Dungeon Fighter Online NPCs and Special Dungeons Guide

Dungeon Fighter Online NPCs and Special Dungeons Guide by RiseDFO


Before we begin, I’ll start with a disclaimer. This section does not cover every single NPC in detail, but rather the functions NPCs have to help you on your journey in DFO. This means NPC lore, advanced functions, etc, will not be covered simply because it falls outside the scope of a beginners guide. I do plan to cover lore eventually, just not here.

Function #1: Repair

Though this function could fall underneath the category of item modification, I decided it deserved its own space. I actually should have included this in the first part, honestly.

I’ve partied with many people and sometimes, their weapon would lose all durability in the middle of the run. This occurred even in the 50+ areas so it’s a real issue. You MUST at all costs avoid having this happen to you.

Weapons and armor have durability, as many of you noticed. Every time you get attacked or attack, you lose durability on your armor and weapon respectively. Some of you may also have noticed that an NPC (Delilah) appears at the end of dungeon runs. Use her to repair your weapons. For a small fee, all your durability will be restored.

Best practice is to do this after every single run. The longer you wait, the more it’ll cost, so it makes no real difference if you repair early or late.

Function #2: Shops

As the majority of you probably noticed or could guess, there are NPC shops. We call these NPC merchants of various goods. I figure though this is an obvious function, it does some good to mention it.

There are a variety of different types of shops, ranging from Pots, Weapons, Armor, Artifacts and more. Pots are used for gaining a random weapon or armor, if you were curious.

Function #3: Items

Now that we covered the basics, let’s go into item modification functions that NPCs have. Magic Seals and Disassembling would be in this category, but they were previously discussed. Repairing, as I’ve already mentioned, also technically falls underneath this category.

Let’s start with everyone’s favorite, reinforcement. There is an NPC (Kiri) that you can go to to get your item ‘reinforced’, or as she calls it ‘upgraded’.

The value of reinforcement is as follows. You get piercing values to magical and physical attributes to your weapons (or defensive attributes on your armor) every time you reinforce your weapon. The higher the reinforcement, the more exponential the benefits becomes. So a +13 would be exponentially stronger than a +12.

However, there are cons. A ton of cons. The main one being there is a chance of failure. Beyond +10, your equip can break entirely in fact. Failing before +10 would just revert your reinforcement by a few upgrades (e.g. +9 becomes + 6). And it’s a huge gold sink as each reinforcement also costs a ton of gold. Not to mention each upgrade costs clear cube frags (10 more per each reinforcement so to get to +10, you’d need 100, while +11 would cost 110).

There is a ton of luck involved as well. The chance of success lowers every upgrade you succeed so getting a +13 or +14 would cost an astronomical figure unless extremely lucky. Personally, I have terrible luck so it’d cost a few million for me just to get to +11. I recommend not upgrading your weapon till end game. And another important fact to note is that reinforcement mainly helps out percentage skills. There’s something similar that we don’t have in the game yet, Suju Reinforcement, that helps out fixed (we probably don’t have it but I’ve been wrong on that count several times already haha). If you don’t know these terms, refer to part 2!

Eventually, I plan to detail the specifics of Kiri/Suju, but as this is a beginner’s guide, there’s no need to just yet. Getting too detailed would be an advanced topic.

Crafting items is the second and last item modification function we will discuss as I’ve already talked about the others previously. As many of you might have noticed, you can ‘craft’ some basic materials into different materials. This comes in handy for quests that require these different materials. For instance, awakening quests require crafted materials.

In order to craft, there’s two main methods. One is go to Roger to craft it up with him, while the other is go to Seria. Know that Roger is technically cheaper than Seria and Seria is not really crafting items, just selling the crafted items for the basic ones. And Roger has more crafting options. In other words, go to Roger for your crafting related needs!

Well, after discussing three functions, let’s go to the first and only real ‘tip’ in this guide.

Tip #1: Use the map for NPC functions!

The map is actually a relatively powerful tool in DFO Global. You can normally open up the map with the ‘n’ key, unless you rebinded it with something else. You can also click on the top right corner of the screen as well.

There, you can see options. One is picking out functions and by doing so, will highlight every NPC on the map with those available functions. This means by searching for “Repair” underneath the Item category, you will see the map highlight every single NPC with the repair function. You can also search for each NPC individually as well.

Know that you’ll notice some other functions I did not bother covering from the map navigation. That is because those functions aren’t as important nor relevant to a beginner’s guide (portal function for example to other areas).

Special Dungeons

We will be covering several dungeons in this section, that I consider irregular/special. I do not plan to go in depth about tactics and tricks per each dungeon, as that could be a guide in and of itself. I will only give you a high level overview of the dungeons so you have a basic understanding.

Valley of Fallen Souls

The dungeons that I am about to talk about all reside in the location, Valley of Fallen Souls. So let’s cover these first, as these dungeons are the most relevant to early players.

Tower of Illusion

This tower is the first dungeon you encounter at this location. It opens up at level 40 and requires one Dreyfus’s invites to access. You get 3 per day, so you can only really run this dungeon three times max.

There are 15 floors of monsters and APCs. You are allowed to use any cubes, but no consumables besides the ones you find (which does not drop in this dungeon I believe anyway) And your completion is just four cards of either items or gold.

Tower of Death

Second tower, which you can access starting at level 50. This tower is used for the awakening quest line and also requires a Dreyfus’s invite. So, since you only have 3 of those per day, you can only run this dungeon a maximum of three times per day.

Unlike Tower of Illusion, in ToD, you cannot use cube skills. You need to find cubes throughout your tower run as some mobs will drop them, and consumables need to be found as well (they drop in this dungeon). There are 45 floors in Tower of Death and it gives more rewards for completion than Tower of Illusion.

The interesting part about ToD that will introduce to newbies is how to manage cube skills. You are limited and so figuring out ways to complete the run with the most minimal amount of cube frags becomes a required trait.

Fun Fact: Summoners are pretty screwed in towers. They need to resummon every floor! So it’s like playing on super hard mode!

Tower of Despair

This tower is probably not yet in the game but can be accessed once you hit level 70. It does not require a Dreyfus invite like the previous two but you are limited to one entry per day. That is, unless you get a special item that allows for two entries.

The tower is 100 floors and you are only allowed to do one floor a day. Failing a floor just means no progression, so you don’t have to start over from the beginning. It’s a 1vs1 against a variety of APCs per floor. This means, no parties allowed. You get 10 cards per floor, and clearing the entire tower will give you an epic equipment pot!

Alright, with that covered, let’s go over the three altars. Know that none are active in the game just yet.

Altar of Infinity

To enter, you need gold and reentry requires an even greater amount of gold. You gain access to this Altar at level 60+. You encounter 15 waves of monsters in 3 rooms but you do get character buffs to help you out. Clearing gives you 10 cards of goods.

Altar of Ascension

Similar to Infinity, but the entry is level 65+ and you are also limited in a party size of 2. There are 7 waves of monsters and there’s a limit of three entries per day. In other versions, entering requires you to enter in the first ten minutes of every hour, but this may not be the case in DFOG.

Altar of Defense

This altar may actually not be included in DFOG and there’s one major reason why. The korean version does not have this altar. The japanese and chinese version, however, do. But as our game is based on the korean version, we probably won’t get this. But no harm in covering it briefly.

This is a level 50+ Altar, and can only be done solo. There are 12 stages, with 3 difficulties each. Consumables are disabled but cube skills are fair game. All Altars have this system. You are limited to three entries per day.

Abysmal Arena

This is another non-korean exclusive which we will probably not end up getting. It is a level 60+ dungeon and has 8 floors of fighting multiple bosses each. Reinforcement rate on weapons is reduced by 80 percent and you can only enter 3 times till your keys are refilled on a specific day.


OtherVerse is a special dungeon and way too advanced for a beginners guide. Imagine them as sort of mini-raids. I plan to cover these dungeons in detail later on, but for now, a general overview should be helpful/interesting to beginners.

OtherVerse is an end game area that you run for chronicle gear. Chronicle gear is one of the very best gear types, as I’ve mentioned in earlier parts of my guide, in the game. The only better could be Epic and Legendary. Really depends on the specific equip.

There are several Otherverses (OV, OV2, and OV3). Each one progressively more difficult and may require a higher level. Many of the rooms have gimmicks and tricks that you need to understand in order to succeed. To give an example, you may need to stand in a specific corner of the map, otherwise get obliterated. Not knowing the gimmicks of each room will lead to disaster, which is why a guide covering this in detail is super important.

That’s really all you need to know as a beginner. You also have 3 to 2 entries per day.

Mirror Arad

I’ve already covered this in detail in a stories of the past update. These do technically count as special dungeons, and click here for more details.


There’s two types of ancients in this game. Normal Ancients and True Ancients. But before I get into details, you need to have some backstory.

Before Metastasis, we had to actually run some ancients in order to awaken. Afterwards, they removed that requirement but the ancient dungeons are still in the game.

True Ancients are just ancients but the level not being the same. So this means, they are much more difficult than normal ancients. Veterans enjoy running true ancients to test their times/skill, especially True Vilmark.


This is just the section filled with some extra tidbits!

Champion Break Bonus

Sometimes you’ll earn a buff called Champion Break Bonus at the end of your runs.

To earn Champion Break Bonus, you need to kill 10 special mobs in a dungeon. These mobs are just regular mobs but with added effects. You’ll notice them periodically while playing, hard to miss. And at the top right corner of your screen, you should also see the the break bonus symbol increase every time a special mob is killed. Once 10 has been killed, the symbol should turn on fire, signaling that you have done enough to earn the buff. Now just complete the run.

Remember to pick a card in the second row when you do complete your run. Otherwise, you won’t get the buff! You’ll either get a buff or a random item, and it’s easy to notice if the cards are for the buffs as long as you don’t see a cost for gold.

The variety of buffs can include 100% clear bonus, 50% monster hunting bonus, +11 temporary weapon upgrade, and more.


Sometimes you’ll notice that instead of Delilah at the end of runs, you’ll meet with Gabriel instead. He can give away some rare items/cubes and I highly recommend purchasing them. Most likely those items will be below market price.

But remember, DO NOT purchase the third item unless you want to. He always sells that and it’s not worth the cost.

Boss Uniques and Normal Uniques

There’s actually two uniques in this game. Normal and Boss uniques. The difference is that you can trade one, and one is boss-specific and untradeable. They are normally named after the bosses that dropped them.

You’ll want to grind up the non-tradable ones in a disassembler or personal profession disassembler.

Gold Trimmed Dungeons

I completely forgot to mention this in part one with fatigue maximization. There are gold trimmed dungeons that require 8 FP to enter, but no FP cost per room inside.

Regdren’s note: Drop rate of magic-sealed gear and tradeable pink gear is greatly increased compared to normal dungeons in gold trimmed dungeons as long as you are at the appropriate level.

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