Destiny Online Pet Skills List

Destiny Online Pet Skills List by mac

Pet SkillDescription
Shield+10% Physical Defense.
Magic Shield+5% Magic Defense.
Detoxification100% Resists poison
Anti-dizziness100% Resists Stun.
Smite+5% Critical Hit.
Cleave+10% Physical Attack.
Antimana+10% Magic Attack.
Fang+15% Chance to Poison a target. 15 Poisoned Damage/2 Sec. Duration: 20 Sec.
AntithunderAbsorbs 30% Thunder Damage.
AntifireAbsorbs 30% Fire Damage.
AntiwaterAbsorbs 30% Water Damage.
AntiearthAbsorbs 30% Earth Damage.
Berserk Strike5% Chance to Attack Twice.
Defense of Life+15% Max HP.
Strangle10% chance to paralyze an attacker for 6 sec.
SaintReveals anyone nearby invisible. Cooldown: 20 Sec.
Soul VampireIncreases pet’s HP by an amount equal to 5% of physical damage to enemy.
Failing AttackIgnores 15% of the target’s Physical Defense. Cooldown: 5 sec.
Erebus SpellIgnores 15% of the target’s Magic Defense. Cooldown: 5 sec.
Thunder BoltAttacks a target with a Thunder spell.
Fire AttackAttacks a target with a Fire Spell.
Water AttackAttacks a target with a Water Spell.
Meteor SwarmAttacks a target with an Earth Spell.
Death Flame15% chance to burn the target for 20 sec. 10 HP damage/2 sec. Effects are non-stacking.
Magnetic WaveStuns a Target for 3 Sec. Cooldown: 20 sec. Effects are non-stacking.
FrostFreezes a Target for 3 Sec. Cooldown: 20 sec. Effects are non-stacking.
StrandSlows a Target for 3 Sec. Cooldown: 20 sec. Effects are non-stacking.
EntangleProvokes a target to attack the pet for 6 Sec. Cooldown: 2 sec.
Super Shield+25% Physical Defense. Cannot stack with Shield.
Super Magic Shield+13% Magic Defense. Cannot stack with Shield.
Super Smite+10% Critical Hit. Cannot stack with smite.
Super Cleave+20% Physical Attack. Cannot stack with cleave.
Super Antimana+20% Magic Attack. Cannot stack with antimana.
Super Fang15% chance to Poison a target for 20 Sec. 30 Poisoned Damage/2 Sec. Effects are non-stacking. Cannot stack with fang.
Super AntithunderAbsorbs 60% Thunder Damage. Cannot stack with antithunder.
Super AntifireAbsorbs 60% Fire Damage. Cannot stack with antifire.
Super AntiwaterAbsorbs 60% Water Damage. Cannot stack with antiwater.
Super AntiearthAbsorbs 60% Earth Damage. Cannot stack with antiearth.
Super Berserk Strike15% Chance to inflict Physical Damage twice. Cannot stack with berserk strike.
Super Defense of Life+30% Max HP. Cannot stack with Defense of Life.
Aura of DamageOwner’s Physical Attack: +5%. Ineffective when pet is dead or recalled.
Magic AuraOwner’s Magic Attack: +5%, Ineffective when pet is dead or recalled.
Aura of PDOwner’s Physical Defense: +5%. Ineffective when the pet is dead or recalled.
Aura of MDOwner’s Magic Defense: +5%. Ineffective when the pet is dead or recalled.
Aura of VigorOwner’s HP: +5%. Ineffective when the pet is dead or recalled.
Star DownpourMaximizes the pet’s Physical/Magic Attack and minimizes the target’s Defense.
Rapid ThunderAttacks all targets within a 3×3 area with Thunder Spell.
Fire TorrentAttacks all targets within a 3×3 area with Fire Spell.
Extreme WeatherAttacks all targets within a 3×3 area with Water Spell.
Darting SandsAttacks all targets within a 3×3 area with Earth Spell.
Super Soul VampireIncreases pet’s HP by an amount equal to 10% of physical damage to enemy; 100 HP Maximum. Cannot stack with Soul Vampire.
Super Failing AttackIgnores 30% Physical Defense. Cooldown: 5 sec. Cannot stack with Failing Attack.
Super Erebus SpellIgnores 30% Magic Defense. Cooldown: 5 sec. Cannot stack with Erebus Spell.
Super Death of Flame30% chance to burn a target for 20 Sec. 10 HP/2 Sec. Effects are non-stacking. Cannot stack with Death of Flame.
Super Magnetic WaveStuns a target for 6 Sec. Cooldown: 20 sec. Effects are non-stacking. Cannot stack with Magnetic Wave.
Super FrostFreezes a target for 6 Sec. Cooldown: 20 sec. Effects are non-stacking. Cannot stack with Frost.
Super StrandSlows a target for 6 Sec. Cooldown: 20 sec. Effects are non-stacking. Cannot stack with Strand.
SealInflicts damage and silences a target for 2 Sec. Cooldown: 15 sec.
Defeat50% Chance to knock back a target for 6 grids. Invalid for Boss monsters.
Surround30% Chance to Trap a target within a 3×3 area. Cooldown: 15 sec.
EnchantmentProvokes all targets within a 21×21 area to attack the Pet. Cooldown: 15 sec.
Charge ForwardLocks a target and stuns it for one sec. Cooldown: 30 sec.

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