Category: Eudemons Online

Eudemons Boss Hunting Locations Maps

Eudemons Boss Hunting Locations Maps by marcus123 they’re out of date but they give a basic idea Gobi These are the Gobi Desert bosses… The green dots stand for Refined bosses. Here you will...

Eudemons Low Level Pking Guide

Eudemons Low Level Pking Guide by dieharD Step 1: Choosing professional human-hunting equipment Advertisement: Get your professional pking equipment at happy diehard’s quality store for a fair amount of EO gold! For more information...

Eudemons Vampire and Blood Soul Guide

Eudemons Vampire and Blood Soul Guide by Dracula In this guide I will describe the sacrifice system completely,tell you all about the skills of a vampire,best pets to have on your vampire in my...

Eudemons Astral Eudemon Quest Guide

Eudemons Astral Eudemon Quest Guide by firesteel Heads up & reference. Collect souls in Cronus if you want pets. Collect souls in Island if you want mounts. Astral grouping by elements: Air Sign –...

Eudemons Making Gold Guide

Eudemons Making Gold Guide by Secelion This guide is for everyone beginners and advanced players. 1. Eudemon and Egg seller Easiest way to make gold is by selling demons and eggs you don’t need....

Eudemons Divine Composing Guide

Eudemons Divine Composing Guide by Bummer Just want to start a guide on Divine composing. PPL please add to this if you know more and if you catch any error. 1. Only Divine Eudemons...

Eudemons Finding Your Spouse Guide

Eudemons Finding Your Spouse Guide by PieAddict Hello, After experiencing the ingame “relationships” for years with friends and once myself I decided to write a guide how to find the perfect spouse, how to...

Eudemons Exp Balling Guide

Eudemons Exp Balling Guide by PieAddict What is exp balling? Exp balling is a steady and reasonable fast way to earn ep’s without any risk. Why? Because you can’t loose what you are making,...

Eudemons Vampire Guide

Eudemons Vampire Guide by g0dheaven When you open up the “Sacrifice” window, many of you may be confused as to what those new words mean, here’s a little guide: Evil Core – Similar to...

Eudemons Composing Guide

Eudemons Composing Guide by D0C Main composing Every eudemon has its own Growth Rate (GR). It is inborn so you cannot change it. It would be lucky for you to find a good GR...