Facebook eDragon Servant Guide

Facebook eDragon Servant Guide by Kohlrah

This is a guide on how to use your Servant as well as a brief explanation of their purpose coupled with other bits of information. This guide will be regularly updated with new information as I progress through eDragon. (NOTE: Sentences with lines drawn through them were features that were in the game before a patch went live. I do not know if these features are completely gone or have been bugged due to a patch)

Starting at level fifteen near the bottom-right corner of your screen while in town a portrait appears (refresh required). Click on the yellow ‘Recruit Servant’ text to acquire your Servant. Place your mouse over each portrait to get an idea of the available attributes*. Three out of four of these attributes will be randomly generated for your Servant. It costs 10,000 coins to recruit a Servant and you’re allowed no more than one per account. You can get a new Servant by simply clicking on the ‘Dismiss servant’ text located in the Servant GUI at the bottom-right corner of the screen. There are no limitations for the ‘Dismiss servant’ feature, however you will have to spend another 10,000 coins if you want another Servant. (*NOTE: The ‘Growth’ attribute is not available. Don’t waste your coin trying to get this attribute)


Game definition of attributes:

0.0% bonus for the harvest products
0.0% deduction for production growth cycle
0 extra energy point recovered every day for the master
0.0% deduction for coin expense

What they actually do:

Increases coins harvested per plant by 0.1% per point spent (Doesn’t apply to EXP gained)
Decreases production time of plant by 0.5% per point spent
At 0800 for every ten (10) points in this attribute you gain one (1) point of energy
Decreases the cost of a plant by 0.1% per point spent (Deduction not displayed when planted on the floating text, but the bonus does take effect)


What is a Servant?
A Servant is your personal helper. They give you additional benefits to enhance your main character

How do I use my Servant?
The Servant has their own form of energy called ‘Emotion’. To access this, click on their portrait to open the Servant GUI. Locate ‘Emotion’ and click on ‘Pacify’. This is where you raise your Servant’s ‘Emotion’. Notice at the right there are limits for each option — once a day at 0000 server time these are replenished*. For every plant placed in the ‘Farm’ slot, your Servant will lose one (1) point of ‘Emotion’ as well as costing you a small amount of coins (*NOTE: Opening the ‘Pacify’ screen for the first time may not show any values under the ‘Remaining’ column — if so, reload the game and everything should be there — and if that doesn’t work, please contact a GM as soon as possible)

What is ‘Loyalty’ used for?
You must have a certain amount of loyalty before you can raise the ‘Emotion’ of a Servant as indicated by the ‘Requirement’ column of the ‘Pacify’ screen. It’s also required if you want to loot rare gems from your Servant

How can I get more ‘Loyalty’?
Click on the ‘Bestow’ text next to the ‘Loyalty’ bar. (NOTE: At this time only Gil or Gold can be spent to raise loyalty. Keep this in mind when looting rare gems)

Where do I plant stuff?
At the top of the Servant GUI click on the ‘My Manor’ tab. Now, on the right side of this screen there are diamond-shaped tiles. Click on one to add a plant. There is also a ‘quick access’ button to your manor (see picture)

What benefits do I gain from my Servant?
Benefits include: coins, energy and rare gems

How does a Servant produce coins?
After harvesting a plant you gain coins

How does a Servant give me more Energy?
For every ten (10) points accumulated for the ‘Guardian’ ability, an additional one (1) point of energy will be given to you at 0800 server time

How do I get rare gems?
There is a small percentage that a rare gem will drop upon harvest. When it does, you have an option to loot it from your Servant; looting a rare gem will lower their loyalty by nine (9) points (NOTE: You can only gain more loyalty by spending Gil or Gold — keep this in mind as you loot your Servant. NOTE2: The nine point deduction currently applies to Amethyst, if any other gems are discovered then that deduction may change)

How would I know if my servant got a rare gem?
An animation will occur the instant you harvest a plant. After the animation has finished, a pop-up box will appear and you will then be presented with an option to loot the rare gem or not

Which rare gems are available?
Amethyst (Currently discovered — may be more later on)

Which plants drop rare gems?
Any level ten (10) plant or above (Cactus, Wistaria, Agave, Sunflower)

If it costs nine (9) points of loyalty, and, I have to buy loyalty with gold, then, why should I take the rare gem drop?
Amethysts cost nine (9) gold in the Mall. Picking up an Amethyst from your Servant costs nine (9) points of loyalty. Here’s the catch: it costs eight (8) gold to purchase ten (10) points of loyalty for your Servant. You’re saving one (1) gold and gaining one (1) point of loyalty for your Servant. After doing this method nine (9) times, you will gain a free Amethyst!

What are the small round icons on my plant?
These are here as a type of side game for you. They appear randomly. The blue icon represents lack of water (Droplet). The orange icon represents bugs (An orange beetle?). The green icon represents weeds (Weed sprout).

Are they good?

They are in the game as a type of nuisance to your plants that randomly appear, however, they currently have no harmful impact. In fact, they produce additional bonuses for you and a plant can be harvested with or without curing the nuisance. Curing the nuisance produces one positive effect: +50 Coin, production duration reduced by one (1) minute, +10 exp for your Servant or +1 Emotion to your Servant (Very rare)

How do I get rid of these nuisances?
There are four icons at the top of your screen. Use the ‘Watering can’ next to the arrow for the blue icon. Use the ‘Shovel’ for the green icon. Use the ‘Pesticide’ at the far right for the orange icon. After doing this, you will be awarded one of the aforementioned benefits

How do I get my mouse cursor back?
Click on the arrow at the top of the screen. Other methods: Exiting your manor or clicking on the same icon

What is the maximum amount of farms available?
Currently unknown. At the time of writing this guide I have a level nineteen (19) Servant with eleven (11) available farms

Why does my Servant say random things?
This means an event has happened at your Manor or somewhere else in the game that may need your attention. It may refer to things like a new nuisance appearing on a plant, your Servant’s timer expiring or even fresh Pub quests amongst other events occuring. Or, random information about the game is being presented to you

Can I disable this function?
Yes. Click on your Servant’s avatar. Click on the ‘Remind’ tab and click the ‘Disable’ button located in the center of that screen

What’s that blinking icon next to my Servant’s avatar?
It means a plant is ready for harvest

What happens when ‘Time Remaining’ under ‘Status’ runs out?
You receive a 50% EXP deduction and 0 coins upon harvest


What is a ‘Dragon Elixir’?
It’s another form of EXP for your Servant

How do I get a ‘Dragon Elixir’?
There is a percentage a plant will drop one upon harvest. A ‘Dragon Elixir + 1’ text will be under the ‘Coin’ floating text after clicking a plant to harvest and will appear in your inventory thereafter:

How do I use the ‘Dragon Elixir’?
Open up your Servant GUI by clicking on their avatar. At the bottom of this screen click on the orange ‘Dragon Elixir’ underlined text and click the ‘Dragon Elixir’ button after setting the amount you would like applied (NOTE: Be sure to read the red text if you would like to use more than one [1] ‘Dragon Elixir’ at a time)

How much EXP does one ‘Dragon Elixir’ give?
Currently unknown. My level 24 Servant gains 1042 per ‘Dragon Elixir’ while my level 11 Servant gains 577

What does the ‘Promote’ feature do?
For sixty (60) gold/gil you can upgrade your servant for twenty-four (24) hours. The upgrade takes away the ‘Servant Working’ timer. You also gain access to the ‘Bulk planting’ and ‘Bulk harvest’ features. These features automatically fill up all available farm slots or harvest every plant when clicked


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