Vanguard Plat Coin Dropping Mobs Guide

Vanguard Plat Coin Dropping Mobs Guide by FelixDomesticus

Since mobs which drop platinum faction coins are relatively rare we could make a list of where to find them. Lets

include all levels.

Mobs known to drop coins:

LEVELS 0-19:
SPELLBREAKER TAUKO (3-dot, 7 mob in the Kojani Newbie zone in Tanvu) (Reported not to drop coins although being all caps)
RUJGUM THE CARVER (2-dot, 8 mob in Rindol Storehouse in Thestra)
SULUDYN (3-dot, 10 mob in Serpent of Sihari in Lomshir in Qalia
MASTER UIZA-DO KAHN (3-dot, 10 mob in Ra’Jin Stronghold in Kojan)
FOREMAN SNARLBACK (4-dot, 11 mob in Orcbane Mines in Vault of Heroes in Thestra)
XAOXIN (4-dot, 11 mob in Riftseeker’s Torrent in Thestra)
XATHOK (4-dot, 12 mob in Riftseeker’s Torrent in Thestra)
THRAKOS THE BLOODSEEKER (5-dot, 11 mob in the orc island in Magi Hold chunk in Kojan)
FLEET COMMANDER MAG’UTHOR (5-dot, 12 mob in Khenvor in Kojan)
AZEBAJ HIVE-KING BZZARZRT (4-dot, 14 mob in Azebaj Hive in Qalia)
LALEN FRAE (2-dot, 15 mob in Veskal’s Exchange. Pops after completion of “The Cure” quest series. Normal non-caps one does not drop coins)
MOTHER XIA’LIU (5-dot, 17 mob in Gardens of Xia’Liu in Kojan)
BIG BOSS MASTEN (5-dot, 18 mob in Chrysol Mines in Taunthien Delta in Qalia)
CLAN CHIEF BARGORG (3-dot, 19 mob in Stonecrushers Enclave in Three Rivers in Thestra)
DEATHLORD VILONIS (4-dot, 19 mob in Gulgrethor Fortress in Kojan)
KING JURDIN THUNDERAXE (5-dot, 19 mob in Khegors End in Thestra)

LEVELS 20-29:
PRINCE HAR’ZUL RATHETH (5-dot, 20 mob in Chrysol Mines in Taunthien Delta in Qalia)
ELBARION (5-dot, 21 mob in Fallen Lyceum sky part in Kaon’s Rush in Thestra)
AMONIR (5-dot, 21 mob in Fallen Lyceum sky part in Kaon’s Rush in Thestra)
MORWAEN (4-dot, 21 mob in Fallen Lyceum sky part in Kaon’s Rush in Thestra)
RUBICUN (5-dot, 21 mob in Tomb of Lord Tsang in Kojan)
DAILUK, ARCHFIEND OF HAVOC (5-dot, 21 mob in Temple of Dailuk in Qalia)
KALENDRA THE DARK WITCH (5-dot, 22 mob in Kalendra’s Coven in Skrillien Point in Qalia)
OVERKING BARRAK (5-dot, 23 mob in Rekk hobgoblin valley in Renton Keep in Thestra)
JAN RA’JIN (5-dot, 23 mob in The Tomb of Lord Tsang in Kojan)
DREAD LORD RAX’TAROJ (5-dot, 23 mob in The Tomb of Lord Tsang in Kojan)
YRGSI NIRTNAD (5-dot, 24 in Conlor’s Mine in Shoreline Ruins in Thestra)
GRAND TYRANT MILAS (5-dot, 24 mob in Ksaravi Gulch in Qalia)
RUL’ALOUK THE SOULSCORCHER (5-dot, 24 mob in Imanjal Sacellum in Skrillien Point in Qalia)
MISTRESS ANAYA (4-dot, 24 mob in Hillsbury Manor in Misthaven Crossing in Thestra. Last part of questline there)
MISTRESS BELLA (4-dot, 24 mob in Hillsbury Manor in Misthaven Crossing in Thestra. Last part of questline there)
MISTRESS RAYLIA (4-dot, 24 mob in Hillsbury Manor in Misthaven Crossing in Thestra. Last part of questline there)
Kill KRONUS in CIS and 3 adds pop. Each one is 2-dot, 28-29 mob and can drop coins
AGELESS ONE (x-dot, xx mob in CiS in Qalia) (need better information)
QUEEN AYXLXYX (5-dot, 26 mob in Ant Mound in Renton Keep)
VELETHEZOK (5-dot, 25/26 mob in Skrawlra Rock in Qalia. Needs to be summoned by collecting 3 different color masks)

LEVELS 30-39:
ARCH CONJURER ZIRAK (5-dot, 30 mob in the underground catacombs of Trengal Keep in Thestra)
NISHEK (6-dot(?), 31 or 32 mob in Trengal Keep in Thestra. Summoned, need whip from TK6)
THURRE (5-dot, 34 mob in Zossyr Hakrel in Qalia)
OLIGARCH OF DECAY (4-dot, 35 mob in Thelaseen in Thestra in the small ruins not the drake lair)
ZYFUUR (5-dot, 35 mob in Cragwind Ridge in Qalia)
GORLASH TOXIL (5-dot, 37 mob in Dargun’s Tomb in Thestra)
BAHAR’NIHAB THE REAPER (6-dot, 37 mob in Fields of Despair in Thestra)
SOLATHUS (6-dot, 38 mob in Ruins of Vol Tuniel on Thestra)
YALSYL VONALYS (6-dot, 38 mob in Thelaseen in Thestra)
HIGHLORD SHO’DAR (5-dot, 38 mob in Thelaseen in Thestra)
MYRION THE PURE (5-dot, 38 mob in Spires Keep in Thestra)
WARLORD SETHRAK (6-dot, 38 mob in Von Tuniel in Thestra)

LEVELS 40-49:
GORMEL THE ANCIENT (6-dot, 40 mob in Karrus Hakrel in Qalia. Summoned)
HIGH COMMANDER RAKH’YOR (6-dot, 40(?) in Greystone in Thestra) (exact level needed)
HRUK (6-dot, 40 mob in Karrus Hakrel in Qalia)
TAJIIHOSK (6-dot, 41 mob in Karrus Hakrel in Qalia)
OBSIDERRU (6-dot 40ish summoned mob in Karrus Hakrel in Qalia. Needs 30 aqual orbs for summon) (exact level needed)
DRILLLZARAX (6-dot, 41 mob in Islands of Madness in Qalia. Mob pops in tower)
HIGH TORMENTOR ZERAXEZ (6-dot, 42 mob in Vi’rak lair in Thestra(?))
XAALESEESH THE INFERNO (6-dot, 42 mob in Vi’rak lair in Thestra(?))
ERTHENA (6-dot, 42 mob in River Palace in Qalia, kill her son outside dungeon to spawn it, needs 2 counterspellers to be killed
BAROOSKI (6-dot, 43 mob in Velerium Mines in Lost Canyon in Thestra)
OVERWARDEN EHU DAL (6-dot, 44 mob in Sunset Pointe in Qalia)
WARLORD KHURANG (6-dot, 44 mob in Sunset Pointe in Qalia
FATHER XENNU (6-dot, 45 mob in Mind’s Crown in Qalia)
NAXXILLAR (4-dot, 45 mob in Mind’s Crown in Qalia)
EXXILAR (4-dot, 45 mob in Mind’s Crown in Qalia)
ARAXXISHAR (4-dot, 45 mob in Mind’s Crown in Qalia)
KALL’RAA THE DARK MUSE (5-dot, 47 mob in Tricksters Haven in Razad in Qalia)

MAJORDOMO DJARN (6-dot, 53 mob in Rahz Inkur in Qalia)
WARLORD in RI in Qalia (dot + other info needed)
ALUUL (6-dot, 53 mob in RI in Qalia)
DJUUL (6-dot, 53 mob in RI in Qalia)
SHALUU (6-dot, 53 mob in RI in Qalia)
KHORR (6-dot, 53 mob in RI in Qalia)
KING MNALUS (6-dot, 50 mob in swamps in Thestra)
LORD FALADRIEL (6-dot, 50 or 53 mob in Flordiel, Thestra)
QUEEN VIXXAEVA (6-dot, 53 mob in swamps in Thestra)
PHAROAH SHEKHAN NKOSA (5-dot, 51 mob in Nusibe Necropolis in Qalia)
KEHEPFA ASIM alias Godking of the Xakrin (5-dot, 51 mob in Nusibe Necropolis in Qalia)
NEPHERIT (6-dot, 50 mob in TOT temple before flip in Qalia)
HORUM THE BLASPHEMER (6-dot, 50 mob last of the flipped names in TOT in Qalia)
ARCHMAGE HEGNERIAN (6-dot, 53 mob in Mnalus Caves in Thestra)
RAFFEN (6-dot, 53 mob in Old Targonor in Thestra)
AKANDE (6-dot, 53 mob in Old Targonor in Thestra)
SHORUL (6-dot, 53 mob in Old Targonor in Thestra)
CENNFAR (6-dot, 53 mob in Old Targonor in Thestra)
NARANDA (6-dot, 53 mob in Old Targonor in Thestra)
TEKAR (6-dot, 53 mob in Old Targonor in Thestra)
CHATH + his pet (6-dot, 53 mob in Heroes Plain in Thestra)
SHADOW (6-dot, 53 mob in Isle of Shadows in Thestra)
SYD (6-dot, 53 mob in SOuthern Stonepie Ridge in Thestra)
STRIFE (6-dot, 53 mob in Ridge of Memories in Thestra)
TISHRA (6-dot, 53 mob in Gorgalok in Thestra)
KRONAX (x-dot, xx mob in Umyebum Crypt in ToT in Qalia) (dot + info needed)

Unverified mobs (verify these and tell results, please):
Karujin in Trengal Keep (summoned, need all crux quests done)

Add mobs which you know or have heard dropping platinum coins. If possible include following info:

-name of the mob
-place where it is (with chunk)
-mob dot amount.
-mob level

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