Translation: EXILE – The Birthday: Ti Amo

EXILE – The Birthday: Ti Amo

日曜日の夜は ベッドが広い
眠らない想い 抱いたまま 朝を待つ
帰る場所がある あなたのこと
好きになってはいけない わかってた 初めから
on a sunday night, the bed is too wide
embracing the sleepless thoughts, i wait for the morning
there is a place to i can return to, and that is you
but i know i can’t let myself like you, and so it starts over again

どれだけの想いならば 愛と呼んでいいのでしょうか
how much do you have to think before it can be called love
please just give a name to this feeling that crushes my chest

キスをするたびに 目を閉じてるのは 未来(あした)を見たくないから
抱きしめられると ときめく心は あなたをまだ信じてる
声に出さないまま 「愛してる」と叫ぶの
everytime when we kiss, i close my eyes because i don’t want to see tomorrow
being hugged close my throbbing heart still believes in you
even as i’m unable to speak, i want to say “i love you”

おきまりの台詞 なぞるだけの
遊びのような恋には向いてない むかしから
are you just following the given script
i can’t cope with such a playful passion, i’m too old

誰ひとり傷つけない恋を 人は愛と呼ぶけど
この罪を背負いながら 生きてく覚悟はできてる
the passion that doesn’t harm anyone, they call it love but
as i carry the burden of this sin, i am able to resolve to start living

終止符くらいは私に打たせて それが最後のわがまま
ひとりきりではもう ラブソング歌えない
when i leave the room i would rather you say “goodnight” than “goodbye”
let the fullstop just strike onto me, this is my last selfish request
being alone, i can no longer sing a love song

もっと早く会えたら あなたと知りあえたら
もっと長く会えたら あなたと向きあえたら
ふたりは心も重ねてた (Ti Amo)
if i could meet you earlier, if i could know you better
even though our steps have already come to match
if i could meet you longer, if i could face you now
our hearts would just pile upon each other

キスをするたびに 目を閉じてるのは 未来(あした)を見たくないから
抱きしめられると ときめく心は あなたをまだ信じてる
声に出さないまま 「愛してる」…
everytime when we kiss, i close my eyes because i don’t want to see tomorrow
being hugged close my throbbing heart still believes in you
even as i’m unable to speak “i love you”…

「僕は弱いね」と 自分から告げた ずるい人だわ あなたは
時計をはずして 微笑んでくれる 優しい人ね あなたは
笑顔くずさないで 嘘を見抜きたくない
“i’m really weak” i’ve told myself, but you are still the cunning one
taking off my watch, giving me a smile, you are still the gentle one
don’t stop your smile, i don’t want to see through your lies

4 Responses

  1. oh yeah could you send me your email too so i can give you a shout when it’s done =]

  2. i really like this song too =] i’ll try to do a translation of that soon but i’ve been really bogged down by school lately so it might take a while sorry =D

  3. kaedecha says:

    hi, i really like this song. Exile’s ballad song has always been my favorite. Can i request for the translation of their song ”Boku e”? It is a new song from the Ballad best album. Thank You.

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