Lunia Sieg Combo Guide

Lunia Sieg Combo Guide by Zoik

I’ve created this combo guide based on my experience. I played as a knight since open beta around August 2007.
I will be focusing more on air combos.

Based on default controls while facing to the right, and widely used Lunia terms. I’ve also made up some abbreviations so the combo list will be shorter.

Basic Controls:
A = basic vertical slash – Does not make the target airborne but can be used between air combos to gain more or maintain air height.
S = basic upper slash – You can use it to make the target airborne to start an air combo.
sp = space(down attack) – Used to stab targets that are lying down on the ground.
Directional keysup, down, left, right and diagonal keys. Used to move your character. You can combine directional keys to mimic the diagonal keys.

>> = dash forward
<< = dash back
^^ = dash up
vv = dash down

Advanced Movement:
>> = half dash = hd – used to reset your character so that you can start another melee chain or skill, or cancel a skill animation. Mainly used after melee chains or skills that can’t be followed by melee chains.
Shift = (not the shift key on keyboard) similar to half dash but you dash on other direction then face your target again. Has the same effect at half dash but is also used to realign yourself from the target.
>>(A+S) = Sidestep Left = stepleft- Sidesteps to the left from where you are facing. You can hit S again for double sidestep. You can change the direction “>>”
>>(A+sp) = Sidestep Right = stepright – Sidesteps to the right from where you are facing. You can hit sp again for double sidestep. You can change the direction “>>”
>>(A+sp) = Windmill – When you vary the timing of pressing A+sp, you can make your character dash slash and then sidestep to the right. You can change the direction “>>”

Ground Combo – combos that keep the target standing on the ground. Has high possibility of the target escaping or being counter attacked. Does not receive damage multiplier.
Air Combo – combos that juggles target in the air which is inescapable. Air combos has extra effects: you get up to 400% damage multiplier for stage and down to 25% damage multiplier on PvP the longer you do air combos. This affects skills and also stacks with critical hits.
Air Height – the amount of height where the target is located.

Air Combo Starters:
Melee Starters = start – These starters are melee chains used for that getting the target airborne to start air combos.
S – (Can be followed by melee chain, shift or a skill) Good starter for its height but not recommended in PvP because it is slow and easily countered.
AAS – (Can be followed by melee chain, shift or a skill) AA are ground attacks and S gets the target in the air. Not as high as S starter but is faster. It is still possible to be countered between AA and S. It is not recommended to follow it with shift because you will loose more air height.
>>AS – (Can only be followed by a skill) >>A is a ground attack and S makes you tackle and get the target airborne. Almost the same height as AAS starter but is hard to counter. Most recommended starter for PvP.
AS sp – (Can be followed by sp which makes you stab, >>A or a skill)A is ground attack S gets the target in the air and sp hits the target again in the air. It gives a good height but it can push the target far ahead of you so you may need to use melee or skills that makes you close in on the target like >>A or Kicking.
AASS sp – (Can be followed by sp which makes you stab, >>A or a skill)Similar to AS sp starter but can push the target farther ahead. This starter is rarely used.

*Note: You can also use skills as air combo starters (see Starter Skills)*

Melee Chains = melee – Melee chains are short combos that will be the building blocks of your long combos. You can swap them around so that you can use the melee chain most suited to keep the target in the air or within reach. Experiment to see which works well depending on you and your target’s position.

>>A – 1 Hit(Can be followed S to tackle or a skill) Dash and then slash.
>>S – 1 Hit(Can only be followed by a skill) Dash and then tackle. This one takes more aim and timing to hit and can be replaced by half dash and shift which are more efficient.
>>AS – 2 Hits(Can only be followed by a skill) Dash then slash then tackle.
AA – 2 Hits(Followed by some melee chain, shift or a skill) Two vertical slashes.
AAAA – 4 Hits(Followed by some melee chain, shift or a skill) Four vertical slashes.
AAS – 3 Hits(Followed by melee chain, shift or a skill) Two vertical slashes then an uppper slash.
AAAS – 5 Hits(Followed by melee chain, shift or a skill) Three vertical slashes and then downward slash that hits twice.
AS sp – 3 Hits(Followed by some melee chain, shift or a skill) One vertical slash and then two upper slashes. It can push the target further ahead of you.
>>(A+sp) = Windmill – When you vary the timing of pressing A+sp, you can make your character dash slash and then sidestep to the right.

Skills: You can check this website( for the Sieg skills and build planning as well.

Starter skills = startskill – skills that hits the target up in the air and can be followed up with another skill or melee chain. Some skills require more air height to follow up.

Cross Cut = CC – Usually followed by sp; can be canceled by sp after the first hit.
Thunder Sound = TS – Canceled by dash or sidestep to follow up
Whirling Sword = whirling – Canceled by sidestep to follow up.
Flash Fate = FF – Canceled by sidestep to follow up. This one has a very high casting time so it is hard to hit. To compensate to this, it is usually preceded by the skill Blow to stun the target.
Kicking = kick – Usually followed by S and can be canceled anytime with dash or some skill.
Infinity Meteor Sword = IMS – Chase the target to follow up. This one gives you very low air height to it is difficult to follow up.

Continuable skills = contskill – skills that can be followed up with another skill or melee chain. Some skills are usually followed by A, S or sp to become continuable. Some skills require more air height to follow up. Some skills does not start an air combo.

Cross Cut = CC – Usually followed by sp. Can be canceled by sp after the first hit.
Crescent Moon Sword = CMS – Chase the target to follow up
Whirling Sword = whirling cancel – Canceled by sidestep to follow up. This skill is always canceled so it can be followed that is why I will start referring to it as whirling cancel. (see Skill canceling)
Flash Fate = FF – Canceled by sidestep to follow up. This one has a very high casting time so you will need a lot of air height to use it as a contskill.
Kicking = kick – Usually followed by S and can be canceled anytime between kicks with dash or some skill.
Whirlpool Sword = whirlpool – Usually followed by sp. Can be canceled by sp after the first hit.
Infinity Meteor Sword = IMS – Chase the target to follow up
Provocation = voke – Canceled by dash or sidestep to follow up

Pickup skills = pickup – These are continuable skills that can pick up the target from the ground. Recommended for PvP to reset damage multiplier by making the target hit the ground.

Finishing Blow = FB – Followed by some skill
Sky Slashing = SS – Followed by some melee chain or a skill
Iron Hammer = IH – Followed by some melee chain or a skill
Whirlwind Wave = nado – Followed by melee chain, or a skill

Finishing skills = finisher – skills that will end an air combo because you can’t cancel the rest of the animation or the target becomes out of reach and falls to the ground.

Destruction Fist = dfist
Hurricane Sword = hurricane
Wind Kick = windkick
Flying Dragon Sword = FDS (I’ve seen a video where someone was able to follow up after this skill. It will be a finishing for the meantime)

Vary your input speed. Some moves need to be entered quickly or late. This is where your skills with timing comes in.
Get familiar with the starters, melee chains, and skill to see how much starting air height you will gain, loose, or keep. Also consider the change in distance of the target. This is where your reflex and decision making skills comes in.
Some skills can have can give you more air height at higher levels like Sky Slashing.
Learn the composition of air combos so you will know how to follow up and continue the combo.

Basic composition of an air combo:
Starter, finisher
start , finisher
AAS , windkick
startskill, finisher
kick, windkick

Depending on the amount of air height from your starter, you can add a melee chain or continuable skill in between which makes a combo longer.
start , melee, finisher
AAS , AAAS , windkick
start , contskill , finisher
AAS , kick , windkick

Half dash and shift are used to reset your character so that you perform another melee chain.
start, hd, melee, hd, melee
S, >>
, AAAS, >>
starter, shift, melee, shift, melee
S, shift, AAAS, shift, AAAA

Skill canceling – used to cancel the rest of the animation and/or hits when using a skill so you will not loose air height or leave yourself vulnerable for a counter attack. (see continuable skills) Depending on the situation, some skill are more useful when you cancel them. Some skill can only be followed up by canceling. I will indicate how many times the skill should hit before canceling.
For example, you can keep closer to you when you cancel Cross Cut after the first hit, thus making it easier for you to follow it up with a melee chain.
Hit sp as soon as you activate CC.
start, contskill, melee
>>AS, CC(1 hit) sp, >>A

There’s also Whirling sword where you can only follow it up by canceling the rest of its animation. You cancel it with sidestep.
Example while facing to the right:
whirling, vv(A+S)
You will end up sidestepping towards the right where your target has been pushed by whirling making the target within range for follow up.
start, contskill, melee
>>AS, whirling(3 hits)vv(A+S), >>A

Experiment canceling skills with A, S, sp, half dash, shift or another skill to see what works for you.

Wall combos – using walls to keep the target within your range.
Some melee chains can push the target further away from you which can make it out of reach or make the target loose more air height trying to chase it. With the use walls, you can perform a whole new set of combos.
The most commonly used move for wall combos when facing to the wal is AS sp sp, shift and repeat. This is even considered an infinite combo for knights.
By the way, most of the walls on practice field are not suited for wall combos, so if you are going to practice it there, you should have a partner to do it with you.

Windmill – think of it as doing >>A, canceling it and repeat. If you want to see what it is like, keep doing the sidestep right (>> A+sp) while varying the timing to a point where you’re performing dash slash that hits the target and then sidestep quickly afterward.

Now that you know how air combos work, you can start customizing air combos.
Start off with a starter then a finisher. Once you’re familiar with it, start adding melee chains and continuable skills in between. Have fun

Combo list:
This is a list of combos that I’ve used and I’ve proven to work.
I’ll show you how I started learning from short air combos up to long air combos.

My first custom combos. I suggest not to rush and try learning long combos right away. You should master the short combos which will be a strong foundation of long combos.
started out very simple
start, melee

added a skill
start, melee, contskill
AAS, AAAS, kick(3 hits) S

added another skill
start, melee, conskill, contskill
AAS, AAAS, kick(3 hits) S, CC(2 hits) sp

added a finisher skill
start, melee, conskill, contskill, finisher
AAS, AAAS, kick(3 hits) S, CC(2 hits) sp, windkick

added more melee chains(>>A)
start, melee, melee, contskill, melee, contskill, melee, finisher
AAS, AAAS, >>A, kick(3 hits) S, >>A, CC(1 hit) sp, >>A, windkick

more melee chains(AAAA)
start, melee, melee, contskill, melee, contskill, melee, melee, finisher
AAS, AAAS, >>A, kick(3 hits) S, >>A, CC(1 hit) sp, AAAA, >>A, windkick

Around this time I started practicing shifting. I suggest using S as a starter when you’re trying to learn shifting so that you have more air height to practice with.
I suggest this combo to practice shifting. Only melees and shifting.
S, shift, AAAS, shift AAAS, shift, AAAA, >>A

Long Combos List:
I build this up from short to long just like the combos above.
I usually perform this combo in practice field for warm up.
S, shift, AAAS, >>A, kick(3 hits) S, shift, AAAS, shift, AAAA, CC(1 hit) sp, AAAA, kick(3 hits), dfist

Here’s the latest one I use as warm up by modifying the previous one. This one gives me more air height. I’m still trying to make it longer.
S, AA, >>A, kick(3 hits) S, shift, AAAS, shift, AA, >>A, CC(1 hit) sp, AAAA, >>A, kick(3 hits) S, shift, AAAS, shift, AAAA, >>A, whirling cancel(3hits), >>A, FDS

I hope this guide will be of help. Constructive criticism is always welcome. Please include the credits when posting on other locations. Thank you for using my guide.

Zoik – for writing this guide
fLinty – for proofreading this guide – for the skill descriptions

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