remmeber the spy u put in them? Use them now. Weaken them from the inside. Destroy their oil so they wont be able to build anymore dmg and range vehicles. Then if u have any infiltration ticks left use them up by reducing their army’s hp by 50%. This will benefit u in the long run. The jam the enemy and full scale invasion.(Save up ur army though. 30 units wont be enough. Send atleast 5 Frontline Armor units like tanks, 5 Power Damage Units, and 5 Range Units. Each squad will only hold 10 tanks and 15 vehicles. So the best units u should invest in is beam vehicle and tanks and also explosive vechicles and tanks.) Then if it is done right u will succeed.

Distraction is For Losers!
(Tactic 2)
Alright, for this tactic ull need some missile silos. This will resemble almost like No Gates, No Strength, but a lil different. Again recruit a spy and send them to ur enemy. Then scout for any enemy OPs and Gates that pose a threat. Once they are eliminated get ur alliance and use the missiles. They will serve as a distraction and it is a vital importance u use them. (Make sure u have a bunch of silos that way the whole enemy alliance will use up their ion cannons. So i suggest each alliance member has 3 silos and send them all to a single target from the enemy alliance. Discuss with ur alliance about who gets who before though). Also the enemy in retaliation will use their missiles but jam them after ur whole alliance have sent their missiles. (It also helps if u guys have a shield) Then create 2 OPs. After turn them into teleporters. Then have a one of alliance members create 1 man squads and a bunch of them too. Choose one of the enemies alliance members. Sure enough they will fall for the bait and they will send their squads to protect their member. This will leave them vulnerable. (Dont jam the enemy alliance. You want them to detect the attack.) After 1 tick (cuz friendly squads always arrive in 2ticks instead of 3) Jam the enemy. Then use ur spy that u sent and weaken them from the inside. ( And if u want send a Boo event to them to show u care.) After send ur invasion force using the telporters u have near them and they’re gonna cry like little girls after u reach their colonies. ( If uve done this right of course.)

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