Lunia Dainn Skills Guide

Lunia Dainn Skills Guide by incarnate

Ice Arrow

Stage Rating (Max): ***
PvP Rating (1, 2): *****
Description: When leveled up, the ice shots can increase up to 6. High damage spell, but very mana intensive. Great for stage and bosses as some can be frozen in place. Too much wasted mana for PvP to max, keep it low.

Icicle Rain

Stage Rating (Max): *****
PvP Rating (Max): *****
Description: Great skill for both stage and PvP. Awesome combo ability, high damage, with minimal mana cost! What more could you ask for?

Cold Blue Dragon

Stage Rating (Max): *****
PvP Rating (Max): *****
Description: Dainn’s godly damage skill that hits three times and very easy to combo into and out of. Comes out fast and has a low cooldown of 30 seconds.

Ice Pillar

Stage Rating (0): *
PvP Rating (0, 1): ***
Description: A relatively weak skill in my opinion. The damage is alright, but the skill comes out very slowly, and gives you significant delay, leaving you open. Limited use in PvP.

Ice Barrier

Stage Rating (Max): *****
PvP Rating (0, Max): ***
Description: Only costs three points to max and is an awesome stage skill because it can be used to aggro/block nearby monsters. Useful in PvP when you need to run, but not so much required.

Bitter Cold Breath

Stage Rating (1): *****
PvP Rating (1): *****
Description: One of two of Dainn’s invincibility skills. Casts almost instantly (it can be canceled) and freezes all nearby enemies after the invulnerability frames.

Fire Bomb

Stage Rating (0, Max): ****
PvP Rating (Max): *****
Description: All-purpose Dainn spell. Comboable, moderate damage, knocks down, low cooldown. This spell does it all, and with a low cooldown of 7 (!) seconds, you’ll find yourself using this one a lot.

Fire Orb

Stage Rating (Max): ****
PvP Rating (Max): *****
Description: High damage homing missle spell that gets faster *yes, faster* and gains more range as it levels. Decent mana cost, so it is good for stage and PvP, but almost essential for PvP.

Ocean of Fire

Stage Rating (0, Max): ****
PvP Rating (0, 1): **
Description: An AOE stun spell that comes out slow and has a looonnngg after-cast delay. Okay for stages because it is a damaging AOE, but mostly used for it’s flinching effect in PvP.

Fire Dragon`s Heart

Stage Rating (0): *
PvP Rating (0-Max): ****
Description: Lays an orb that shoots out smaller orbs one at a time. Speed and range increase with level, but damage increases very little. Nearly useless skill for staging since there are much better options. Awesome for PvP, because of it’s homing and disruption capabilities.

Fire Rain

Stage Rating (0-Max): ***
PvP Rating (0, 1): ***
Description: Does nice damage if you use it for it’s entire duration, but the drawback is you cannot move and will remain suspended in the air (seizuring) while this is casting. Fortunately, it can be canceled with another spell, and in PvP is used to flinch.

Red Fire Dragon

Stage Rating (1): ****
PvP Rating (0, 1): ***
Description: Cool looking spell with a HUGE AOE once casted. It will hit everything in a straight line in front (and a little behind) of Dainn. A awesome stage spell because it will often hit a lot of MOBs and more than twice. Not so good for PvP, very long cast duration and is highly susceptible to being canceled.

Death Dragon Breath

Stage Rating (1-Max): ****
PvP Rating (1): ***
Description: Uber cool-looking spell that grants invincibilty during the beginning animation and can be dash-canceled midway through. Excellent stage and pvp skill that will do moderate damage in a large AOE with pushback. If you have the points to throw around, I’d recommend it, it’s also recently had it’s CD reduced to 2 minutes!

Fury of Land

Stage Rating (0, Max): ***
PvP Rating (10, Max): *****
Description: Perfect skill for PvP because of it’s slow and huge AoE. The slow is negligible and the damage is decent in stage, but it does not disrupt like Ocean of Fury.

Hand of Earth

Stage Rating (1): ****
PvP Rating (1): *****
Description: One point is necessary so you can continue combos, but will also pushback.

Summon Rock

Stage Rating (Max): *****
PvP Rating (0, 1): **
Description: One of the best stage skills because of it’s AoE and pushback; will hit multiple times and knock back. It is a lesser version of Thunder Candy, but it can be comboed with as well.

Land Giant`s Fist

Stage Rating (0): *
PvP Rating (1-Max): ****
Description: A very weak stage skill, can be used for continuing combos in PvP.

Pillar of Abyss

Stage Rating (1): *****
PvP Rating (1, 3, 7): *****
Description: The other primary skill for Dainn combos. One is good for stage, but some people take it higher for PvP.

Summon Meteor

Stage Rating (1-Max): ****
PvP Rating (1): ***
Description: Both a great stage and PvP skill. Very slow start time, but is worth at lleast 1 point. Drawback is it’s long long cooldown time.

Mana Extension

Stage Rating (0, 4, 7, Max): ****
PvP Rating (0, 4, 7, Max): ***
Description: This is a good PvP skill because some times you won’t have a chance to charge mana like you can in stages. Good for mana-intensive stages, especially Myth.

Resistance Bless`

Stage Rating (0): *
PvP Rating (0): *
Description: Dainns ghetto skill.

Mana Recovery

Stage Rating (1): *
PvP Rating (1-Max): ****
Description: At least one point in here for both stage and pvp. Maxing it is almost useless in stages as it’s overshadowed by Mana Extension.

Mana Increase

Stage Rating (Max): *****
PvP Rating (Max): *****
Description: Invaluable because Dainn relies on mana.

Deadly Magic Blow

Stage Rating (0, 1): **
PvP Rating (0-Max): ***
Description: Okay skill, but the chance increase is low, and the critical damage is helpful, but not amazing.


Stage Rating (0, 1): *
PvP Rating (0-Max): ****
Description: Another “okay” passive has a % chance to activate. In PvP, more useful than Deadly Blow.

HP Increase

Stage Rating (0-Max): ***
PvP Rating (Max): *****
Description: Invaluable in PvP, less so in stages. 340 HP isn’t going to make a huge difference against MOBs.

New Rain of Fire

Stage Rating (0): *
PvP Rating (0, 1): **
Description: One of the worst RB skills, only slightly faster than the normal Rain of Fire.

New Red Fire Dragon

Stage Rating (Max): *****
PvP Rating (0-Max): ***
Description: Excellent staging skill, especially for Myth. Also useful in team PvP.

New Fury of Land

Stage Rating (Max): *****
PvP Rating (Max): *****
Description: One of the best RB skills, and possibly the best staging skill.

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