Colony of War Pet Evolution and Information

Colony of War Pet Evolution and Information by LUFTWAFFLE

Okay, since it seems the information about pet evolution is scattered, let’s start aggregating some information about our Space Pokemons.

Please share information about your pets and I will add it here. Please list the following:

What type of egg? (Nepe, term, present box, Xmas quest, etc.)
What evolution? (How many have you gone through so far?)
What is the form of each stage of evolution and what buffs/stats does it have?
Required rank:
Attack type: Particle
Atk (ignore defense):
Evolution requirements (What did you give it in order for it to evolve)?
What xp does each item fed give?


Type: Xmas quest egg
# of evolutions: 3 so far?
Form of stage 1: Santa Teremerqun (3-eyed term in a sock)
Evolution requirements: Don’t remember, just a bunch of junk
Level 5
Required rank: R1
Attack type: Particle
Atk (ignore defense): 30
Buff: Def +15

Type: Red Ribbon present box
# of evolutions: Only 1
Form of stage 1: Baby Frosty
Evolution requirements: Don’t remember, just a bunch of junk
Level 20
Required rank: R1
Attack type: Particle
Atk (ignore defense): 74
Buff: Def +69
Movement Speed +5

Type: Teremerqun egg
# of evolutions: 1 so far?
Form of stage 1: Baby Teremerqun (blue eyeball with an eggshell hat)
Evolution requirements: Teremerqun’s tears (sick bastards!)
Level 25
Required rank: R3
Attack type: Particle
Atk (ignore defense): 11
Buff: Def +1
Form of stage 2: Two-Legged Teremerqun
Evolution requirements: Brutal Nepios drops?
Level 30
Required rank: R4
Attack type: Particle
Atk (ignore defense): 16
Buff: Def +6

Type: Nepe egg
# of evolutions: 3 so far?
Form of stage 1: Green neph
Evolution requirements: ?
Level ?
Required rank: ?
Attack type: ?
Atk (ignore defense): ?
Buff: ?
Form of stage 2: Azure neph
Evolution requirements: ?
Level ?
Required rank: ?
Attack type: ?
Atk (ignore defense): ?
Buff: ?

Type: Blue Ribbon gift box
# of evolutions: 1 so far
Form of stage 1: Santa girl face projection
Evolution requirements: lvl 50 orange Psy type weapons?
Level 30
Required rank: R1
Attack type: Particle
Atk (ignore defense): 68
Buff: Def +70 SPD +5


Advanced shield pack – 3xp
Advanced fuel pack – 9xp
High class fuel pack – 11xp
Express fuel packs – 17xp
Express HP pack – 20xp
Halloween candy – 31xp


•Be warned that pets shoot at random, and they will shoot whatever you target, so if you autotarget someone not in your party or union, your pet will attack that player.

•A pet’s random attack will interfere with the firing of any weapons you have equipped which have a prep time, so you may need to re-initiate fire if your pet chooses to attack during prep.

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