RaiderZ Classes and Builds General Guide

RaiderZ Classes and Builds General Guide by dr3xin

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I) Classes {CLA}
{CB} Berserker
{CC} Cleric
{CD} Defender
{CS} Sorcerer

II) Weapons {WEP}
{OHS} One-handed sword
{THS} Two-handed sword
{OHH} One-Handed Hammer
{THH} Two-Handed Hammer
{STF} Staff

III) Skills {SKI}
{CBS} Berserker Skills
{CCS} Cleric Skills
{CDS} Defender Skills
{CSS} Sorcerer Skills

>>> Skills currently not available <<<

IIII) Hybridization {HYB}
{B+C}/{C+B} Berserker + Cleric
{B+D}/{D+B} Berserker + Defender
{B+S}/{S+B} Berserker + Sorcerer
{C+D}/{D+C} Cleric + Defender
{C+S}/{S+C} Cleric + Sorcerer
{D+S}/{S+D} Defender + Sorcerer

Classes {CLA}

>>> All information is subject to change upon release of CB <<<

Combat Styles

Berserker {CB}

RaiderZ Berserker Summary

Berserkers are supposed to be the heavy damage class, slow but powerful. They use a large two-handed sword, heavy yet powerful. They may not be able to attack in quick succession, but they have the ability to knock down opponents and to deal damage while they are on the ground. Berserkers are an up close, in-your-face type of melee attacker. They may be CQ fighters, but they do have the longest range of the melee classes. They can do massive damage in PvE, and in PvP they had trouble getting to opponents, but this is expected to be fixed by full release (if not closed beta).

Cleric {CC}

Clerics use holy magic, this can either mean offensive spells, or it can mean healing & support. They primarily use staffs but can also use one-handed hammers + shields effectively. Clerics are long-ranged magic attackers who were designed to play a supporting role; they are almost vital in some instances and are actually potent in PvP, even by themselves.

Defender {CD}

The tank of the classes, Defenders use a one-handed sword(hammer) + shield combo. They don’t have the highest damage output, but they have the ability to neutralize almost all of the skills of the other classes. They have buffs for party members and also debuffs for enemies. Defenders are a very balanced class, hard to kill in both PvP & PvE

Sorcerer {CS}

The elemental damage class. Focusing on spells using a staff (or potentially a 1H sword), the Sorcerer can deal great damage both long ranged and up close. During Alpha sorcerers weren’t squishy enough so they ended up being quite OPed, this will most likely be fixed before CB even releases. Two primary skill trees to follow for either elemental fire attacks or elemental ice attacks.
At low levels the sorcerer was weak, but by end-game it was OPed in PvP and could deal massive damage in PvE as well. (Expected this class to be nerfed though)


Weapons {WEP}

One-Handed Sword {OHS}

The One-Handed Sword is always used with a shield (no reason not to use the shield), this is the most defensive weapon set. You don’t have maximum damage output, but you can block a mass of the possible attacks that might come your way; if you’re a Defender that number only goes up. Not to mention you can still have a pretty solid DPS due to the fact that the OHS can attack fairly quick, you can also stack with whatever jewels necessary to have your damage output go up.

This weapon set [OHS + Shield] is used by Defenders, Sorcerers, or a hybrid of the two.

Duckie’s technical mumbo jumbo:

○ Short range
Lock outs & Arcs:
– Normal Attack – ~0.05 – ~0.25 [seconds] | Arc ~ 35 degrees
– S + Attack – ~0.25 / ~0.30 [seconds] | Arc ~ 45 degrees
– W + Attack – ~0.45 / ~0.50 [seconds] | Arc ~ 35 degrees

Two-Handed Sword {THS}

The highest burst damage weapon – made for crushing enemies. It’s a heavy weapon that has a longer lockout than the other weapons. Used exclusively by Berserkers. To hybrid the Berserker class, you must use the giant hammer, allowing you to use clerical abilities & berserker skills.

Duckie’s technical mumbo jumbo:

○ Medium range
Lock outs & Arcs:
– Normal Attack – ~0.15 – ~0.5 [seconds] | Arc ~115 degrees
– S + Attack – ~0.50 / ~0.60 [seconds] | Arc ~ 130 degrees
– W + Attack – ~0.85 / ~1 [seconds] | Arc ~ Small AOE; 45 degrees

One-Handed Hammer {OHH}

Used with a shield. This weapon combination caters more towards tanking monsters rather than inflicting heavy damage. Healing spells and stunning skills can be used with this weapon set. Can hybridize Defender & Cleric

Duckie’s technical mumbo jumbo:

○ Short range
Lock outs & Arcs:
– Normal Attack – ~0.05 – ~0.25 [seconds] | Arc ~ 35 degrees
– S + Attack – ~0.25 / ~0.30 [seconds] | Arc ~ 45 degrees
– W + Attack – ~0.45 / ~0.50 [seconds] | Arc ~ 35 degrees

Two-Handed Hammer {THH}

The two-handed hammer is a heavy damage-dealing weapon. Like the two-handed sword, the two-handed hammer has a very low attack speed. The two-handed hammer can not only deal physical damage, but also holy magic damage and heal. Weapon used to hybridize Berserker & Cleric.

Duckie’s technical mumbo jumbo:

○ Medium range
Lock outs & Arcs:
– Normal Attack – ~0.15 – ~0.5 [seconds] | Arc ~115 degrees
– S + Attack – ~0.50 / ~0.60 [seconds] | Arc ~ 130 degrees
– W + Attack – ~0.85 / ~1 [seconds] | Arc ~ Small AOE; 45 degrees

Staff {STF}

The staff is used to for dealing magic damage and for support healing. The staff works best as a ranged weapon. Used by both Clerics and Sorcerers, or a hybrid of them both.

Duckie’s technical mumbo jumbo:

○ Short range
Lock outs & Arcs:
– Normal Attack – ~0.15 – ~0.25 [seconds] | Arc ~45 degrees
– S + Attack – ~0.35 / ~0.35 [seconds] | Arc ~ 45 degrees
– W + Attack – ~0.55 / ~55 [seconds] | Arc ~ Small AOE; 45 degrees


Skills {SKI}

>>> All information is subject to change upon release of CB <<<

Berserker Skills {CBS}


Cleric Skills {CCS}


Defender Skills {CDS}


Sorcerer Skills {CSS}



Hybridization {HYB}

>>> All information is subject to change upon release of CB <<<


Berserker + Cleric {B+C}/{C+B}

Hybridized by using Two-Handed Hammer.

○ Weakens Berserker Skills / Clerical Skills
○ Less Berserker Skills / Clerical Skills

○ If Berserker you are able to use some Clerical Skills
○ If Cleric you are able to use some Berserker Skills

Berserker + Defender {B+D}/{D+B}

Not able to be a hybrid.

Berserker + Sorcerer {B+S}/{S+B}

Not able to be a hybrid.

Cleric + Defender {C+D}/{D+C}


Hybridized by using a One-Handed Hammer + Mace.

○ Very low damage output

○ High tanking ability
○ Healing abilities

Cleric + Sorcerer {C+S}/{S+C}

Hybridized by using a Staff.

○ If Sorcerer, you give up damage & some skills for the ability to heal / other Clerical Skills
○ If Cleric, you give up higher heals & skills for the ability to do more damage.

○ Compensate for some shortcomings of each pure build.

Defender + Sorcerer {D+S}/{S+D}

Hybridized by using a One-Handed Sword + Shield

○ Reduction of damage for Sorcerers, less skills & abilities.
○ Reduction of damage for Defenders, less skills & abilities.

○ Ability to tank & block attacks as a Sorcerer
○ Ability to do elemental damage & long ranged attacks as a Defender.

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