LoL Jungling Beginner’s Guide
LoL Jungling Beginner’s Guide by Nightblue3
Constructed a Starter Guide for new and upcoming junglers that are trying to get gold by the end of the season! Includes runes, masteries(pictures are below), builds, skill order, and strong champions that will help you gain elo. Share with your friends and I’d love if you guys sent me screenshots of you guys acheiving gold! This guide also applies to all elos however, these champions are some of the easier jungle champions (still very strong junglers).
If you’re new to jungling I recommend these to start off for learning the role, I’m listing very few because the less you focus on mechanical skill of champions the more you focus on the role itself and the decision making/time management required to be a good jungler.
I know that this still doesn’t explain the playstyle of these junglers/how to be a better jungler, however this is a good first step and if you watch the stream hopefully I can help with that and ask any questions in the chat.
If you have any questions let me know in the comments!
Amumu (Full AP or Tank)
Match-Ups Worth Mentioning:
Strong Against: Lee Sin, Vi,
Weak Against: Maokai, Wukong, Kha’Zix
Runes: AP Quint, Armor Seal, Magic Pen Mark, Flat MR/Cooldown Glyph
Skill Order: Max R>E>Q>W (Start E, W second, Q third)
Standard Builds:
Full AP: Spectral Wraith , Sorceror Shoes, Haunting Guise, Rylai’s, Deathcap/Zhonya/Abyssal/Void Staff (whichever you need) , finish Liandrys
Tank: Ancient golem, Tabi’s/Merc’s depending on what you need, Sunfire Cape, Frozen Heart/Banshee’s, Abyssal/Locket
Match-Ups Worth Mentioning:
Strong Against: Wukong, Vi, Nunu
Weak Against: Elise, Lee Sin, Kha’Zix, Maokai, Rengar, Udyr
Runes: AP Quint, Armor Seal, Flat AD Marks, Flat AP/Flat MR Glyphs
Skill Order: R>Q>E>W (Start Q, E second, W third)
Standard Builds:
Against Heavy AD: Lizard, Tabi’s/Merc’s depending on what you need, Sunfire Cape, Randuin’s, Trinity Force, Thornmail/Banshee’s (if they have some AP abilities)
Against Heavy AP: Lizard, Hexdrinker, Merc’s, Banshee’s/Locket if support hasn’t bought one, finish maw if need more dmg, Sunfire Cape (generally they will have an adc/some sort of physical dmg even if its an all AP team)
Match-Ups Worth Mentioning:
Strong Against: Elise, Kha’Zix, Lee Sin, Rengar
Weak Against: **CAN BE** weak against Vi, Wukong
Runes: Flat AD Quints, Armor Seals, Flat AD Marks, Flat MR/Cooldown Glyphs
Skill Order: R>Q>E>W (Start Q, E second, W third)
Standard Builds:
Lizard, Brutalizer/hexdrinker (if you need MR), Last Whisper, Merc tred’s/tabi’s, Randuins, Banshees, Finish cleaver/maw either in between randuins banshees or after depending on when you feel tanky enough
Match-Ups Worth Mentioning:
Strong Against: Jarvan, can be strong against Kha’Zix & Pantheon
Weak Against: Evelynn, generally weak against Wukong, Amumu, Elise
Runes: Flat AD Quints, Armor Seals, Flat AD Marks, Flat MR/Cooldown Glyphs
Skill Order: R>Q>E=W(either one) (Start W, E second, Q third)
Standard Builds:
Lizard, Brutalizer/hexdrinker (if you need MR), Merc’s/tabi’s, Randuins/Sunfire, Banshee’s/Locket (if support doesn’t have one against heavy AP team), finish cleaver/maw, Thornmail(if you feel like it will be effective (a lot of auto attackers)/Trinity force
Match-Ups Worth Mentioning:
Strong Against: Nocturne, Can be strong against Pantheon & Vi, Jarvan
Weak Against: Evelynn, Lee Sin, Elise, Kha’Zix
Runes: Flat AD Quints, Armor Seals, Flat AD Marks, Flat MR/Cooldown Glyphs
Skill Order: R>E>Q>W (Start E, Q second, W third)
Standard Builds:
Lizard, Brutalizer, boots1(325g), Sunfire Cape, Merc Tred’s/Tabi’s (depending on what you need), Randuins (if need more armor), Banshees if need MR, finish cleaver, Maw (need more MR)/trinity (need more DMG)/warmog’s (have enough resist but need more health, warmogs is very strong on him because it offers a lot of health and his passive gives a lot of resistance in fights that compliment the health, last item if you don’t build both randuins & banshees).
Feral Flare junglers
Listing the feral flare junglers I feel are best for lower elo, if you’re really interested in their playstyle I recommend Shyvana & Warwick:
Runes: 2xFlat AD 1xAttack Speed Quints (you can also run movement speed quints if you want), Armor Seals, 5xFlat AD 4xAttack Speed Marks, Half MR * Half MR Per Level/Cooldown Glyphs
Skill Order: R>W>E>Q (Start W, E second, Q third)
Standard Builds:
Wriggles, Blade of the ruined king, Merc Tred’s/Tabi’s, Sunfire Cape, Randuins/Thornamil if you need more armor, Banshee’s/Spirit Visage if you need MR.
Warwick (I personally do not have enough experience with warwick, so I won’t make a guide for him. However, if you’re going to play a feral flare jungler to try to gain elo pick either shyvana or warwick).
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