City of Heroes Going Rogue Morality System Guide

City of Heroes Going Rogue Morality System Guide by Snow Globe

TL;DR version of this whole post:

  • Defeat level 20+ critters to get a tip.
  • You can do up to 5 tips a day for alignment progress.
  • Each completed tip will give you 1 Fame Point.
  • Each Fame Point fade away after 20 hours.
  • After 10 alignment missions of the same type, defeat level 20+ critters to get a Morality Mission tip to drop. This type of tip drop isn’t restricted by the timer.
  • Do the Morality Mission to change or cement your alignment.

Quick Tips:

  • Pocket D and the Vanguard base in the RWZ are the quickest means to get to the other side’s zones.
  • By repeating your current alignment, rogues and vigilantes get bonus reward merits.
  • By repeating your current alignment, heroes and villains get bonus reward merits for the first time they do so. After that they can get 1 Alignment Merit per reinforcement. Alignment Merits can be used to purchase rare recipes (1 or 2 per rare), purple recipes (20-25 per purple recipe), or PVPIO recipes (30-35 per recipe) and other things like respec recipes.

From the release notes:

Going Rogue

Going Rogue is a new feature that allows you to change your faction from hero to villain and from villain to hero. Going Rogue allows you to experience both sides of the game content with a single character. It introduces Alignments that allow you to make characters Vigilantes or Rogues and reap the respect and rewards such status brings.

Defeated enemies will now have the chance to drop a Contact Tip. These Contact Tips are similar to our existing contacts except they have a dialog tree attached to the front of it. You can investigate tips by clicking the investigate button. This opens a description of the tip and then leads into a dialog tree where you can choose how you want to act upon this information. All tips will have two flavors to them, either Vigilante for Heroes or Rogue for Villains. Depending on the choice you make with the information you’re given, you will receive a specific alignment mission of that flavor. Once the mission is complete, you’re another notch closer towards reaching that alignment and the tip is cleared out of the contact window.

Tips will be written as if it was information picked up off of a defeated enemy. For Example: “You found a small torn piece of paper that appears to have some interesting information on it.”

You can work on multiple different alignment missions at any given time. After completing a certain amount of Tip missions of a given alignment, a Moral Choice mission us unlocked. This mission is also tied to the drops system. Once you’ve done enough Alignment Missions to qualify for a Moral Choice mission, the next mission drop will be an alignment drop of that type. This will be a different contact from the normal alignment missions, with the requirements of a certain level of alignment points. These Moral Choice missions are the ones that make the actual, hard switch from one alignment to the next.

  • If the player has reached their maximum task count, a Tip can’t be investigated.
  • Heroes turning Vigilante can travel to the Rogue Islands, and villains turning Rogue can travel to Paragon City.
  • Change sides from hero to villain or villain to hero
  • Visit Paragon City or the Rogue Isle and experience the other side of the game content.
  • Players can defeat enemies and collect Tips that they can act, making adjustments to the character’s alignment.
  • After a certain amount of alignment missions, a Moral Choice mission drop becomes possible.
  • Earn alignment powers.

What this translates to is the following. Note that these are the most efficient, but not the only ways:
Tips in Paragon (Current alignment -> Fame Points/Tips -> Morality mission / Final alignment):

Tips in the Isles (Current alignment -> Fame Points/Tips -> Morality mission / Final alignment):

Here is a graphic for what alignments can change to what other alignments:

If you are a hero:

  • You have to complete 10 heroic tip missions + 1 heroic morality mission. This keeps you at heroic status. At this point you can’t visit red side only zones.
  • You have to complete 10 vigilante tip missions + 1 vigilante morality mission to access both Paragon City and the Rogue Isles. This takes you to vigilante status.

If you are a vigilante:

  • You have to do 10 heroic tip missions + 1 heroic morality mission to get full hero status back. At this point you can’t visit red side only zones.
  • You can do 10 vigilante tip missions + 1 vigilante morality mission to stay at vigilante status. You can continue to visit all zones, but there are a few badges you can’t have until you go full villain (unless you have already been one).
  • You have to do 10 villainous tip missions + 1 villainous morality mission to get full villain status. At this point you can’t visit blue side only zones.

If you are a villain:

  • You have to complete 10 villainous tip missions + 1 villainous morality to access to the Rogue Isles. This keeps you at villain status. At this point you can’t visit blue side only zones.
  • You have to complete 10 rogue tip missions + 1 rogue morality mission to access both Paragon City and the Rogue Isles. This takes you to rogue status.

If you are a rogue:

  • You have to do 10 villainous tip missions + 1 villainous morality mission to get full villain status. At this point you can’t visit blue side only zones.
  • You can do 10 rogue tip missions + 1 rogue morality mission to stay at rogue status. You can continue to visit all zones, but there are a few badges you can’t have until you go full hero (unless you have already been one).
  • You have to do 10 heroic tip missions + 1 heroic morality mission to get full hero status back. At this point you can’t visit red side only zones.

There is how the system breaks down (pun sort of intended).

What is the Alignment System?

Going Rogue is a new feature that allows you to change your faction from hero to villain and from villain to hero. Going Rogue allows you to experience both sides of the game content with a single character. It introduces Alignments that allow you to make characters Vigilantes or Rogues and reap the respect and rewards such status brings.

  • Heroes turning Vigilante can travel to the Rogue Islands, and villains turning Rogue can travel to Paragon City.
  • Change sides from hero to villain or villain to hero
  • Visit Paragon City or the Rogue Isle and experience the other side of the game content.
  • Players can defeat enemies and collect Tips that they can act, making adjustments to the character’s alignment.
  • After a certain amount of alignment missions, a Moral Choice mission drop becomes possible.
  • Earn alignment powers.

What are the Alignments?

The four alignments are Hero, Vigilante, Villain, and Rogue.

  • Heroes can visit all of Paragon City and uses Influence.
  • Vigilantes can do everything a Hero can, but can also visit the Rogue Isles.
  • Villains can visit all of the Rogue Isles and uses Infamy.
  • Rogues can do everything a Villain can, but can also visit Paragon City.


What are Contact Tips?

Contact Tips are similar to our existing contacts except they have a dialog tree attached to the front of it. You can investigate tips by clicking the investigate button. This opens a description of the tip and then leads into a dialog tree where you can choose how you want to act upon this information. All tips will have two flavors to them, either Vigilante for Heroes or Rogue for Villains. Depending on the choice you make with the information you’re given, you will receive a specific alignment mission of that flavor. Once the mission is complete, you’re another notch closer towards reaching that alignment and the tip is cleared out of the contact window.

Tips will be written as if it was information picked up off of a defeated enemy. For Example: “You found a small torn piece of paper that appears to have some interesting information on it.”

What are the Fame Points?

Fame Points show what your last 5 counting tips were. For the first hour, no timer will appear if you hover over a Fame Point. After an hour and up to 19 hours the timer will count up showing that you’ve been famous for this deed for the amount of time since you have completed the mission. After 19 hours, the timer counts down the last hour telling you that your deed will be forgotten in XX minutes.

Fame points are the task count mentioned in the opening quote.

What is the difference between alignment progress and Fame Points?

Alignment progress is 1-10 in your available alignment choices. Fame Points show you the tips you have completed in the last 20 hours.

How do I get Contact Tips?

Defeated enemies over level 20 will now have the chance to drop a Contact Tip. A Contact Tip drop in Paragon City zones will be either Vigilante or Hero aligned. While in the Rogue Isles the tips will be either Rogue or Villain aligned. Bossess have a higher chance of dropping tips, but even underlings like Rikti Monkeys can drop tips.

Each Contact Tip will randomly drop. If you have done 5 counting tip missions in the last 20 hours you will not get more tips until the timer expires.

What are Alignment Missions?

You can work on multiple different alignment missions at any given time. Completing Alignment Missions earns you alignment points. Once you’ve done enough Alignment Missions to qualify for a Moral Choice mission, the next mission drop will be a Morality Mission of that alignment type.

Can I share other players alignment missions?

Yes, any player that hasn’t gained 5 Fame Points or hasn’t achieved 10/10 for that alignment can get another fame point for that mission. Additionally, the following restrictions apply:

  • Heroes, Rogues, and Vigilantes can share heroic tips.
  • Heroes and Vigilantes can share vigilante tips.
  • Villains, Rogues, and Vigilantes can share villainous tips.
  • Villains and Rogues can share rogue tips.

What are Morality Missions?

After completing a certain amount of Tip missions of a given alignment, a Moral Choice mission us unlocked. This mission is also tied to the drops system. This will be a different contact from the normal alignment missions, with the requirements of a certain level of alignment points. These Moral Choice missions are the ones that make the actual, hard switch from one alignment to the next.

Can I share other players morality missions?

Yes, just like the alignment missions, but any player that has reached 10/10 for that alignment can choose to switch (or re-affirm) that alignment. Any player that hasn’t reached 10/10 gains a fame point towards that alignment.

What happens to my Influence/Infamy when I go to the opposing faction’s areas?

It will go change its name from InfluenceInfamy and nothing will be lost.

What are the limitations of the Alignment System?

  • If the player has reached their maximum task count, a Tip can’t be investigated.
  • If you visit a co-operative zone and exit to the other faction, you lose all tips and any inactive mission in your list.
  • You lose Super Leader rank in your group if you fully cross over from heroes to villains, or from villains to heroes.
  • You cannot trade between heroic alignments and villainous alignments.


How do I get to the other faction’s zones?

You can travel between Paragon City and the Rogue Isles in a few different ways:

  • Pocket D will be the easiest to transfer through.
  • The Vanguard base in the Rikti War Zone.
  • There is a submarine that transfers between Independence Port and Sharkhead Isle. Both these are shown on the minimap.
    • The Independence Port sub is located by the Freedom Corps store in the northwest of the zone.
    • The Sharkhead Isle sub is located just north of Potter’s Field, almost directly south of the hospital.

You cannot use the following to zone to the other faction’s zones:

  • Ouroborus
  • Bloody Bay
  • Siren’s Call
  • Warburg
  • Recluse’s Victory

What can I do in the other faction’s zones?

You can collect badges, join task/strike forces, trials, do paper missions, do radio missions, use the stores, use the tailors, and use the consignment houses.

What are the Alignment Powers?

Each time you shift morality or reinforce your morality and keep the same alignment for 7 days, you gain a special power. You can only have one of these powers at a time, and lose the previous one each time you shift morality:

  • Call to Justice

    Earned by: Doing the hero morality mission and keeping the same alignment for 7 days.

Description: You inspire your nearby allies to bring justice to your foes. Using this power will moderately increase the damage and to hit of yourself and all nearby allies. Recharge: Very Long

+10% ToHit for 30 sec (AoE, 25 ft radius, Allies)
+40% Damage for 30 sec (AoE, 25 ft radius, Allies)


  • Fear Incarnate

    Earned by: Doing the vigilante morality mission and keeping the same alignment for 7 days.


Description: You strike fear into the hearts of the guilty causing all nearby foes to tremble in fear for a short time. Fear Incarnate will only affect Minion and Underling class enemies. Affected foes will also have their To Hit chance reduced. Recharge: Very Long

2.0 mag terrorize for 10 sec (AoE, 15 ft radius, 10 targets max)
-10% ToHit for 15 sec (AoE, 15 ft radius, 10 targets max)


  • Frenzy

    Earned by: Doing the villain morality mission and keeping the same alignment for 7 days.


Description: You drive yourself into a blind rage to strike down your foes! Upon activating this power you will increase your recharge rate. All Hero Archetypes, Masterminds, Corruptors and Soldiers of Arachnos will receive a high damage increase, Dominators will have their Domination bar filled, Brutes will have their Rage bar filled and Stalkers will be put into a hidden state and receive a minor damage buff. Recharge: Very Long

30% recharge buff on self for 20 seconds
60% increase to all damage for 20 seconds or Special (see description)


  • Duplicity

    Earned by: Doing the Rogue morality mission and keeping the same alignment for 7 days.


Description: You trick nearby enemies causing weaker enemies like minions to become confused for a short time. Affected foes will also have their Damage output decreased. Recharge: Very Long

2.00 mag confuse for 10 sec (AoE, 15 ft. radius, 10 targets max)
-10% damage for 15 sec (AoE, 15 ft radius, 10 targets max)

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