InfiniteBattle Game Guide

InfiniteBattle Game Guide by Angelicbaron

How to colonize a new planet?

First, build a Colony Ship (requirements for its construction are in the Technology tab.) Then in the galaxy looking for a tab of an uninhabited planet (the planet at number fields “Name” and “Action” are empty) and send the coordinates of the planet on a mission Colony Ship “Colonize” (note: the colony ship not dispose of any raw material, since lost for colonization). If no one before you has not colonized the planet will soon get the message about the successful colonization of the planet and Preview tab (and the drop-down menu) will be to choose a new planet. At the very beginning on the planet there were 500 metal and 500 crystal. So if you want to speed up the construction of buildings on the planet will be necessary to send the transport of raw materials (but only after colonization of the planet).

The most profitable to colonize planets in position 4-6. (Although it’s always a raffle) But this involves the risk that we will get a small planet, not great, as we wanted. What would I do? Remove the colony and colonize again. Please note that by about night and removed the planet is called “abandoned colony.” We can also create a single colony for the production of deuterium, the 15 items. It happens that for example 14 items colonized the planet, having 220 boxes – an exception, but very useful.

Why big planet? But the mother I have so far built 50 fields, and the colony have 250 fields?

In later stages of the game when the player has already become points, such colonies will not be sufficient. In the intensive building of the mother must already build terreformery that add fields planet. However, it is quite unprofitable investment, because many costs. Better to have a planet> 350/400 above fields than do terraformery.

2nd Location of the colony.

Do you colonize a planet in the same galaxy? Near the mother, or maybe somewhere else? Can colonize in 9 gala?

There are several options:

1st You’re doing a fleet, you want to attack, you are aggressive and want to quickly earn points.

-Best not to put near the mother colony – then you are quite an easy target.
-Do colonies in many galaxies (possibly after 2, 3 in one, but apart).
– Leave yourself a colony base – the possibility of colonizing the near enemy and attack him, after the removal of the colony

Advantages: – the possibility of attacking a variety of purposes
– Control over the entire universe

Cons: – practically difficult to exchange materials between planets (long flight fleet)

2nd If you are doing the same mines, defense, and possibly a small fleet, which farmisz, or scraps small goals:

– All the planets near the mother, 2 in a single chip
– A colony of point (possibly)

3rd You are super bunkrownikiem, doing only the mines and you want no one will spy / atakował.-you can do as in step 2
– You can colonize planets in 9 gala, there is usually very few people
– You have all the colonies done, you do not have for exploring

Can I change the name of the planet? 
Yes. On the View in the upper left corner is the inscription Planet “NazwaTwojejPlanety.” Click on it and you go to a page that allows change the name of the planet (this menu is also used to leaving the colony).
The name of the planet can not contain special characters, which include the following symbols:
`~! @ # $% ^ & * () + = | {} [] ‘”
?,. /

Can you colonize a planet occupied by other players?

No. You can only colonize uninhabited planets. In the galaxy appear as empty boxes in the systems. Only on this planet, you can send a colony ship on a mission-Colonize.
You can not “take over” the planets of other players, or their księżyców.Księżyce but you can kill with a GS (Death Star)

What happens if during the flight of the colonizer to the planet will be colonized by another player?
The ship reaches the planet, it detects that it is inhabited and turn back on your planet.

What happens with the ship when I bet colonization colony? Do you regain the ship?

No, the ship will automatically disappear (points earned for him are deducted). You could say that is processed into raw materials (500 metal and 500 crystal).

How much can you have a colony?
You can colonize planets up to 12. So you can have a total of 13 planets (planet parent + colonies).

Colonized the planet and it turned out that he has little boxes. Does abandoning this planet reclaim raw materials, for which I bought a colonizer?
Unfortunately not. Raw materials issued to the colonizer forfeited upon its construction. Do not get back the same vessel, which was “destroyed” after a successful colonization. In addition, you will lose points obtained for all buildings (civil and defense) built on this planet. (NOTE: if the planet, or planets, whatever flies fleet will not be possible to abandon her, you see the “Fleet of the planet are still on the way!”)

I have a few colonies larger than the home planet? Do you give up if it is something I lose?
You can only leave the colony. This action is not available to the parent planet.


1st I can not build anything. Next to every building I have red lettering “Planet Building”. What do I do?
If you just started the game, pay attention to the Preview tab in the table on the diameter. If the entry for the number of occupied and all the fields look like (0 / # 2 eng), this means that you have suffered a bug (or bug game). Delete this account and create a new one. If, however, there appears 250/250 (or other two identical numbers), it means that your whole planet zabudowałeś. Colonize other planets or demolishing redundant buildings. You can also build Terraformer (details below).

2nd What happens when I start to build a building and I press “Cancel”?
The production building will be revoked and will be issued a refund of all raw materials.

3rd What it pays to build buildings in the beginning?
First of all metal and crystal mines and provide them with sufficient amount of electricity by building solar power plants. Try to build the first coal mines of metal and crystal level 14 level 9 (of course all the time building a power supply these buildings), and then invest in deuterium heading towards the building of such a scheme: metal 25, crystal 20, deuterium 18th With this set of buildings can be addressed in the research and production of the fleet (Lab, Robotics Factory, Shipyard). Better yet, “pull” the mines to the levels of 30:28:27, and then deal with frequent seizures.

4th I built buildings, but nothing brings out. Why?
Most likely you forgot to set the percentage extraction of raw materials in the tab. Set it to 100% and click “Convert”. Raw materials should flow in to you soon. It is also possible that there no built a solar power station and mine are not working due to power failure.

5th Is the expansion of the mine to the next level, it brings out the raw materials?
Yes mined, the mining is done at a level that we already have, not that we construct.

6th If I log out buildings are still being built and mined?
Yes. Additionally, if during your absence will build the next level of the mine is after you log in you will need to update your bookmarks extraction from raw materials (this does not occur automatically when a player is offline).

7th For each additional building construction I have longer to wait. Can it be shortened?
Of course, yes. Just that it has already build a robot factory level, and time will be shortened by half. Further levels reduce the time with fractions, and so Robotics Factory level 2 reduces by 1 / 3 of the basic construction time of the building, level 3 about 1 / 4, and 4 to 1 / 5, etc. However, it is to build factory, because its level 2 is needed to build the shipyard, and 10 to the Nanite Factory.
In later stages of the game you can also build Nanite Factory, where each level shortens the construction of buildings and ships about half.

8th What is the maximum level of the mine? Is there any limit to build on the planet?
There is no limitation in terms of the level of any building (not just mine). The only limit is the size of a planet (ie the number of fields specified in the Preview tab), which is far up on the planet can be constructed building levels (1 level of each building from the Buildings tab takes a box on the planet).

9th Or foe attacking my planet can destroy all the buildings I?
No. The attacker will destroy you, at most, fleet and building satellites and defense (runs and launchers). Mining buildings, laboratories, factories and shipyards remain intact. Additionally, each of the buildings, defense has 70% chance that it will be repaired after the battle. The attacker may also take over / destroy your planet in any way.

10th Why can not I build a shipyard building?
To build a shipyard factory robots is needed on the second level, and sufficient resources.

11th I already have a shipyard. What do I do now to build a defensive structure or ship?
Defensive structures built using bookmarks Defense, and the ships Shipyards bookmarks. To the right of each item available is a window into which you must enter the number of defensive structures (or vessels) to build. Then you press Send, and production is added to the list (note: This list is common, get there orders from both the Defense tab and shipyard). After such an operation can be performed order again – the system construction of defensive structures and vessels is more convenient than the construction of buildings, because you can order a whole list of objects to build (another item in the list starts to build until after the completion of earlier). Note: sometimes a defensive structure or vessel, in spite of all the requirements, it is not immediately available to build, then you should przelogować (logout and login) and the position should already be available to build in the appropriate tab.

12th Can I cancel the production of defensive ships or buildings?
No. Once you issue the command building, the units will be set in the queue to build up (go to the orders of two tabs: Shipyard and Defense) and there is no possibility of stopping production. Be careful because when large numbers of ships mistake can put on big losses. Say you want to build 10 heavy fighters and inadvertently selected 10 solar satellites. Not only that, you lose a lot of raw materials is still a lot of time, because construction time is counted n units n * czas_budowy_1_jednostki. Remember that new ships (and defense buildings) will be built only after the completion of earlier. Assume that the production of a dozen large set of fighters, and between the time you lose spy probe (or need more lasers in a moment because someone attack you). Would you like to have new probes (lasers) immediately, but unfortunately the probe (laser) will begin to build until after the manufacture of all fighters.

13th Are the buildings occupied defensive fields on the planet?
No, you can build them in any quantity (except for small and large protective coating, which can only have one, and interplanetary rockets and przeciwrakiet, whose total number depends on the level of the silo launcher) without loss of any field.

14th What role does Terraformer and when to build it properly?
It is possible to construct a building only on the planets. Terraformer allows you to increase the number of fields on the planet – for each level you get 4 extra fields to the buildings (a total of 5 but one is occupied by Terraformer). Terraformer not used for processing medium-sized colony of giants, as the costs that would be huge and more profitable to abandon the planet and try to colonize again. It is helpful for several fields in addition to the colonies, which are large enough to start. For players who have already built the planet will be useful to add several fields at the laboratories of MSBN (ie Intergalactic Research Network, which you can read in the section TEST).

15th What exactly is a missile silo? Do I have it if I want to build a missile?
Missile silo is just to be stored there and przeciwrakiety interplanetary rockets. Missile silo launchers do not need (they have infinite ammo). Przeciwrakiety can be built only from level 2 missile silo, and interplanetary rockets from 4 levels of the building.

16th I do not have a metal warehouse was about to get a transfer from the metal so much that I will have more than 100k. Is that redundant amount of metal will disappear?
On the planet, you can store any amount of raw materials (excess amount does not disappear). In a situation when the material is more than permitted by the storage capacity of its production will cease (at zero storage, which is somewhat in the absence of this building, capacity is 100k). Mining will resume in time to build a warehouse for the raw material, or when the material is for something released in such quantity that it was less than the maximum storage capacity. (Note: Magazines not in any way protect the raw materials they are built just to increase the maximum number of raw material, which can be stored on the planet)

17th How do I demolish a building? Can reclaim resources if any?

You can demolish the buildings, but this occurs levels. So if you have mine at 12 then you can demolish level 12 and you will have mines at the 11th Later, you can demolish the level of 11, 10, etc. The buildings are destroyed, by clicking on their name in the tab and buildings using the link at the bottom of the screen. Demolition does not return the raw materials, on the contrary – you have to pay for the deconstruction. You will also lose points earned for the level of the building demolished, but you will not get them for the raw materials issued for the demolition of the building.

18th I have 2 levels of factory robots and 2 levels of the shipyard. If I will destroy a factory pre-built robots that defense will work? Will I be able to continue building plot in the yard?
Built defense remains and will fulfill its task. Nadal also will be able to build defenses and fleet ensures that the level of the yard. But you will not be able to build the next level Shipyard (or demolish already built) – To do this you will need to re-build a robot factory second level.

[ Added: 2011-09-01, 08:30 ]

1st Where is the technology tree?
On the technology side of the table on the left is a list of all available buildings in the game, technology, spacecraft and defense structures and the right requirements for them (they met green, red met.) Requirements can be both specific technologies and buildings. Additionally, when you click the name of the “design” you get more accurate information about it.

2nd Invented the technique of energy but it does not have, and the raw materials disappeared! What happened?
Easy. Sometimes inventions require a few moments for it to appear on your page. Become a given invention should already be on your list (though it did not help wait “a little”, it might lag the server side). Just follow if you already have all the research for a building / vessel and you can not build it because he is not in the list.

3rd Is on every planet I have from the beginning to discover all the tests?
No, the study discovered on one of the planets on your whole empire.

4th Can I lose destroying lab discovered technologies?
No, once you have discovered technology to end the game and degradation of the lab will not change anything.

5th Is the invention of technology “Graviton Technology” is needed only research laboratory level 12?
Until the invention of this technology also need to produce 300,000 of energy (on the same planet on which it is built research laboratory level 12). Such a great amount of energy can be most easily obtained using a large number of solar Satelit. When you have reached 300,000 energy technology “Graviton Technology” can be instantly invented. The destruction of the enemy fleet satellites will not cause the loss of this technology. For more information and important for the study council Graviton find in the guide: How to examine gravitons.

6th Do Research Laboratories held on planets other than where they currently affect some studies exploring the speed?
Until we invent intergalactic Research Network (MSBN) it has no effect. What matters is if only the level of the laboratory where you discover something now (the higher the level, the less time inventing new technologies). Nor is there much sense to build laboratories on other planets because of the fact that for once you can perform only one test (when you examine something on one planet, on the other you can not invent anything.)
The situation changed with the invention MSBN. It is the invention, so it must first be discovered in the laboratory. Each level of this test allows you to join a colony of the test, so the laboratory level such as the sum of MSBN laboratories. For example MSBN at level 4 means that the home planet (the one on which we begin the study) may współbadać inventions with 4 others. Always to the planet where “click test” are included colonies with the highest level laboratory.
MSBN profitable to grow at most to 12 as the maximum number of colonies is 12
When exploring invention in MSBN each planet must have a laboratory at a level sufficient to explore the invention and thus, for example: Hyperspace Drive requires a lab at 7 so the discovery of this invention will take part only those planets that have a laboratory at the level of 7 or greater, the rest even if it was MSBN, will not be involved in the discovery.

7th Are invented technologies are also forwarded my allies? Can I do this somehow?
No. Everyone invents technologies only for themselves and there is no way of technological exchange.

8th Is the technology (eg, fighting) discovered during the flight will enhance its fleet of attack ships dolecą when the planet’s enemy?
So, check what your level of technology followed by an attack.

9th Does technology drive discovered during a flight, it will accelerate fleet? (18/03/2006)
No, check what your level of technology drives the following before sending the fleet on a mission. Until her return is taken into account the old drive.

10th Are Weapons Technology, Technology Armour Protective aircraft only affect ships and also on the defense?
All three technologies have an impact on both the spacecraft and on defense.

11th Is laser technology / ion / plasma increases the attack power of lasers / department of ion / plasma launcher? Do Hyperspace technology increases the speed of ships? Do Hyperspace Technology / Laser / Ion / Plasma above the 8 / 12 / 5 / 7 gives some bonuses?
No, it is only necessary to explore newer technologies or build defensive structures (see technology tab.) Developing her above a certain level does not bring any more benefits (beyond the point in the statistics).

[ Added: 2011-09-01, 08:33 ]
Cliff Notes


What to do in order not to ridicule?
Above all, make sure the content of their speech. Should primarily be considered, which for some is a difficult task. Should be meaningful, and most importantly should be the correct spelling. You do not want to have you as a retarded “because jabyć have Durza flotaa.” Using the spelling dictionary, or their brains are not really an inhuman effort.

How to colonize a new planet?
First, build a Colony Ship (requirements for its construction are in the Technology tab.) Then in the galaxy looking for a tab of an uninhabited planet (the planet at number fields “Name” and “Action” are empty) and send the coordinates of the planet on a mission Colony Ship “Colonize” (note: the colony ship not dispose of any raw material, since lost for colonization). If no one before you has not colonized the planet will soon get the message about the successful colonization of the planet and Preview tab (and the drop-down menu) will be to choose a new planet. At the very beginning on the planet there were 500 metal and 500 crystal. So if you want to speed up the construction of buildings on the planet will be necessary to send the transport of raw materials possible only after the colonization of the planet.
Notes: The most profitable to colonize planets in position 4-6. (Although it’s always a raffle) But this involves the risk that we will get a small planet, not great, as we wanted.
We can also create a single colony for the production of deuterium, the 15 items. It happens that for example 14 items colonized the planet, having 220 boxes – an exception, but very useful.

What to do when the number of fields on the planet does not satisfy us?

We can delete the colony. In the [View] at the top click on the name of our colony. There we find the “abandon the colony,” which we use – which are required to confirm the password. There also can change the name of our colony. Note: when removing the colony lost it all invested in raw materials (including the colonizer).
Note: if the planet, or planets, whatever flies fleet will not be possible to abandon her, you see the “Fleet of the planet are still on the way!”
Note: You can only leave the colony, this action is not available to the parent planet.

Why big planet?
With the development of our game growing number of buildings constructed on the planets, and very often strives to be missing on the planets of the new buildings. Then we can build terreformery through which we receive on the planet of additional free fields to buildings. However, a more worthwhile to remove the colony and colonize again to obtain a high rather than rely solely on terraformerach which later turn out to be very expensive. Sufficient planets are usually those that have more than 350/400 fields. On such planets, we can also build terraformery.

How to name the planet?
In the [View] at the top click on the name of our colony. There we find a field: [rename]. After entering the name chosen by us no longer click on the field but on the [rename]
Planet name can not contain special characters, which include the following symbols: `~! @ # $% ^ & * () + = | {} [] ‘”
?,. /

How to deploy our colonies in the galaxy?
Players are usually classify into one of two groups. Stewards – mostly consisting of players on the extraction of raw materials from the mine. They invest their funds in ever higher levels of the mine and other useful buildings. The second group are flociarze – players whose power is based on their fleet, we care about and spend on the construction of virtually all the loot.
If you want to be treasurer – colonize planets in close proximity to each other, preferably in one galaxy, will provide faster and more efficient transport of raw materials between them. It is the use of all available colonies.
However, if you want a lot of fleet fly and fight – be a planet in every galaxy will help us reach out to every corner of the universe. It is a “spread” of planets in the universe. It is recommended that the creation of 10 colonies and leaving a 2 on the so-called “Knights” – which will be discussed later.

How much can you have a colony?
You can colonize planets up to 12. So you can have a total of 13 planets (planet parent + colonies).

Can you colonize a planet occupied by other players?
No. You can only colonize uninhabited planets. In the galaxy appear as empty boxes in the systems. Only on this planet, you can send a colony ship on a mission – Colonize.
You can not “take over” the planets of other players, or their księżyców.Księżyce but you can kill with a GS (Death Star)

What happens if during the flight of the colonizer to the planet will be colonized by another player?
The ship reaches the planet, it detects that it is inhabited and turn back on your planet.

Moon – why do we need it and how to get it?
The moon can be obtained from the field damage. When a fight takes place in orbit around the planet there is a chance that the moon was made from scrap. We need it to be able to command a fleet. Fleet movements of the moon in theory you can not see the moon because you can not take phalanx sensors. On the moon we can also construct two buildings that we can not have on the planet – they are mentioned phalanx teleporter and sensors.

Teleporter and phalanx of sensors, some details?
Teleporter allows us to move the fleet from one moon to another in a split second.
Note: the two moons must be built teleporter.
Note: The teleporter sends only the fleet, without raw materials.
Phalanx sensors facing the planet allows us to observe the movements of fleets and on a planet. The range is equal to the square phalanx phalanx level reduced by 1 (Lvl-1) * (lvl-1).
Note: To use the phalanx must have at least some of deuterium on the moon.

Is the size (diameter) of the Moon is important?
Oh yes. There are ships – Death Star capable of destroying moonów. Of course they must be certain conditions which are described further away. The larger moon, the harder it is to take it off.

Is it possible to remove yourself moons?
Of course. This process is the same as removing the planet.
Note: The council can not be removed without removing the first planet’s moon.


I can not build anything. Next to every building I have red lettering “Planet Building”. What do I do?
If you just started the game, pay attention to the Preview tab in the table on the diameter. If the entry for the number of occupied and all the fields look like (0 / # 2 eng), this means that you have suffered a bug (or bug game). Delete this account and create a new one. If, however, there appears 250/250 (or other two identical numbers), it means that your whole planet zabudowałeś. You can demolish some buildings at the site for others or build terraformery have already been mentioned.

What happens when I start to build a building and I press “Cancel”?
The production building will be revoked and will be issued a refund of all raw materials.

What it pays to build buildings in the beginning?
When we start completely from scratch, without financial support from someone, you should invest in mines and solar plants would be able to work the mines. At a later stage of the game will be able to replace the satellites in order to save power field on the planets.
First of all metal and crystal mines and provide them with sufficient amount of electricity by building solar power plants. Try to get to the schema: metal 25lv, 20lv crystal, deuterium 18lv. With this kit you have to deal with research or production of the fleet. Better yet, “pull” the mines to the levels of 30:28:27, and then deal with frequent seizures.

I built buildings, but nothing brings out. Why?
Most likely you forgot to set the percentage extraction of raw materials in the tab. Set it to 100% and click “Convert”. Raw materials should flow in to you soon. It is also possible that there no built a solar power station and mine are not working due to power failure.

Is the expansion of the mine to the next level, it brings out the raw materials?
Yes mined, the mining is done at a level that we already have, not that we construct.

If I log out buildings are still being built and mined?
Yes, everything is as if you were logged. If leave is different but more about that later.

For each additional building construction I have longer to wait. Can it be shortened?
Of course, yes. There are two buildings:
Robotics Factory – reduces construction time BUILDINGS ONLY!
Nanite Factory – shortens CONSTRUCTION (not research) all about 1 / 2. So 2lvl reduced by 1 / 2 + 1 / 2 * 1 / 2 or about ¾.
Of course the “bonuses” from the construction of these buildings are cumulative.

What is the maximum level of the mine? Is there any limit to build on the planet?
The only stop on the level of each building is a space on the planet.

Is the enemy attacking my planet, I can destroy all the buildings?
No. Czyiś attack does not damage the buildings and everything else – navy, satellites and defense.

Why can not I build one of the buildings?

Each building has written to its technological requirements can be found in the [technology]. All these requirements must be met and you have an adequate supply of raw materials.

How to build a defense or how to ensure your fleet?
Defensive structures built using tabs [defense], and the ships tabs [shipyard]. To the right of each item available is a window into which you must enter the number of defensive structures (or vessels) to build. Then you press Send, and production is added to the list (note: This list is common, get there orders from both the Defense tab and shipyard). After such an operation can be performed order again – the system construction of defensive structures and vessels is more convenient than the construction of buildings, because you can order a whole list of objects to build (another item in the list starts to build until after the completion of earlier).

Can I cancel the production of defensive ships or buildings?
No. Once you issue the command building, the units will be set in the queue to build up (go to the orders of two tabs: Shipyard and Defense) and there is no possibility of stopping production. Remember that new ships (and defense buildings) will be built only after the completion of earlier. Assume that the production of a dozen large set of fighters, and between the time you lose spy probe (or need more lasers in a moment because someone attack you). Would you like to have new probes (lasers) immediately, but unfortunately the probe (laser) will begin to build until after the manufacture of all fighters.

Are the buildings occupied defensive fields on the planet?
No, you can build them in any quantity (except for small and large protective coating, which can only have one, and interplanetary rockets and przeciwrakiet, whose total number depends on the level of the silo launcher) without loss of any field.

What exactly is a missile silo? Do I have it if I want to build a missile?

Missile silo is just to be stored there and przeciwrakiety interplanetary rockets. Missile silo launchers do not need (they have infinite ammo). Przeciwrakiety can be built only from level 2 missile silo, and interplanetary rockets from 4 levels of the building.

Can you hold on a planet more than accommodate storage of raw materials?
Of course. The amount of raw materials then will be shown in red and will stop production in the mines – when he will place in magazines that will commence the mines themselves.

How do I demolish a building? Can reclaim resources if any?
You can demolish the buildings, but this occurs levels. So if you have mine at 12 then you can demolish level 12 and you will have mines at the 11th Later, you can demolish the level of 11, 10, etc. The buildings are destroyed, by clicking on their name in the tab and buildings using the link at the bottom of the screen. Demolition does not return the raw materials, on the contrary – you have to pay for the deconstruction.

Is the yard after the removal of the defense on the planet will “work”?
Of course it does. Shipyard, we need only to build a defense, not to her work.

I can not suddenly build a fleet of defense or what could happen?
When the yard work you can not improve its level.
Similarly, when the yard will be improved you can not force her to work.


Where is the technology tree?
On the technology side of the table on the left is a list of all available buildings in the game, technology, spacecraft and defense structures and the right requirements for them (they met green, red met.) Requirements can be both specific technologies and buildings. Additionally, when you click the name of the “design” you get more accurate information about it.

Invented the technique of energy but it does not have, and the raw materials disappeared! What happened?
Easy. Sometimes inventions require a few moments for it to appear on your page. Become a given invention should already be on your list (though it did not help wait “a little”, it might lag the server side). Just follow if you already have all the research for a building / vessel and you can not build it because he is not in the list.

Is on every planet I have from the beginning to discover all the tests?
No, the study discovered on one of the planets on your whole empire.

Can I lose destroying lab discovered technologies?

No, once you have discovered technology to end the game and degradation of the lab will not change anything.

Do labolatoriów levels on different planets add up? What is their impact on the speed tests?
Development of research intergalactic Research Network (MSBN) allows adding most developed labolatoriów levels and thus accelerate research. Labolatoriów totalized count depends on the level of MSBN. At each level is included as another MSBN most advanced laboratory, the amount totalized = MSBN + 1
Without development MSBN badnia rate depends only on the level of laboratory in which it is studied.

Are invented technologies are also forwarded my allies? Can I do this somehow?
No. Everyone invents technologies only for themselves and there is no way of technological exchange.

Is the technology (eg, fighting) discovered during the flight will enhance its fleet of attack ships dolecą when the planet’s enemy?
So, check what your level of technology followed by an attack.

Does technology drive discovered during a flight, it will speed up the fleet?
No, check what your level of technology drives the following before sending the fleet on a mission. Until her return is taken into account the old drive.

Are Weapons Technology, Technology Armour Protective aircraft only affect ships and also on the defense?
All three technologies have an impact on both the spacecraft and on defense.

Is laser technology / ion / plasma increases the attack power of lasers / department of ion / plasma launcher? Do Hyperspace technology increases the speed of ships? Do Hyperspace Technology / Laser / Ion / Plasma above the 8 / 12 / 5 / 7 gives some bonuses?
No, it is only necessary to explore newer technologies or build defensive structures (see technology tab.) Developing her above a certain level does not bring any more benefits (beyond the point in the statistics).

How best to learn new research?
Best be developed to the level równającego MSBN the amount of colony (same colony, without a mother). Then, each upgrade level lab, no matter on what planet would be hastened derived research. So then it pays to invest in laboratories wherever possible.

Does the study also get points?
Yes. Points are counted the same for all the things that we published materials (1000surowca = 1 point).

Do nanites or factory robots affect the time of research?
No. Testing time depends only on the levels labolatoriów.


Which ships are the best
Well, there is no perfect boat. Best to have a fleet of different types of ships. Each ship in fact has its pros and cons. Clicking on the icon in the shipyard the ship opens to you a small window with information on the ship. You’ll find an SD – quick cannon – that which the vessel has an advantage over what and which should be avoided

What is the best defense?
Works best defense that does not have an SD of any ships. However, the current game engine and the number of vessels owned in fleets, little that the defense is able to resist the full-scale attack

How, then choose the fleet?
This is the most arbitrary. Titans clash in this section on the forum can see what other players are flying. This may suggest to you what you should invest.

Is it possible to get rid of its fleet?
Yes. In the [fleet] we have under the [Send] button [disassemble]. After selecting the appropriate amount and type of vessel that we want to spread the parts, click disassemble. The dismantled fleet get 70% invested in its commodity

Dismantled by chance own fleet, whether it is to undo the process?
Unfortunately not. When dismantling click on the confirmation, so pure chance is very unlikely in this case, however, and so can not be undone later.

Is it possible to get rid of his own defense?
Unfortunately this is impossible. We can only dismantle the fleet.

Is the battle whole fleet / defense goes to the scrap?
In the fields of damage appears only x% of the raw materials needed to build a fleet / defense.
Note: in every universe that x% is different.

Small, Large and Ultra transporters? Which are the best?
It depends on who likes what. Each has advantages and disadvantages. However, with appropriate research and development drives, Ultra transporter becomes the most preferred transport ship, because its combustion is the smallest and the comparatively high speed.


What is the FS (ef es)?
This is the abbreviation for Fleet Save – maneuver consisting of the “secret” of its fleet for the time when there is no us in the game. There are different types Fsów. And this is why we need the moons. If we send a fleet from planet to planet shows us the phalanx of sensors that allows a potential attacker to set up attack after returning 2s in our fleet. Moon can not scan using the phalanx which gives better opportunities.

What is a jumper?
Jumper is a colony which “set” or colonize planets close to the player you want to catch. This planet serves only as a support under the moon – the Moonie because we all combat operations because of this that it can not be extended phalanx sensors.

What is a farm and what is farming?
Farm can be any planet. Farming means attacking the planets in order to acquire raw materials stored on it. To take the raw material comes only when we win the fight as the aggressor, with the draw we take nothing.
Note: For every attack, we can take up to half of the raw materials contained on the planet – assuming of course that we have enough capacity in ships sent.

What is GO / SGO?
GO / SGO or Game Operator / Super Game Operator – is a function carried out by a man (remember – not a machine!) In order to care for the needs of players and help in solving their problems.

What is PM?
The English Private Message – private message. This is a way of communication in the game and the forum.

What is ACS?
The English Alliance Combat System – a system for combining the fleets of our other fleets. The same goes for the defense – we can deploy our fleet on the planet someone else. To be able to fly together you have to have all the people with whom you want to fly in buddyliście.

What is BuddyLista?
It is something like a buddy list on AIM. Easy to use and I think that I do not need too much explanation.

What is SB?
This is a shoutbox – mini-window which is chat on the forum. It is located at the bottom of the page.

What is scrapped?

Scrapping is replacing the fleet or the opponent’s defense in the scrap, which is simply saying the destruction of her. This is done to create the Champs-destruction is the orbit around a planet or moon kad created scrap can be collected or Ultra Recyklerami Recyklerami.

Do other vessels also may collect scrap?
No. To collect scrap metal recyclers and serve only Ultra recyclers. The amount collected depends on the load of scrap recyclers only, no matter how many and what kind of ships we will send along with recyklerami the field damage.

What does it mean falangować someone?
I mean to catch someone phalanx of sensors – sensors phalanx guided to the planet on which flies one allows us to see when its fleet will return, even as was sent to the moon.

Can expand abbreviations ship me one?
CK – Heavy Cruiser / / LM – light fighter / / CM – heavy fighter / / GS – death star / / ind – inductor / / discs – Cruisers / / OW or sheep – warships / / baubles – bomber / / shredder – destroyers / / modlichy – mantis / / UR – ultra recyclers / / MT, DT, UT – small, large and ultra transporters / / pancki – armadillos.

What is RS and RW?

RS – spy report – the message received by a planet or moon przeszpiegowaniu another player.
RW – war report – message received after the fight.

What is a vacation?

As the name suggests this is a break from the game. Opportunity to leave the selection is in the [Settings]. Walking gives us a minimum of 2 days of rest – we are disconnected from the game – no one can attack or spy on us but also our mines stop working. Condition to go on vacation is not having any of the fleet “in the air.”

What does it mean to block someone?
Blocking someone means preventing that person to go on vacation by sending him an attack from a very long inlet. This makes it like one of his fleet was in the air. Note: The lock is effective until a clash occurs. When our fleet blocking lock returns it no longer exists.


How points are scored in the game?
The number of points equal to the amount of raw materials delivered divided by 1000 For every 1000 you get 1 point given the raw material.

I built something, why do not you came to me points?
Points are counted every few hours so you do not have to worry about.

Do you lose points as well as the gains?
Yes. With each conversion summarizes the entirety of the raw materials issued by us, and issued on its basis is the amount of points.

I see people belong to alliances. What can I do to it to some to be?
You can write on a forum that is looking for an alliance and wait for an invitation to some. You may also find that the universe on existing alliances and to apply for membership. You can also create your own alliance and invite other players to him.

I see that a player breaks the rules, what to do?
Fitting to report it to the appropriate person. Such persons can be found in the [contact] in the menu. The matter should be reported to only one person that does not create confusion, and then wait for a response. You can also report the matter to the forum.
Note: The admins are people too, also have a private life and your affairs, do not sit 24 / 7 at kompach, remember that.

How to leave someone a fleet?
On the fleet set a mission, “stop” and enter the coordinates on which we print this.
Note: the destination must be built Deposit Allied
Note: The player with whom we want to keep the fleet must be with us in buddyliście

Why should someone leave the fleet?
We can defend another player or to help him on defense. When doleci our fleet on this planet, someone is added to a naturally-side defender. Theme of leaving someone to defend the fleet is known as a “stand”. It is used to significantly increase the total losses of the aggressor or his defeat. For example, one player leaves the fleet on the planet as a bait, someone else on him and flies with the attack at this time we send our fleet to the defense and the aggressor is defeated. On the spy reports, unfortunately you can see all of the fleet left on the planet, so it’s still some time before the attack to check whether or not there is something new on the planet.

How to join someone during the attack?
This is described above, ACS. We join the fleet already sent to someone else or themselves initiate the mission to which the mission will be able to join the others. If we want to send someone to attack so he could join us in sending a fleet of fleet tab with a mission “ACS”, by typing the name and for whom you want to see our attack (alliance or buddylista). Remember, however, to give the allies time to join. Each of the other coordinates to be flying so probably will be different flight times. Therefore, launching the ACS must wziaść this into account, to get along with the rest and then send the fleet on the appropriate speed. And if you want to join someone has to send a fleet with the mission described above and we will find a tab in the ACS fleet under the name given by him. Then click on the [join] and we give what we want to help.
Note: To be someone must have written it in buddyliście.

For what you get exp points?
Exp – experience – experience. These are the points obtained after the fight. The amount and the fact whether or not they receive is roughly random. Up in the clash, we can get 6pkt.

[ Added: 2011-09-01, 08:35 ]
ACS (allied combat system)

What is ACS?
ACS (combining fleets) is nothing but the possibility of joint combat fleets of friendly players in both attack and defense.

What is the combined defense?
The combined defense, we can say when the stationing of a planet orbiting a friendly fleet (BuddyLista) or allies will be attacked by another player. In this case, there is a fight in which the defenders on the planet will be all the players, whose fleet currently stationed there.

What is a combined attack?
Combined attack is a joint, combined command “Attack of the union” on one goal. The report of war, which will be shown after the battle, as the aggressors are listed all the fleet and the players taking part in the attack.
NOTE: The rule is calculated bash separately for each player joining the attack.

How to make a combined attack / defense?
Attack: If you are the founder of the first attack you choose your fleet, you choose a goal, then mission to attack (just like a normal attack). On the fleet, appears on “Union” (ACS). After clicking on the ACS, there will be new items: “Change the name of the organization” – appear on the left who joined the list of players (you’re there automatically.)
Invite you to a joint attack ANY person. When the invited person enters into a bookmark fleet, after selecting the number of vessels and clicking Next will have the opportunity to join a joint attack.
If you yourself want to send two fleets from other planets, then after sending the First Fleet entering a bookmark Fleet, option, select your ship, you click Next, would then join their vessels to block the attack.

Warning! You can not join the attack on its own colony (and of course the moon), the mission of “assault union” will be available.

Defense: To participate in the combined defense enough that you send your fleet on a mission to stop a player from an ally or BuddyListy and your fleet will automatically participate in any battles on this planet during your stationing.

As it divides the spoils and debris?
During the joint (combined) of raw materials division attack occurs automatically when an attack. During the fight the script calculates the total capacity of all vessels and looted divided in proportion to the capacity of raw materials.
Players can not share the spoils after the attack. The exception is a situation in which the operator permits the division of Games looted resources, after notification of a combined attack, in which the weaker player shipments lends a stronger fleet. (See Renting Recyclers -> Rules).

Looks like a war report?
The report looks the same as a regular report on the top of the aggressor, at the bottom of the defender. The only difference is that the attackers / defenders more. They are arranged in this order: left commanding the attack / defense, and further to the right players who have joined in chronological order. Of course, each player uses their technology. But if one player sent two fleets (eg, two planets) are the fleet will be placed separately on the RW.

Combined defense looks like the scan?
The player scans the planet on which they are stationed in the fleet, will be seen (if it allows him to spy technology, all the ships stationed on the planet. The report will contain only the sum of all ships. Skan will look just like everyone else.
Additionally, stops fleet will take part in counting the chance to attack, but using technology to spy on the owner of the planet is stopped.

As combined attack / defense looks phalanx?

If someone stopped on the planet, you just scan phalanx, its fleet will be visible, you will also see the fleet composition, and how long is stationed. You will also see the course where the fleet arrived.
Your attack and is in a different color, all the fleet are flying in one frame, are cords with which they fly and the composition of the fleet.
When you catch the flying phalanx foreign fleets on the planet will be a different color back in the preview phalanx.

Can I do the ACS in the PZ?
Unfortunately, the only available option for the ACS is an attack on the player or the stationing of the fleet. Joint send recyclers and other ships in the PZ is not possible.

Is it possible to combine the Death Star’s allies to increase the chance of destruction of the moon?
No, the only possibility is a joint attack, the mission Destroy is not available in the ACS.

Can you spy on time?
No, you can connect your probes Track spy on a mission. The only possibility is a common attack.

Can you stop someone and the fleet to go on holiday?
No, the fleet stationed is treated the same as the fleet was flying, so if you want to enable leave no fleet can not be sent with the mission of Stop.

Is it possible to teleport a fleet of friend?
The only person who can send a fleet of his teleporter you are yourself. There can also use teleporterów allies or BuddyListy players and others.

What is the speed of fleets in the ACS?
Fleets is the speed at which the speed of the slowest flying fleet. Remember that the speed of the slowest of the fleet currently can not be (due to join next fleets) reduced by more than 30% ..

Example: The fleet would need 2 hours (120 minutes) to reach the planet. 10 minutes later after takeoff joins a fleet of attack, which needs 130 minutes to reach the planet. That is possible because the new fleet slows the group, but only about 20 minutes (16%). Another fleet, which would need 160 minutes to reach the planet can not join the attack.

Deut cost the same as a normal attack.

Groups of flies at a speed of its slowest ship, if the slower ship joins, slows down the whole group.

When the fleet leaves the group, the group flies away. Even if you leave the group by its founder, the remaining fleet should fly to a planet under attack and the attack should take place normally. Speed ​​attacker group may not be increased, even when the group leaves the slowest fleet.

After the fight, each fleet that survived the attack back to the planet, which started with his speed, not speed of the entire group.

Is fleet returning from the mission Stop (previously recycled or after the mission) is visible on the phalanx?
The fleet sent to stop the phalanx is visible when:
– Going on with the mission of Stop the planet – after scanning phalanx home planet as well as target
– Will be turned back before reaching the planet – after scanning phalanx home planet,
– Is stopped on the planet – after scanning phalanx home planet as well as target
– When he returns from the mission Stop the planet – after scanning phalanx home planet,
– When it is recycled during the mission Stop the planet – after scanning phalanx home planet.

NOTE. Moon can not scan, so each fleet stopped on the moon is invisible to the phalanx, unless it is scanned the planet with which it was sent to the fleet.

Defender of what he sees when he flies to the attack? sum of the ships? all the attackers?
When a group of flies on you see it in the preview in red, just like a normal attack, except that in one frame are separate messages symbolizing various fleets in the group. Opportunity to discover what the fleet flies on you, depends on your spy technology.

How exactly an attack takes place?

The attack is as follows: First, a shot first aggressor (the founder of the attack) followed by 2 aggressor, and so on until the last. Then the arrows give the defender in the same order (from left to right), then the round ends and losses are counted. Another round in which the losses are already included with the previous one. NOTE When a group of attacks / defenses the whole group is counted as one fleet (so that each use their technology)

And when it comes to whether a deposit can be deployed without him?
By sending a fleet to “Stop” to specify how many hours you want to send to a colleague of his fleet. Cruise ships take the right amount of deuterium in the period.
The deposit is required and only then if the colleague wanted to extend the stationing of your fleet on its orbit. It may provide portions of the deuterium (their number depends on the level of deposit), extending the time stationing of the period in which the fleet will use the deuterium.

As the attacks in some people, is the technology that counts each separately and what invited the attack?
When a group of attack / defense, each fleet uses its technology, both in flight (with their drives) and during the fight (with their technology, combat / protection / armor).

What happens to the fleet during the mission Stop when a player account on the planet stops fleet, will be erased?
The fleet will disappear from the Preview tab but will return in time

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