Forsakia Collecting Guide

Forsakia Collecting Guide by Nien86

To all collectors in Forsakia.
This guide will give you information on where to collect/gather herbs, wood, ore, leather and aquatic products. Further more, you’ll find selling price (at NPC’s), type of product and synthesis possibilities. The pink materials are rare ones, like cordyceps.
You can find a list of locations with found materials in the first section and the second section shows the details of the materials. If you’re interested in the rare materials, then go to the third section. You won’t find the rares in the second section anymore.
I know the lists given on the maps aren’t complete. I’ve added all the products that I know of you can also get. If you have any additional information/knowledge, please post a reply.

A small note, some of you may have noticed that sometimes you’ll receive a (rare) material for a certain quest. Sometimes you’re being told in advance about a certain reward, like brass or blue jade. But there are also times you’re doing a regular quest and get something extra, like a surprise. This happens every once in a while. You don’t know when it’s going to happen or in which quest. But the surprise could be a rare material you’ve been searching for a long time.
If you don’t want to wait for this, just start gathering at one of the locations below.

SECTION 1: Locations

I’d like to start with the standard collectable material of every type of gathering spot, so I don’t have to mention these again and again.
Fishing pond: Sea grass.
Herbs: Weeds.
Hunting ground: Torn leather.
Logs: Short wood.
Quarry: Rock.

I’ll continue with every location now. The list is not complete yet, because I’m not able to reach every location yet without dying beforehand and there’s always something you can collect, but is not on the game’s list.

Pan mountain road (0-9Lvl)
Herbs – kalmegh, scutellaria, cordyceps
Hunting ground – white rabbit skin, squirrel skin, rough leather
Logs – bamboo, parasol tree wood, blackwood

Golden snake cave 1st floor (2-9Lvl)
Fishing pond – river snail, river clam, blue jade
Quarry – iron ore, gold ore, brass, cinnabar fruit

Golden snake cave 2nd floor (6-12Lvl)
Herbs – scutellaria, malva nuts, polygonum
Quarry – gold ore, raw jade stone, brass, cat’s eye stone

Main road (6-16Lvl)
Fishing pond – river clam, barbeque shrimp, blue jade
Hunting ground – squirrel skin, wolf’s skin, rough leather
Logs – parasol tree wood, flower palm wood, green bamboo

Forest of bliss (13-23Lvl)
Herbs – malva nuts, callicarpa grass, dendrobium nobile
Logs – green bamboo, jujube, nanmu
Quarry – raw jade stone, amethyst, brass, cinnabar fruit

Bamboo sea (20-30Lvl)
Fishing pond – barbeque shrimp, cross needles, blue jade
Logs – jujube, cypress wood, black rosewood

White flower valley (20-30Lvl)
Fishing pond – cross needles, red-tip scale, blue jade
Herbs – callicarpa grass, thyme, speranskia
Hunting ground – wolf’s skin, snake leather, rough leather

Great sand desert (26-36Lvl)
Hunting ground – snake leather, raccoon skin, rough leather
Quarry – amethyst, wood alexandrite, brass, cinnebar fruit

Swallow docks (30-40Lvl)
Fishing pond – red-tip scale, striped bass, black jade
Hunting ground – raccoon skin, young pig leather, medium leather
Quarry – wood alexandrite, cassiterite, hematite

End of celestial reflection/Heaven touching bottom (30-42Lvl)
Fishing pond – yellow eel, snakehead fish, black jade
Logs – red pine wood, cedar wood, bodhi wood
Quarry – black gold ore, green rhodochrosite, hematite

Mount tai foot (33-38Lvl)
Fishing pond – striped bass, anchovy, black jade
Herbs – thyme, magnolia vine, snow lotus flower
Logs – cypress wood, camphor wood, borneo wood

Eighteen mountain bends/Eighth-crossed plateau (38-44Lvl)
Hunting ground – young pig leather, cattle leather, medium leather
Quarry – cassiterite, black gold ore, hematite

Abyss of celestial reflection/Heaven touching wall (42-50Lvl)
Herbs – emilia sonchifolia, salvia, cordyceps
Hunting ground – cattle leather, lamb skin, medium leather
Quarry – green rhodochrosite, meteor shard, hematite

Yu huang top (44-50Lvl)
Herbs – magnolia vine, tribulus terrestris, wild ginseng
Logs – camphor wood, red pine wood, agarwood

Snowy mountains (48-58Lvl)
Fishing pond – anchovy, yellow eel, black jade
Herbs – tribulus terrestris, emilia sonchifolia, jade ganoderma

Heaven touching top
Logs – blackwood, ?????

SECTION 2: Materials

This section is not done by far, but it’s a start. I’ve only added the materials I know details of and the rare ones. Regarding my comments on synthesis, I’ve based them on the fact if you can synthesize them using only one material. For example, synthesizing blue jade and blue jade can get you a higher level blue jade, but you can’t synthesize sea grass and sea grass.

Fishing pond:
Blue jade – 1 Tael, for creating accessories, synthesis –> Higher level
Sea grass – 5 Tael, no particular use, no synthesis
River snail – 15 Tael, type of aquatic product, no synthesis
River clam – 25 Tael, type of aquatic product, no synthesis
Barbeque shrimp – 40 Tael, type of aquatic product, no synthesis
Cross needles – 55 Tael, type of aquatic product, no synthesis
Red-tip scale – 70 Tael, type of aquatic product,
Stripe bass – 85 Tael, type of aquatic product, no synthesis
Yellow eel –
Snakehead fish –
Anchovy – 100 Tael, type of aquatic product, no synthesis

Weeds – 5 Tael, no particular use, no synthesis
Kalmegh – 15 Tael, type of herb, no synthesis
Scutellaria – 25 Tael, type of herb, no synthesis
Malva nuts – 40 Tael, type of herb, no synthesis
Callicarpa grass – 55 Tael, type of herb, no synthesis
Thyme – 70 Tael, type of herb, no synthesis
Magnolia vine – 85 Tael, type of herb, no synthesis
Emilia sonchifolia –
Salvia –
Tribulus terrestris – 100 Tael, type of herb,
Cinnabar fruit – 240 Tael, type of herb, no synthesis

Hunting ground:
Rough leather – 1 Tael, for crafting armor, synthesis –> Higher level
Torn leather – 5 Tael, no particular use, synthesis –> Rough leather, linen gown
White rabbit skin – 15 Tael, type of leather, no synthesis
Squirrel skin – 25 Tael, type of leather, no synthesis
Wolf’s skin – 40 Tael, type of leather, synthesis –> Medium leather
Snake leather – 55 Tael, type of leather, no synthesis
Raccoon skin – 70 Tael, type of leather, no synthesis
Young pig leather – 85 Tael, type of leather, no synthesis
Cattle leather – 100 Tael, type of leather,
Lamb skin –

Shortwood – 5 Tael, no particular use, no synthesis
Bamboo – 15 Tael, type of wood, no synthesis
Parasol tree wood – 25 Tael, type of wood, no synthesis
Green bamboo – 40 Tael, type of wood, no synthesis
Jujube – 55 Tael, type of wood, no synthesis
Cypress wood – 70 Tael, type of wood, no synthesis
Camphor wood – 85 Tael, type of wood, no synthesis
Red pine wood – 100 Tael, type of wood,
Cedar wood –
What is number 10? Can probably be found at Heaven touching top

Brass – 1 Tael, for crafting weapons, synthesis –> Higher level
Rock – 5 Tael, no particular use, synthesis –> Brass
Iron ore – 15 Tael, type of ore, synthesis –> Hematite
Gold ore – 25 Tael, type of ore, synthesis –> Pure silver
Raw jade stone – 40 Tael, type of ore, no synthesis
Amethyst – 55 Tael, type of ore
Wood alexandrite – 70 Tael, type of ore, no synthesis
Cassiterite – 85 Tael, type of ore, no synthesis
Hematite – 1 Tael,
Black gold ore –
Green rhodochrosite –
Meteor shard –
Cat’s eye stone – 240 Tael, type of ore, no synthesis

SECTION 3: Rares

In game, there are 14 (official) rare materials, of which 7 types of wood and 7 herbs. It’s not easy to collect them, that’s why they are called rare. So it might take a few tries before you find one. Patience is the keyword.
You can trade every rare material at an NPC for 1000 Tael. However, you wouldn’t want to do that, because you’ll be using it yourself for a quest, to craft something else, or to sell it to other players (then it’s worth at least 10 times as much Tael compared to selling it at an NPC). As I said, you can also use rare materials during synthesis. If you want to know what you can craft, I recommend Tranouk’s crafting guide.
Forsakia Crafting Materials Guide
Below you’ll find a list of locations for all the rare materials.

Polygonum – Golden snake cave 2nd floor
Cordyceps – Pan mountain road/Heaving touching wall
Dendrobium – Forest of bliss
Speranskia – White flower valley
Jade ganoderma – Snowy mountain
Snow lotus flower – Mount tai foot
Wild ginseng – Ya huang top

Blackwood – Pan mountain road/Heaving touching top
Flower palm wood – Main road
Black rosewood – Bamboo sea
Nanmu – Forest of bliss
Bodhi wood – Heaving touching bottom
Borneo wood – Mount tai foot
Agarwood – Ya huang top

Good luck gathering and let me know if you have other findings. I’ll post too when I’ve gained new insights.

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