Translation: the brilliant green – Ash Like Snow
the brilliant green – Ash Like Snow
空高く染める黒檀の闇 飲み込まれた星屑たち
儚く降り積もる 灰色の雪
見つめた嘆きの窓 i never dreamed
凍りつく there…I come for you
the ebony darkness dyeing the sky black had engulfed the stars
falling into a fragile pile, this ashen snow
i gazed at the weeping window i never dreamed
its frozen there…I come for you
想いは寂寞の夜空に 舞い上がり砕けた
この世界が形を変えるたびに 守りたいものを壊して
my thoughts soared and broke apart in the lonely night sky
because every time the world changes something precious is broken
and is lost
心にひしめく背徳の闇 君の声が
麻酔のように 冷たく感覚を奪ってく
矛盾を追いかけても終わらない 何故僕は戦うの?
an immoral darkness jostling around in my heart, your voice
is like an anesthetic, taking away the freezing feeling
chasing after the contradiction won’t end anything, why am i fighting?
たとえば光が消え失せて この星がおちても
忘れないよ その小さな願いがあるべき場所へと導く
even if the light were to vanish and all the stars fallen
i won’t forget, this little dream will guide me to that perfect place
there I come for you yeah
ash like snow
it’s falling down from your sky
ash like snow
ash like snow
ash like snow
let me hear why i have to fight
この想いは寂寞の夜空に 舞い上がり砕けた
闇を開く栄光と引き換えに 守るべきものを失ってきた
my thoughts soared and broke apart in the lonely night sky
while seeking the glory that will shatter the darkness, i’ve lost the things i should have protected
it’s falling from your sky
baby i come for you
it’s falling from your sky
its so futile
baby i come for you
砕け散った欠片に傷つくたび 閉ざされた僕の心は
強くなることを選んで ここまで来たんだ
whenever i’m wounded by the broken splinters, my heart closes up
i choose to be strong because i’ve come so far
indeed! i love it too =]
It’s a lovely song…