DragonFable Class Strategy Ultimate Guide

DragonFable Class Strategy Ultimate Guide by The Final Hollow

Hello and welcome to the DF Ultimate Class Strategy Guide.

This guide contains, relatively, every strategy that you will need in battle, quests, farming, and more. Please review the Index and the “How to Use this Guide” so that you can obtain the most from the Class Strategy Guide Experience ^_^

Note: If you have any issue or problem that you see with the guide or if you want to suggest something, please PM me.

Pleas use this to get the most out of your class!

Control + F any information you are in search of.


I. How to use this guide

II. Classes

{w} Warrior
{m} Mage
{r} Rouge
{g} Guardian
{dl} DragonLord
{p} Pirate
{n} Ninja
{rr} Ranger
{p2} Paladin
{nm} Necromancer
{dk} DeathKnight
{dmk} DoomKnight
{tech} Technomancer
{ds} DragonSlayer
{fma} Frost Moglin Armor
{KAA} Kathool Adept Armor
{ccl} ChickenCow Lord
{ecca} Evolved ChickenCow Armor
{GPS} GPS 2.0

I. How to Use this Guide

This guide is based off of The DF Ultimate Stradegy Guide but for more classes and will get updates whenever possible so:

The Update List
This is simply an informative list of what is to come and past updates.

Now before the first section, here are the all important Credits from the original guide . ^_^
Thanks to these people from the original guide:
Alac (for like, seriously, everything. She’s cleared this thread countless times, verified it, and answered my foolish questions)
Andy8 (providing the Full Offense with Extra Defense strategy)
Archfat2 (pointing out some needed corrections)
Black_Mage (pointing out and offering fix-ups on the mage class)
Bladeoflight16 (Urging on the creation of lower-leveled strategy guides, helping for tons of stuff that I will soon add)
DivineBeastLink (helping make LTX’s Defensive Strategy)
Dragon_Maxx (confirming needed information)
Duecalion2 (pointing out a wrong formula)
Footballboy79555 (suggested some important points, added the Defensive Equipment Strategy, helped with strategies, and so much more)
Gyroh (adding some interesting insight on build strategies)
Hokaru (pointing out DragonRider training error)
Kanzaris (pointing out needed corrections, helping with stats, helping make LTX’s Defensive Strategy)
Nickster_tm (providing a Guardian Dragon strategy)
Nortac (pointing out important details for Gold Farming corrections)
Peter12391 (pointing out Huff Puff error)
Rimblade (clearing out the thread multiple times)
TolkienFanatic (helping me along)
Zero_System (pointing out needed DragonRider training corrections)

And The original guide owner

And the new guide:

sky222, for the Kathool Adept Armor strategy.
Silver Xoven for FMA strategy and Kathool Adept boss strategy  

And now, on to the first section…

General Class Strategy Guide

How to Use this Section

This section contains detailed strategies for each class, from Warrior all the way to DoomKnight.

General Outline:

Class Name:
—–Offensive Strategy
———-Single Enemy
———-Stun-Resistant Single Enemy
———-Berserker Single Enemy
———-Multiple Easy Enemies
———-Multiple Difficult Enemies
—–Balanced Strategy
———-Single Enemy
———-Stun-Resistant Single Enemy
———-Berserker Single Enemy
———-Multiple Easy Enemies
———-Multiple Difficult Enemies
—–Defensive Strategy
———-Single Enemy
———-Stun-Resistant Single Enemy
———-Berserker Single Enemy
———-Multiple Easy Enemies
———-Multiple Difficult Enemies

Now for the Strategies ^_^

{w} Warrior

The warrior is the first base class of DF. The warrior has skills that give him/her an edge in a single enemy battle. Abilities such as Double Attack, Triple Attack, and Power make the warrior the most valuable base class for 1-on-one battles; however, they also have their downside. This downside is mainly the horrible attack against multiple enemies: Multi Strike. As a warrior, you can expect more ease with the 1-on-1 battles, but more difficulty with a multitude of difficult enemies.

Offensive Strategy

Warriors can be flexible in their offensive strategies due to the multitude of powerful moves. The offensive strategy should appeal to those warriors who want to dispatch their enemies in the most efficient and timely manner, with little regard to their health or mana; such as in farming.

Balanced Strategy

This venue allows warriors to protect themselves to a reasonable extent without losing much power, which may be excess anyways. This strategy is best for those warriors who don’t want to risk losing much health, but still want to efficiently dispatch of their enemy.

Single Enemy:
1) Stun.
2) Double Attack.
3) Triple Attack.
4) Final Blow.
5) Double Attack.
6) Triple Attack.
7) Power.
8) Repeat steps 5-7 until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Final Blow.
2) Double Attack.
3) Triple Attack.
4) Power.
5) Repeat steps 2-4 until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Stun.
2)) Double Attack.
3) Triple Attack.
4) Final Blow.
5) Double Attack.
6) Triple Attack.
7) Power.
8) Repeat steps 5-7 until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Multi Strike.
2) Double Attack to finish off survivors.
3) Triple Attack to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Stun the enemy with the most HP.
2) Double Attack the above enemy.
3) Triple Attack a second enemy.
4) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; if not, skip step.
5) Double Attack the enemy nearest to defeat.
6) Triple Attack the enemy nearest to defeat.
7) Final Blow/Power the enemy nearest to defeat.
8) Repeat steps 5-7 until all of the enemies are defeated.


Mages are the powerful, yet at some times limited, base class of magic in DF. Mages lack the power for 1-on-1 that Warriors have, yet mages shine in a different area: fighting multiple enemies. The mage skill Mage Fury hits 125% damage and does the element of the weapon, which is all spectacular; yet the best part is that there is no cooldown. Thus, mages have the endless capacity (MP-permitted) to dish out massive damage to multiple enemies.
Offensive Strategy

The Offensive Strategy of a mage focuses on a few, powerful skills. The mage will obviously be better, offensively, in fighting the multiple enemies, especially the difficult ones, but will have some struggle on the single enemies. Again, this strategy is best for those who want a massive amount of power in the most efficient amount of time; goes great with farming.

Single Enemy:
1) Final Blast.
2) PowerBoost
4)Ice Strike
5) Fireball

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:

Same as above

Berserk Single Enemy:

Same as above

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Mage Fury.
2) Repeat step 1 until all of the enemies are defeated.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Final Blast the enemy with the highest HP.
2) Mage Fury.
3) Repeat step 2 until all of the enemies are defeated.


The rogue, more than likely the most vocabulary-abused class, is a versatile class that is a good choice in any situation. Rogues are not the “best” in any certain attack, but they are more then often safely in the middle.

Note: A strategy for lower level rogues: make use of Stealth and Surprise. However, this quickly loses its appeal in later levels.

Offensive Strategy

The rogue’s offensive strategy is similar to the warrior’s, though not with so many options. Once more, this strategy should only be used if you are confident of your rogue’s endurance, or if you want to be most efficient in your time; however, it can be dangerous.

Single Enemy:
1) Final Strike.
2) Rapid Attack.
3) Attack.
4) Attack.
5) Rapid Attack.
6) Repeat steps 3-5 until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Final Strike.
2) Rapid Attack.
3) Attack.
4) Attack.
5) Rapid Attack.
6) Repeat steps 3-5 until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Final Strike.
2) Rapid Attack.
3) Attack.
4) Attack.
5) Rapid Attack.
6) Repeat steps 3-5 until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Wild Daggers.
2) Rapid Attack to finish off survivors.
3) Attack to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Final Strike the enemy with the highest HP.
2) Rapid Attack the above enemy.
3) Blind the enemy nearest to defeat; Wild Daggers if an enemy is near defeat.
4) Attack the enemy nearest to defeat.
5) Rapid Attack the second enemy.
6) Attack the possibly last enemy; if not attack the second enemy.
7) Repeat steps 4-6 until all enemies are defeated.


The Guardian class was the first class to truly utilize an armor for means as a class; a truly significant event. The class itself was so great for sometime, but then it got buffed! It is now one of the better armors in DF, at least for shorter battles.

Offensive Strategy

The Offensive Strategy for a Guardian should be taken a little bit differently then the Offensive Strategies for all the other classes. The strategy here, instead of having the most overall offensive strategy, is to have the fastest offensive attacks in the quickest time.

Single Enemy:
1) Guardian Dragon if enemy can be defeated in this turn; Keen Edge otherwise.
2) Guardian Dragon.
3) Guardian Shock; if you don’t want to make a risk, skip this step.
4) Guardian Blast/Light Strike/Guardian Heroes (depending on the element of the enemy).
5) Repeat step 3 until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Guardian Dragon if enemy can be defeated in this turn; Keen Edge otherwise.
2) Guardian Dragon.
3) Guardian Blast/Light Strike/Guardian Heroes (depending on the element of the enemy).
4) Repeat step 3 until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Guardian Dragon if enemy can be defeated this turn; Keen Edge otherwise.
2) Guardian Dragon.
3) Guardian Shock; if you don’t want to make a risk, skip this step.
4) Guardian Blast/Light Strike/Guardian Heroes (depending on the element of the enemy).
5) Repeat step 3 until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Multi Attack; be wary that the element is energy.
2) Guardian Blast/Light Strike/Guardian Heroes (depending on the element of the enemy) to finish off any survivors.
3) Repeat step 2 until all of the enemies are defeated.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Keen Eye.
2) Guardian Dragon the enemy with the highest HP.
3) Multi-Attack if an enemy is near defeat; Guardian Shock the above enemy otherwise; if you don’t want to make the risk, skip this step.
4) Multi-Attack if an enemy is near defeat; Guardian Blast/Light Strike/Guardian Heroes (depending on the element of the enemy) the first enemy otherwise.
5) Repeat step 2 until all enemies are defeated.

Balanced Strategy

The Balanced Strategy of a Guardian is not that much more different than the Offensive one, except for the implementation of a couple more tricks.

Note: I have not listed Guardian Rage in any strategy as it is risky. However, if you want to use it, I suggest you replace it into the strategy anytime it says “Guardian Blast/Light Strike/Guardian Heroes” and following an implemented Keen Edge.

Single Enemy:
1) Guardian Dragon if enemy can be defeated in this turn; Keen Edge otherwise.
2) Guardian Dragon.
3) Guardian Shock; if you don’t want to make a risk, skip this step.
4) Evade.
5) Guardian Blast/Light Strike/Guardian Heroes (depending on the element of the enemy).
6) Repeat step 5 until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Guardian Dragon if enemy can be defeated in this turn; Keen Edge otherwise.
2) Guardian Dragon.
3) Evade.
3) Guardian Blast/Light Strike/Guardian Heroes (depending on the element of the enemy).
4) Repeat step 3 until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Guardian Dragon if enemy can be defeated this turn; Keen Edge otherwise.
2) Guardian Dragon.
3) Guardian Shock; if you don’t want to make a risk, skip this step.
4) Evade.
5) Guardian Blast/Light Strike/Guardian Heroes (depending on the element of the enemy).
6) Repeat step 3 until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Multi Attack; be wary that the element is energy.
2) Guardian Blast/Light Strike/Guardian Heroes (depending on the element of the enemy) to finish off any survivors.
3) Repeat step 2 until all of the enemies are defeated.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Keen Edge.
2) Guardian Dragon the enemy with the highest HP.
4) Multi-Attack if an enemy is near defeat; Evade the above enemy otherwise.
3) Multi-Attack if an enemy is near defeat; Guardian Shock the above enemy otherwise; if you don’t want to make the risk, skip this step.
4) Multi-Attack if an enemy is near defeat; Guardian Blast/Light Strike/Guardian Heroes (depending on the element of the enemy) the first enemy otherwise.
5) Repeat step 2 until all enemies are defeated.

Defensive Strategy

This is the way to go for any DF Guardian that is worried about his or her health. You can utilize a few more skills here.

Single Enemy/Multiple Easy Enemies/Multiple Strong Enemies:
1) Guardian Shield.
2) Keen Edge.
3) Guardian Dragon the strongest enemy, if there is one; if not, use it on the enemy with the highest HP.
4) Evade a second enemy.
5) Multi Attack if the first enemy is near defeat; Guardian Shock otherwise.
6) Guardian Blast/Light Strike/Guardian Heroes (depending on the element of the enemy) the first enemy only if it is still far from dying; otherwise, use it on a second enemy.
7) Guardian Shield.
6) Multi Attack.
8) Guardian Blast/Light Strike/Guardian Heroes (depending on the element of the enemy) the enemy nearest to defeat.
9) Repeat step 8, using Guardian Shield when possible, until all of the enemies are defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Guardian Shield.
2) Evade.
3) Keen Eye.
4) Guardian Dragon.
5) Guardian Blast/Light Strike/Guardian Heroes (depending on the element of the enemy).
6) Guardian Shield.
7) Repeat step 5, using Guardian Shield when possible, until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Guardian Shield; Guardian Dragon if enemy can die in this turn.
2) Guardian Blast/Light Strike/Guardian Heroes (depending on the element on the enemy); Guardian Shock if enemy is near Berserk point.
3) Evade; Guardian Shock if enemy is near Berserk point.
4) Keen Edge; Guardian Shock if enemy is near Berserk point.
5) Guardian Dragon; Guardian Shock if enemy is near berserk point.
6) Repeat step 2, using Guardian Shield when possible, until the enemy is defeated.


The long awaited Dragonlord class, exclusive for Dragon Amulet holders, met and surpassed the expectations of us members. This is an excellent class with useful skills that are worth training. If you are DA, you definitely must try this class out. However, before we get into our strategies, we are going to split the strategies even further into two.

The Dragonlord class strategies will be split into two methods/strategies to show the true power of this class and all of its capabilities in a variety of situations.

The first strategy: The DOT Strategy. This strategy utilizes the armor’s unique Damage over Time (DOT) skills. These abilities, Energy Beam, Earth Dragon Spirit, and Fire Dragon Spirit, all cause damage over time that are cumulative if you do different ones one after another. This can add up to massive damage, especially the initial hits are as normal attacks and DOT leads to amazing move, Dragon Heart. This strategy is for those who want to cause massive damage over a longer period of time, and have the HP and MP to do so. I personally recommend this strategy over the next, but it is up to you.

The second strategy: The Fighter Strategy. This strategy makes use of the Normal Attack, Pierce, and Rush. These attacks are strong and fast. This strategy is for those who want to immediate damage and is for the weaker scale of enemies.

You do not under any circumstance have to only stay with one of these strategies; they can very well intermingle in fantastic ways and for a multitude of reasons. For example, if a Fighter needs to do more damage, or if a DOT user runs out of mana. These are the individual ways you can use them however.

As a summation of these two separate strategies: DOT Strategy does more damage over a longer period of time (yet using a lot of MP) while Fighter Strategy does more, immediate, damage over a shorter period of time (and using a conservative amount MP).

Note: Mana Regen becomes essential in long battles, especially if you are using the DOT Strategy. Use it after casting DragonScale or another defensive move. This also works with the Heal ability.

Note: I have not included Berserk in my guide for a variety of reasons. First, your life needs to be below 30%, and I don’t intend for you to be in that position. The damage is also mediocre compared to what you could be doing.

Note: In reference to the Fighter Strategy, only Attack triggers Pierce, which is the only ability which Rush. A bit limiting, yes, but it’s just a strategy.

And now for the actual strategies.
Offensive Strategy

This strategy can very well be utilized by Dragonlords with ease. The variety of skills allow for an effective Offensive Strategy. This is also useful when farming and to maximize your damage over time.

Single Enemy: DOT Strategy
1) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy).
2) Dragon Heart.
3) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy).
4) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy); use a different DOT skill from the previous step to add more damage.
5) Dragon Heart.
6) Repeat steps 3-5 until the enemy is defeated.

Single Enemy: Fighter Strategy
1) Attack.
2) Pierce.
3) Rush.
4) Repeat steps 1-3 until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy: DOT Strategy
1) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy).
2) Dragon Heart.
3) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy).
4) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy); use a different DOT skill from the previous step to add more damage.
5) Dragon Heart.
6) Repeat steps 3-5 until the enemy is defeated.

Stun Resistant Single Enemy: Fighter Strategy
1) Attack.
2) Pierce.
3) Rush.
4) Repeat steps 1-3 until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy: DOT Strategy
1) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy).
2) Dragon Heart.
3) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy).
4) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy); use a different DOT skill from the previous step to add more damage.
5) Dragon Heart.
6) Repeat steps 3-5 until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy: Fighter Strategy
1) Attack.
2) Pierce.
3) Rush.
4) Repeat steps 1-3 until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Multi Attack.
2) Attack/DOT ability to finish off any survivors.
3) Repeat step 2 until the enemies are defeated.

Multiple Difficult Enemies: DOT Strategy
1) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy) the enemy with the most HP.
2) Dragon Heart the enemy with most HP.
3) Multi Attack.
4) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy) a second enemy.
5) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy) the enemy nearest to defeat.
6) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy).
7) Dragon Heart the enemy with the most HP.
8) Repeat steps 4-7 until all enemies are defeated.

Multiple Difficult Enemies: Fighter Strategy
1) Attack the enemy with the most HP.
2) Pierce the above enemy.
3) Rush the first enemy only if it won’t be massive overkill; otherwise, use it on a second enemy.
4) Multi Attack.
5) Repeat steps 1-3, except on the enemy with the least HP, until all enemies are defeated.

Balanced Strategy

This strategy goes excellent for a Dragonlord. As a Dragonlord using a Balanced Strategy, you can conserve your HP while still dealing out massive damage. Use Mana Regen and Heal as necessary.

Single Enemy: DOT Strategy
1) Stun.
2) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy).
3) Dragon Heart.
4) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy).
5) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy); use a different DOT ability.
6) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy); use a different DOT ability.
7) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy); use a different DOT ability.
8) Dragon Heart.
9) Repeat steps 4-8, using Stun when possible, until the enemy is defeated.

Single Enemy: Fighter Strategy
1) Stun.
2) Attack.
3) Pierce.
4) Rush.
5) Repeat steps 2-4, using Stun when possible, until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy: DOT Strategy
1) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy).
2) Dragon Heart.
3) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy).
4) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy); use a different DOT ability.
5) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy); use a different DOT ability.
6) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy); use a different DOT ability.
7) Dragon Heart.
8) Repeat steps 3-7 until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy: Fighter Strategy
1) Attack.
2) Pierce.
3) Rush.
4) Repeat steps 1-3 until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy: DOT Strategy
1) Stun.
2) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy).
3) Dragon Heart.
4) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy).
5) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy); use a different DOT ability.
6) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy); use a different DOT ability.
7) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy); use a different DOT ability.
8) Dragon Heart.
9) Repeat steps 4-8, using Stun when possible, until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy: Fighter Strategy
1) Stun.
2) Attack.
3) Pierce.
4) Rush.
5) Repeat steps 2-4, using Stun when possible, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Multi Attack.
2) Attack/DOT ability to finish off any survivors.
3) Repeat step 2 until all of the enemies are defeated.

Multiple Difficult Enemies: DOT Strategy
1) Stun the enemy with the most HP.
2) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy) the stunned enemy.
3) Dragon Heart the enemy with the most HP, or the first stunned enemy if it can finish it off.
4) Multi Attack (or a DOT ability).
5) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy). This would be a perfect time for Mana Regen if needed.
6) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy); use a different DOT ability. This would be a perfect time for Mana Regen.
7) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy); use a different DOT ability.
8) Dragon Heart.
9) Repeat steps 4-8 until all of the enemies die.

Defensive Strategy

A Dragonlord is equipped with plenty of defensive skills, perfect for a Defensive Strategy. However, especially with the DOT strategy, the Defensive Strategy can become quite laborious. Nevertheless, if you’re a Dragonlord with a dangerous amount of health, this is the way to go. It is especially important to remember Mana Regen and Heal in this strategy. I will note it out at crucial points, but you need to have some digression as to how often to use these abilities.

Single Enemy: DOT Strategy
1) Stun.
2) DragonScale.
3) Elemental Align.
4) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy).
5) Dragon Heart.
6) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy).
7) DragonScale.
8) Elemental Align.
9) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy); use a different DOT ability. This would be a perfect time for a Mana Regen.
10) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy); use a different DOT ability.
11) Dragon Heart.
12) Repeat steps 7-11 until the enemy is defeated.

Single Enemy: Fighter Strategy
1) Stun.
2) DragonScale.
3) Elemental Align.
4) Attack.
5) Pierce.
6) Rush.
7) Repeat steps 2-6 until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy: DOT Strategy
1) DragonScale.
2) Elemental Align.
3) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy).
4) Dragon Heart.
5) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy).
6) DragonScale.
7) Elemental Align.
8) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy); use a different DOT ability.
9) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy); use a different DOT ability.
10) Dragon Heart.
11) Repeat steps 6-10 until the enemy is defeated.

Stun Resistant Single Enemy: Fighter Strategy
1) DragonScale.
3) Elemental Align.
4) Attack.
5) Pierce.
6) Rush.
7) Repeat steps 1-6 until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy: DOT Strategy
1) DragonScale; Frenzy if available and if enemy can die in one turn.
2) Elemental Align; Frenzy if available and if enemy can die in one turn.
3) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy); Stun if enemy is near Berserk point.
4) Dragon Heart; Stun if enemy is near Berserk point.
5) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy); use a different DOT ability. Stun if enemy is near Berserk point.
6) DragonScale; Stun if enemy is near Berserk point.
7) Elemental Align; skip step if the enemy is in the Berserk stage; Stun if enemy is near Berserk point.
8) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy); use a different DOT ability. Stun if enemy is near Berserk point.
9) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy); use a different DOT ability. Stun if enemy is near Berserk point.
10) Dragon Heart.
11) Repeat steps 6-10, using Frenzy if available, until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy: Fighter Strategy
1) DragonScale; Frenzy if available and if enemy can die in one turn.
2) Elemental Align; Stun if enemy is near Berserk point.
3) Attack; Stun if enemy is near Berserk point.
4) Pierce; Stun if enemy is near Berserk point.
5) Rush; Stun if enemy is near Berserk point.
6) Repeat steps 3-5, using Frenzy if available and DragonScale as needed, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies
1) DragonScale.
2) Multi Attack.
3) Elemental Align; skip this if you are really low on health and need to quickly win.
4) Attack, and when it is possible use Pierce, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Difficult Enemies: DOT Strategy
1) DragonScale.
2) Elemental Align.
3) Stun the strongest enemy, if there is one; if not, do it to the one with the most HP.
4) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy) the stunned enemy.
5) Dragon Heart the first, stunned, enemy.
6) DragonScale.
7) Elemental Align.
8) Multi Attack.
9) Energy Beam/Earth Dragon Spirit/Fire Dragon Spirit (depending on element of enemy).
10) Dragon Heart the enemy nearest to defeat.
11) Repeat steps 6-10 until all enemies are defeated.


The Pirate class is a diverse and a sometimes useful class. It has a variety of different abilities available that vary themselves among base classes. This class is particularly recommended against monsters that have weaknesses to such elements as disease and nature. However, pirates can let out some serious firepower, while being entertaining, against short-midterm battles. The Pirate class is ideal for easy quests that you just want to get some fun out of via your moves. However, this class does face some serious shortcomings when it comes to serious farming, hard quests/enemies, or enemies with weaknesses that are different from some of the main moves of a Pirate. Nevertheless, the Pirate class can be enjoyed, even in these tough situations (especially for a Mage), with proper strategy.

The Pirate class strategies will be split up for each class.

Note: Substitute Sneaky for Attack whenever possible.

Note: Use Scurvy as the alternative to Cannon/Summon Crackers only if the enemy has a weakness to disease or if the enemy is resistant to fire/nature.

Note: Substitute Blast for Hex if mana is low.

Note: Substitute Attack for Blast if mana is depleted.

Pirate Warrior

The Pirate Warrior is interesting, to say the least; the main purpose as a Pirate warrior would be for the elemental skills, and for midterm battles.

Check above for your base appropriate class.

Offensive Strategy

A Pirate Warrior can fit into an offensive strategy easily; make use of the elemental skills.

Single Enemy:
1) Pirate Ghost.
2) Pistol.
3) Swordplay.
4) Cannon/Scurvy/Attack.
5) Summon Crackers/Attack.
6) Attack.
7) Pistol.
8) Swordplay.
9) Repeat steps 4-8 until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Pirate Ghost.
2) Pistol.
3) Swordplay.
4) Cannon/Scurvy/Attack.
5) Summon Crackers/Attack.
6) Attack.
7) Pistol.
8) Swordplay.
9) Repeat steps 4-8 until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Pirate Ghost.
2) Pistol.
3) Swordplay.
4) Cannon/Scurvy/Attack.
5) Summon Crackers/Attack.
6) Attack.
7) Pistol.
8) Swordplay.
9) Repeat steps 4-8 until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Quick Shot.
2) Pirate Ghost to finish off survivors.
3) Pistol/Cannon/Summon Crackers to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Pirate Ghost the enemy with the most HP.
2) Pistol the above enemy.
3) Swordplay the above enemy if it is not overkill; otherwise, Swordplay a second enemy.
4) Quick Shot.
5) Cannon/Scurvy/Attack the enemy nearest to defeat.
6) Summon Crackers/Attack the enemy nearest to defeat.
7) Pistol the enemy nearest to defeat.
8) Swordplay the enemy nearest to defeat.
9) Repeat steps 4-8 until all of the enemies are defeated.

Balanced Strategy

A Balanced Strategy is average for a Warrior, for warriors lose the capability of stunning with damage.

Single Enemy:
1) Stun.
2) Pirate Ghost.
3) Pistol.
4) Swordplay.
5) Cannon/Scurvy/Attack.
6) Summon Crackers/Attack.
7) Attack.
8) Pistol.
9) Swordplay.
10) Repeat steps 5-9 until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Pirate Ghost.
2) Pistol.
3) Swordplay.
4) Cannon/Scurvy/Attack.
5) Summon Crackers/Attack.
6) Attack.
7) Pistol.
8) Swordplay.
9) Repeat steps 4-8 until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Stun.
2) Pirate Ghost.
3) Pistol.
4) Swordplay.
5) Cannon/Scurvy/Attack.
6) Summon Crackers/Attack.
7) Attack.
8) Pistol.
9) Swordplay.
10) Repeat steps 5-9 until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Quick Shot.
2) Pirate Ghost to finish off survivors.
3) Pistol/Cannon/Summon Crackers to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Stun the enemy with the most HP.
2) Pirate Ghost the above enemy.
3) Pistol the above enemy.
4) Swordplay the above enemy if it is not overkill; otherwise, Swordplay a second enemy.
5) Quick Shot.
6) Cannon/Scurvy/Attack the enemy nearest to defeat.
7) Summon Crackers/Attack the enemy nearest to defeat.
8) Pistol the enemy nearest to defeat.
9) Swordplay the enemy nearest to defeat.
10) Repeat steps 4-8 until all of the enemies are defeated.

Defensive Strategy

This strategy is particularly better for Warriors then it would normally be; however, Dragonlord Armor still does a better job in the defensive department. Nevertheless, a pirate does have his/her defensive capabilities.

Single Enemy:
1) Stun.
2) Pirate Ghost.
3) Pistol.
4) Swordplay.
5) Shield.
6) Cannon/Scurvy/Attack.
7) Summon Crackers/Attack.
8) Pistol.
9) Swordplay.
10) Repeat steps 5-9 until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Shield.
2) Pirate Ghost.
3) Pistol.
4) Swordplay.
5) Cannon/Scurvy/Attack.
6) Summon Crackers/Attack.
7) Attack.
8) Pistol.
9) Swordplay.
10) Repeat steps 5-9 until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Shield/Pirate Ghost if enemy can be defeated in one turn.
2) Pirate Ghost if not used before; otherwise, skip turn.
3) Pistol.
4) Swordplay.
5) Cannon/Scurvy/Attack; Stun if enemy is near berserk point.
6) Summon Crackers/Attack; Stun if enemy is near berserk point.
7) Attack; Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Shield if Stun is already used.
8) Pistol.
9) Swordplay.
10) Repeat steps 5-9, using Shield when possible, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Shield.
2) Quick Shot.
3) Pirate Ghost to finish off survivors.
4) Pistol/Cannon/Summon Crackers to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Shield.
2) Stun the enemy with the most HP.
3) Pirate Ghost the above enemy.
4) Pistol the above enemy.
5) Swordplay the above enemy if it is not overkill; otherwise, Swordplay a second enemy.
6) Quick Shot if an enemy can be defeated this turn; otherwise, use Shield.
7) Cannon/Scurvy/Attack the enemy nearest to defeat.
8) Summon Crackers/Attack the enemy nearest to defeat.
9) Pistol the enemy nearest to defeat.
10) Swordplay the enemy nearest to defeat.
11) Repeat steps 6-10, using Shield when possible, until all of the enemies are defeated.

Pirate Mage

The Mage gets the most out of the Pirate class; better elemental moves, tons more firepower, and great combo chains that can be pulled off. This is the way to go for a farming mage, and is also great for midterm battles.

Check above for your base appropriate class.

Offensive Strategy

A Pirate Mage should definitely take advantage of offensive capabilities, especially when farming. The base class Mage just does not have enough variety, and being a Pirate makes up for this, especially in single-enemy battles. However, for multiple enemies, base class Mage is still the best.

Single Enemy:
1) Pirate Ghost.
2) Curse.
3) Hex.
4) Cannon/Scurvy/Hex.
5) Summon Crackers/Hex.
6) Hex.
7) Repeat steps 2-6 until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Pirate Ghost.
2) Curse.
3) Hex.
4) Cannon/Scurvy/Hex.
5) Summon Crackers/Hex.
6) Hex.
7) Repeat steps 2-6 until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Pirate Ghost.
2) Curse.
3) Hex.
4) Cannon/Scurvy/Hex.
5) Summon Crackers/Hex.
6) Hex.
7) Repeat steps 2-6 until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Quick Shot.
2) Pirate Ghost to finish off survivors.
3) Hex/Cannon/Summon Crackers to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Pirate Ghost the enemy with the most HP.
2) Curse the above enemy.
3) Hex the above enemy; if already defeated, Hex a second enemy.
4) Quick Shot.
5) Cannon/Scurvy/Hex the enemy nearest to defeat.
6) Summon Crackers/Hex the enemy nearest to defeat.
7) Curse the enemy nearest to defeat.
8) Hex the enemy nearest to defeat.
9) Repeat steps 4-8 until all of the enemies are defeated.

Balanced Strategy

This is your typical balanced strategy, and mages are decent with it; just tacking on a Stun. Also, consider using Shield as needed.

Single Enemy:
1) Stun.
2) Pirate Ghost.
3) Curse.
4) Hex.
5) Cannon/Scurvy/Hex.
6) Summon Crackers/Hex.
7) Hex.
8) Repeat steps 3-7 until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Pirate Ghost.
2) Curse.
3) Hex.
4) Cannon/Scurvy/Hex.
5) Summon Crackers/Hex.
6) Hex.
7) Repeat steps 2-6, using Shield as needed, until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Stun.
2) Pirate Ghost.
3) Curse.
4) Hex.
5) Cannon/Scurvy/Hex.
6) Summon Crackers/Hex.
7) Hex.
8) Repeat steps 3-7 until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Quick Shot.
2) Pirate Ghost to finish off survivors.
3) Hex/Cannon/Summon Crackers to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Pirate Ghost the enemy with the most HP.
2) Curse the above enemy.
3) Hex the above enemy; if already defeated, Hex a second enemy.
4) Quick Shot.
5) Cannon/Scurvy/Hex the enemy nearest to defeat.
6) Summon Crackers/Hex the enemy nearest to defeat.
6) Curse the enemy nearest to defeat.
8) Hex the enemy nearest to defeat.
9) Repeat steps 4-8 until all of the enemies are defeated.

Defensive Strategy

This strategy is particularly better for Warriors then it would normally be; however, Dragonlord Armor still does a better job in the defensive department. Nevertheless, a pirate does have his/her defensive capabilities.

Single Enemy:
1) Stun.
2) Pirate Ghost.
3) Curse.
4) Hex.
5) Shield.
6) Cannon/Scurvy/Hex.
7) Summon Crackers/Hex.
8) Curse.
9) Hex.
10) Repeat steps 5-9 until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Shield.
2) Pirate Ghost.
3) Curse.
4) Hex.
5) Cannon/Scurvy/Hex.
6) Summon Crackers/Hex.
7) Hex.
8) Repeat steps 3-7 until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Shield; Pirate Ghost if enemy can be defeated in one turn.
2) Pirate Ghost if not used before; otherwise, skip turn.
3) Curse.
4) Hex.
5) Cannon/Scurvy/Hex; Stun if enemy is near berserk point.
6) Summon Crackers/Hex; Stun if enemy is near berserk point.
7) Hex.
8) Repeat steps 3-7, using Shield when possible, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Quick Shot.
2) Pirate Ghost to finish off survivors.
3) Hex/Cannon/Summon Crackers to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Shield.
2) Stun the enemy with the most HP.
3) Pirate Ghost the above enemy.
4) Curse the above enemy.
5) Hex the above enemy; if already defeated, Hex a second enemy.
6) Quick Shot if an enemy can be defeated this turn; otherwise, use Shield.
7) Cannon/Scurvy/Hex the enemy nearest to defeat.
8) Summon Crackers/Hex the enemy nearest to defeat.
9) Curse the enemy nearest to defeat.
10) Hex the enemy nearest to defeat.
11) Repeat steps 6-10, using Shield when possible, until all of the enemies are defeated.

Pirate Rogue

The Rogue most definitively does obtain a power boost from becoming a pirate, and it is recommended in mostly offensive and balanced situations. The variety of skills for a Rogue is interesting. Backstab is the most useful of the moves, as it is powerful, hinders the enemy, and has a short cooldown period. As a nifty trick, go through an easy quest and use Pickpocket on weak enemies. Then, you can enter a difficult area with a bountiful number of health and mana potions.

Check above for your base appropriate class.

Offensive Strategy

A Pirate Rogue should use the variety of offensive abilities. The boost definitely should be taken advantage of.

Single Enemy:
1) Pirate Ghost.
2) Backstab.
3) Cannon/Scurvy/Attack.
4) Summon Crackers/Attack.
5) Repeat steps 2-4 until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Pirate Ghost.
2) Backstab.
3) Cannon/Scurvy/Attack.
4) Summon Crackers/Attack.
5) Repeat steps 2-4 until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Pirate Ghost.
2) Backstab.
3) Cannon/Scurvy/Attack.
4) Summon Crackers/Attack.
5) Repeat steps 2-4 until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Quick Shot.
2) Pirate Ghost to finish off survivors.
3) Cannon/Summon Crackers/Backstab to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Pirate Ghost the enemy with the most HP.
2) Backstab the above enemy.
3) Quick Shot.
4) Cannon/Scurvy/Attack the enemy nearest to defeat.
5) Backstab the enemy nearest to defeat.
6) Summon Crackers/Attack the enemy nearest to defeat.
7) Scurvy/Attack the enemy nearest to defeat.
8) Repeat steps 3-7 until all of the enemies are defeated.

Balanced Strategy

Again, this is the typical balanced strategy, except with a pirate. You may want to consider Pickpocket a bit more here, especially if you have a spare turn or two with Stun.

Single Enemy:
1) Stun.
2) Pirate Ghost.
3) Backstab.
4) Cannon/Scurvy/Attack.
5) Summon Crackers/Attack.
6) Repeat 3-5 until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Pirate Ghost.
2) Backstab.
3) Cannon/Scurvy/Attack.
4) Summon Crackers/Attack.
5) Repeat steps 2-4 until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Stun.
2) Pirate Ghost.
3) Backstab.
4) Cannon/Scurvy/Attack.
5) Summon Crackers/Attack.
6) Repeat steps 3-5 until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Quick Shot.
2) Pirate Ghost to finish off survivors.
3) Cannon/Summon Crackers/Backstab to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Stun the enemy with the most HP.
2) Pirate Ghost the above enemy.
3) Backstab the above enemy.
4) Quick Shot.
5) Cannon/Scurvy/Attack the enemy nearest to defeat.
6) Backstab the enemy nearest to defeat.
7) Summon Crackers/Attack the enemy nearest to defeat.
8) Scurvy/Attack the enemy nearest to defeat.
9) Repeat steps 4-8 until all of the enemies are defeated.

Defensive Strategy

This strategy is particularly better for Warriors then it would normally be; however, Dragonlord Armor still does a better job in the defensive department. Nevertheless, a pirate does have his/her defensive capabilities.

Single Enemy:
1) Stun.
2) Pirate Ghost.
3) Backstab.
4) Shield.
5) Cannon/Scurvy/Attack.
6) Backstab.
6) Summon Crackers/Attack.
7) Cannon/Scurvy/Attack.
8) Repeat steps 4-7 until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Shield.
2) Pirate Ghost.
3) Backstab.
4) Cannon/Scurvy/Attack.
5) Summon Crackers/Attack.
6) Shield.
7) Repeat steps 3-6 until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Shield; Pirate Ghost if enemy can be defeated in one turn.
2) Pirate Ghost if not used before; otherwise, skip turn.
2) Backstab.
4) Cannon/Scurvy/Attack; Stun if enemy is near berserk point.
5) Summon Crackers/Attack; Stun if enemy is near berserk point.
6) Backstab.
8) Repeat steps 4-6, using Shield when possible, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Quick Shot.
2) Pirate Ghost to finish off survivors.
3) Cannon/Summon Crackers/Backstab to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Shield.
2) Stun the enemy with the most HP.
3) Pirate Ghost the above enemy.
4) Backstab the above enemy.
5) Quick Shot if an enemy can be defeated this turn; otherwise, use Shield.
6) Backstab.
7) Cannon/Scurvy/Attack the enemy nearest to defeat.
8) Summon Crackers/Attack the enemy nearest to defeat.
9) Repeat steps 5-8 until all of the enemies are defeated.


The Ninja class is another diverse class, but not in terms of elements or damage type, but in the variety and offensive and defensive moves. As with most of the new armors, there are a couple of abilities distinct to each class. Another important note on the Ninja class is its’ ability to cause affects on the enemy, such as –Bonus and whatnot, while still dealing normal damage. While it is true that the Ranger class does this much better, it is at least a perk for the Ninja class. Unfortunately, some of the moves are useless-boosting moves or novelties that waste a turn, but Ninjas do have the aforementioned advantages. With proper strategy, the Ninja class can become a very potent class. Overall, this class is only recommended with a healthy dose of strategy and with knowledge of your opponent(s) and your own moves. However, once you meet these requirements, the Ninja class is extremely dangerous and powerful. This class is particularly useful with single enemies.

The Ninja class strategies will be split up for each class.

Note: Use Last Resort for when you are relatively positive that the enemy’s next hit will defeat you, and you are not sure if your hit will defeat it. It will pretty much guarantee you that even if your hit does not kill the enemy, the enemy’s attack will miss, giving you a second chance.

Note: Substitute Doku/Metsubishi/Zuruki with Attack when none are available.

Note: Substititute Slash with Dokusei if your weapon would do less damage then the extra poison damage.

Ninja Warrior

The Ninja Warrior has extra offensive moves that may prove crucial to a balanced or offensive strategy. Overall, the balanced strategy is the most recommended of the strategies here.


Check above for your base appropriate class.

Offensive Strategy

A Ninja Warrior can work in a pure offensive strategy, though you will not be using one of your greatest moves in the process. However, you will be able to break down your enemy’s attacks due to the skills a Ninja possesses.

Single Enemy:
1) Inbo.
2) Futae.
3) Slash.
4) Doku/Metsubishi/Zuruki.
5) Doku/Metsubishi/Zuruki.
6) Doku/Metsubishi/Zuruki.
7) Repeat steps 2-6 the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Inbo.
2) Futae.
3) Slash.
4) Doku/Metsubishi/Zuruki.
5) Doku/Metsubishi/Zuruki.
6) Doku/Metsubishi/Zuruki.
7) Repeat steps 2-6 until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Inbo.
2) Futae.
3) Slash.
4) Doku/Metsubishi/Zuruki.
5) Doku/Metsubishi/Zuruki.
6) Doku/Metsubishi/Zuruki.
7) Repeat steps 2-6 until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Multi.
2) Inbo to finish off survivors.
3) Futae to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Inbo the enemy with the most HP.
2) Multi if an enemy is near defeat; Futae the above enemy otherwise.
3) Multi if an enemy is near defeat and not yet used; Futae/Slash the above enemy otherwise.
4) Multi if an enemy is near defeat and not yet used and ready; Doku/Metsubishi/Zuruki otherwise.
5) Multi if an enemy is near defeat and not yet used; Doku/Metsubishi/Zuruki otherwise.
6) Multi if an enemy is near defeat and not yet used; Doku/Metsubishi/Zuruki otherwise.
7) Futae if ready, Slash otherwise.
8) Repeat steps 3-7, using Multi when needed, until all enemies are defeated.

Balanced Strategy

This venue is the best for a Ninja Warrior. You can still dish out your usual damage, if not more, while inhibiting the enemy even further. Highly recommended over the other strategies.

Single Enemy:
1) Retsu.
2) Futae.
3) Slash.
4) Fade.
5) DeathWish.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Doku/Metsubishi/Zuruki instead of Retsu and DeathWish, until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Fade.
2) DeathWish.
3) Futae.
4) Slash.
5) Doku/Metsubishi/Zuruki.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Zuruki instead of Deathwish, until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Fade.
2) DeathWish.
3) Retsu if enemy is near berserk point; Futae otherwise.
4) Retsu if enemy is near berserk point and if not yet used; Slash otherwise.
5) Retsu if enemy is near berserk point and if not yet used; Doku/Metsubishi/Zuruki otherwise.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Zuruki instead of DeathWish, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Multi.
2) Inbo to finish off survivors.
3) Futae to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Fade.
2) DeathWish the enemy with the most HP.
3) Futae if the above enemy is somewhat near defeat; Retsu otherwise.
4) Multi if the above enemy is near defeat; Slash a second enemy otherwise.
5) Multi if an enemy is near defeat and if not yet used; Inbo otherwise.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Doku/Metsubishi/Zuruki instead of DeathWish, Retsu, and Inbo, until all of the enemies are defeated.

Defensive Strategy

The Defensive Strategy can work with a Ninja Warrior, but is not highly recommended as the defensive capabilities are not as high as for the other classes. The main point, then, is to break down your enemy directly and indirectly while protecting yourself.

Single Enemy:
1) Retsu.
2) Futae.
3) Slash.
4) Fade.
5) DeathWish.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Inbo/Doku/Metsubishi/Zuruki instead of Retsu and DeathWish, and Sha instead of Futae or Slash when needed, until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Fade.
2) Deathwish.
3) Metsubishi/Zuruki.
4) Futae.
5) Slash.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Inbo instead of DeathWish and Sha when needed, until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Fade.
2) DeathWish.
3) Retsu if enemy is near berserk point; Futae otherwise.
4) Retsu if enemy is near berserk point and if not yet used; Slash otherwise.
5) Retsu if enemy is near berserk point and if not yet used; Metsubishi/Zuruki otherwise.
6) Repeat steps 1-5,using Inbo instead of DeathWish, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Fade.
2) Multi.
3) Retsu to finish off survivors.
4) Inbo to finish off survivors.
5) Futae to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Fade.
2) Retsu the strongest enemy, if there is one; if not, use it on the enemy with the most HP.
3) Futae the above enemy.
4) Slash a second enemy.
5) Multi if an enemy is near defeat; Inbo otherwise.
6) Fade.
7) Multi if an enemy is near defeat and if not yet used; DeathWish otherwise.
8) Multi if an enemy is near defeat and if not yet used; Futae otherwise.
9) Multi if an enemy is near defeat and if not yet used; Slash otherwise.
10) Multi if an enemy is near defeat and if not yet used; Metsubishi/Zuruki otherwise.
11) Repeat steps 6-10, using Zuruki instead of DeathWish and Sha when needed, until all of the enemies are defeated.

Ninja Mage

From a first glance, the Ninja armor seems to augment the Mage’s one-on-one abilities with plenty of support while completely taking away any advantages in the multiple enemies section, since Multi has a long recharge time and does metal damage. However, it is not so, for the Mage also packs a secret move, Qi, which not only hits everyone with your weapon’s element but also decreases the Boost of all the enemies. So think of a defensive Mage Fury with recharge time. Overall, the Ninja Mage is highly recommended for those who know how to carry out and strategize their moves.


Check above for your base appropriate class.

Offensive Strategy

A Ninja Mage isn’t really made to go completely on the offense, but it can go well.

Single Enemy:
1) Inbo.
2) Slash.
3) Doku/Metsubishi/Qi.
4) Doku/Metsubishi/Qi.
5) Doku/Metsubishi/Qi.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Retsu instead of Inbo, until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Inbo.
2) Slash.
3) Doku/Metsubishi/Qi.
4) Doku/Metsubishi/Qi.
5) Doku/Metsubishi/Qi.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Retsu instead of Inbo, until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Inbo.
2) Slash.
3) Doku/Metsubishi/Qi.
4) Doku/Metsubishi/Qi.
5) Doku/Metsubishi/Qi.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Retsu instead of Inbo, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Qi.
2) Multi to finish off survivors.
3) Inbo to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Inbo the enemy with the most HP.
2) Multi/Qi if an enemy is near defeat; Slash the above enemy otherwise.
3) Multi/Qi if an enemy is near defeat and not yet used; Retsu the above enemy otherwise.
4) Multi/Qi if an enemy is near defeat and not yet used and ready; Doku/Metsubishi otherwise.
5) Multi/Qi if an enemy is near defeat and not yet used; Doku/Metsubishi otherwise.
6) Multi/Qi if an enemy is near defeat and not yet used; Doku/Metsubishi otherwise.
7) Repeat steps 3-6, using Multi and Qi when needed, until all enemies are defeated.

Balanced Strategy

This strategy works well for a mage. The strategy is a bit more defensive as compared to the other classes when it comes to Ninja, but it still dishes out serious damage.

Single Enemy:
1) Retsu.
2) Slash.
3) Kai.
4) Fade.
5) DeathWish.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Inbo/Doku/Metsubishi/Qi instead of Retsu, Kai, and DeathWish, until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Kai.
2) Slash.
3) Fade.
4) DeathWish.
5) Doku/Metsubishi/Qi.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Inbo/Doku/Metsubishi/Qi instead of Kai and DeathWish, until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Fade.
2) DeathWish.
3) Retsu if enemy is near berserk point; Slash otherwise.
4) Retsu if enemy is near berserk point and if not yet used; Kai otherwise.
5) Retsu if enemy is near berserk point and if not yet used; Doku/Metsubishi/Qi otherwise.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Inbo/Doku/Metsubishi/Qi instead of Kai and DeathWish, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Qi.
2) Multi to finish off survivors.
3) Inbo to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Fade.
2) DeathWish the enemy with the most HP.
3) Slash if the above enemy is somewhat near defeat; Retsu otherwise.
4) Multi/Qi if the above enemy is near defeat; Kai a second enemy otherwise.
5) Multi/Qi if an enemy is near defeat and if not yet used; Inbo otherwise.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Doku/Metsubishi instead of Kai and DeathWish, until all of the enemies are defeated.

Defensive Strategy

The Defensive Strategy works nicely with a Ninja Mage, though the lengthy cooldowns prohibit the same leisure provided by the base Mage class.

Single Enemy:
1) Retsu.
2) Slash.
3) Qi.
4) Fade.
5) DeathWish.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Inbo instead of Retsu, Metsubishi/Kai instead of Qi and DeathWish, and Sha instead of Slash when needed, until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Fade.
2) DeathWish.
3) Metsubishi.
4) Qi.
5) Slash/Kai/Doku.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Inbo instead of DeathWish and Sha when needed, until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Fade.
2) DeathWish.
3) Retsu if enemy is near berserk point; Slash otherwise.
4) Retsu if enemy is near berserk point and if not yet used; Qi otherwise.
5) Retsu if enemy is near berserk point and if not yet used; Metsubishi otherwise.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Inbo instead of DeathWish and Sha when needed, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Fade.
2) Qi.
3) Multi to finish off survivors.
4) Inbo to finish off survivors.
5) Retsu to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Fade.
2) Retsu the strongest enemy, if there is one; if not, use it on the enemy with the most HP.
3) Slash the above enemy.
4) Inbo.
5) Qi.
6) Fade.
7) Multi if an enemy is near defeat and if not yet used; DeathWish otherwise.
8) Multi if an enemy is near defeat and if not yet used; Slash otherwise.
9) Multi if an enemy is near defeat and if not yet used; Inbo otherwise.
10) Multi if an enemy is near defeat and if not yet used; Metsubishi otherwise.
11) Repeat steps 6-10, using Doku instead of DeathWish and Sha when needed, until all of the enemies are defeated.

Ninja Rogue

The Ninja Rogue has some rather interesting moves that, when pulled off correctly, can cause some serious damage over time.


Check above for your base appropriate class.

Offensive Strategy

A Ninja Rogue works okay with an offensive strategy, but it is not its strong suit.

Single Enemy:
1) Inbo.
2) Slash.
3) Doku.
4) Dokusei.
5) Metsubishi.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Retsu instead of Inbo, Attack instead of Doku, and Dokusei when appropriate, the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Inbo.
2) Slash.
3) Doku.
4) Dokusei.
5) Metsubishi.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Retsu instead of Inbo, Attack instead of Doku, and Dokusei when appropriate, the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Inbo.
2) Slash.
3) Doku.
4) Dokusei.
5) Metsubishi.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Retsu instead of Inbo, Attack instead of Doku, and Dokusei when appropriate, the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Multi.
2) Inbo to finish off survivors.
3) Slash to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Inbo the enemy with the most HP.
2) Multi if an enemy is near defeat; Slash the above enemy otherwise.
3) Multi if an enemy is near defeat and not yet used; Retsu the above enemy otherwise.
4) Multi if an enemy is near defeat and not yet used and ready; Doku a second enemy otherwise.
5) Multi if an enemy is near defeat and not yet used; Dokusei the above enemy otherwise.
6) Multi if an enemy is near defeat and not yet used; Metsubishi otherwise.
7) Repeat steps 2-6, using Multi when needed and Dokusei when possible, until all enemies are defeated.

Balanced Strategy

A Balanced Strategy is the best strategy for a Ninja Rogue. You can protect yourself to a decent extent while rotting your enemy out and causing some real damage.

Single Enemy:
1) Retsu.
2) Slash.
3) Doku.
4) Fade.
5) DeathWish.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Dokusei instead of Retsu, and Inbo instead of Doku, and Byousou instead of DeathWish, until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Fade.
2) Deathwish.
3) Doku.
4) Dokusei.
5) Inbo.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Byousou instead of DeathWish and Metsubishi instead of Inbo, until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Fade.
2) DeathWish.
3) Retsu if enemy is near berserk point; Slash otherwise.
4) Retsu if enemy is near berserk point and if not yet used; Doku otherwise.
5) Retsu if enemy is near berserk point and if not yet used; Dokusei otherwise.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Byousou instead of DeathWish and Inbo instead of Doku, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Multi.
2) Inbo to finish off survivors.
3) Slash to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Fade.
2) DeathWish the enemy with the most HP.
3) Slash if the above enemy is somewhat near defeat; Retsu otherwise.
4) Multi if the above enemy is near defeat; Doku a second enemy otherwise.
5) Multi if an enemy is near defeat and if not yet used; Dokusei otherwise.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Byousou instead of DeathWish, Inbo instead of Retsu, and Metsubishi instead of Doku, until all of the enemies are defeated.

Defensive Strategy

The Defensive Strategy is decent for a Ninja Rogue.

Single Enemy:
1) Retsu.
2) Slash.
3) Doku.
4) Fade.
5) DeathWish.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Metsubishi instead of Retsu, Inbo instead of Doku, Byousou instead of DeathWish, and Sha instead of Slash when needed, until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Fade.
2) Deathwish.
3) Inbo.
4) Doku.
5) Dokusei.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Metsubishi instead of Inbo, Byousou instead of DeathWish, and Sha when needed, until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Fade.
2) DeathWish.
3) Retsu if enemy is near berserk point; Slash otherwise.
4) Retsu if enemy is near berserk point and if not yet used; Doku otherwise.
5) Retsu if enemy is near berserk point and if not yet used; Inbo/Metsubishi otherwise.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Dokusei instead of Doku, Byousou instead of DeathWish, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Fade.
2) Multi.
3) Retsu to finish off survivors.
4) Inbo to finish off survivors.
5) Slash to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Fade.
2) Retsu the strongest enemy, if there is one; if not, use it on the enemy with the most HP.
3) Slash the above enemy.
4) Doku a second enemy.
5) Multi if an enemy is near defeat; Dokusei otherwise.
6) Fade.
7) Multi if an enemy is near defeat and if not yet used; DeathWish otherwise.
8) Multi if an enemy is near defeat and if not yet used; Slash otherwise.
9) Multi if an enemy is near defeat and if not yet used; Inbo otherwise.
10) Multi if an enemy is near defeat and if not yet used; Metsubishi/Dokusei otherwise.
11) Repeat steps 6-10, using Byousou instead of DeathWish, Metsubishi/Dokusei instead of Inbo/Retsu, and Sha when needed, until all of the enemies are defeated.


The Ranger class is one of the most overlooked classes in DF, along with the Ninja class. At first glance, it seems just like any other class, with some otherwise interesting moves that lack power. However, what many fail to understand about the Ranger class is that it is not made for a pure offensive strategy. Rather, the Ranger class means to be used for a balanced strategy, as all of its debilitating moves hurt the enemy normal damage. Furthermore, the Ranger is excellent at fighting multiple enemies and at longer battles. The Ranger class has so many possibilities and strategies, depending on your enemy, that strategies are easy to adjust on the Offensive and Balanced strategies.

Note: Use Cooldown shot instead of Weakness Seeking/Accurate Shot/Summon Hawk when you see the others don’t matter and you want to quicken the recharge time for the likes of FlashBang, Stunning Shot, and Purge.

Offensive Strategy

Though the Ranger class is not made for an Offensive Strategy, it still works as the class still has some amazingly powerful moves. While you are at it, you may as well cause some debilitating moves.

Single Enemy:
1) Purge.
2) Dual Wield.
3) Poison Arrow.
4) Summon Hawk.
5) Dual Wield.
6) Flurry/Weakness Seeking.
7) Flurry/Weakness Seeking.
8) Repeat steps 4-7, using Stunning Shot/Accurate Shot/FlashBang/Summon Hawk/Debilitating Arrow instead of Flurry/Weakness Seeking/Summon Hawk as needed, until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Purge.
2) Dual Wield.
3) Poison Arrow.
4) Summon Hawk.
5) Dual Wield.
6) Flurry/Weakness Seeking.
7) Flurry/Weakness Seeking.
8) Repeat steps 4-7, using Accurate Shot/FlashBang/Summon Hawk/Debilitating Arrow instead of Flurry/Weakness Seeking/Summon Hawk as needed, until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Purge.
2) Dual Wield.
3) Poison Arrow.
4) Summon Hawk.
5) Dual Wield.
6) Flurry/Weakness Seeking.
7) Flurry/Weakness Seeking.
8) Repeat steps 4-7, using Stunning Shot/Accurate Shot/FlashBang/Summon Hawk/Debilitating Arrow instead of Flurry/Weakness Seeking/Summon Hawk as needed, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) MultiShot.
2) Dual Wield to finish off survivors.
3) Flurry to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies :
1) Purge the enemy with the most HP.
2) MultiShot/Flurry if an enemy is near defeat; Dual Wield the above enemy otherwise.
3) MultiShot/Flurry if an enemy is near defeat and not yet used; Summon Hawk the above enemy otherwise.
4) MultiShot/Flurry if an enemy is near defeat and not yet used; Poison Arrow a second enemy otherwise.
5) MultiShot/Flurry if an enemy is near defeat and not yet used; Dual Wield the above enemy otherwise.
6) MultiShot/Flurry if an enemy is near defeat and not yet used; Summon Hawk otherwise.
7) Repeat steps 2-6, using Stunning Shot/Accurate Shot/FlashBang/Debilitating Arrow instead of Poison Arrow/Summon Hawk as needed, until all enemies are defeated.

Balanced Strategy

This is truly where the Ranger class really shines, a Balanced Strategy. You have a myriad of moves to break down your opponent while hammering, at minimum, continuous and steady normal damage. In the words of Purge: Rangers FTW!
Single Enemy:
1) Stunning Shot.
2) Dual Wield.
3) Poison Arrow.
4) FlashBang.
5) Dual Wield.
6) Purge/Debilitating Arrow.
7) Purge/Debilitating Arrow.
8) Repeat steps 4-7, using Accurate Shot/Weakness Seeking /Summon Hawk instead of Purge/Debilitating Arrow/FlashBang as needed, until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) FlashBang.
2) Dual Wield.
3) Debilitating Arrow.
4) Poison Arrow.
5) Dual Wield.
6) Purge.
7) Summon Hawk.
8) Dual Wield.
9) Repeat steps 3-8, using Accurate Shot/Weakness Seeking/Cooldown Shot/Flurry/Summon Hawk instead of Poison Arrow/Purge as needed, until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) FlashBang.
2) Dual Wield.
3) Poison Arrow.
4) Stunning Shot if enemy is near berserk point; Summon Hawk otherwise.
5) Stunning Shot if enemy is near berserk point; Dual Wield otherwise.
6) Stunning Shot if enemy is near berserk point; Purge otherwise.
7) Repeat steps 4-6, using Weakness Seeking/Accurate Shot/Debilitating Arrow instead of Flurry/Weakness Seeking/Summon Hawk as needed, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) MultiShot.
2) Dual Wield to finish off survivors.
3) Flurry to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies :
1) Stunning Shot the enemy with the most HP.
2) MultiShot/Flurry if an enemy is near defeat; Dual Wield the above enemy otherwise.
3) MultiShot/Flurry if an enemy is near defeat and not yet used; FlashBang the above enemy otherwise.
4) MultiShot/Flurry if an enemy is near defeat and not yet used; Poison Arrow a second enemy otherwise.
5) MultiShot/Flurry if an enemy is near defeat and not yet used; Dual Wield the above enemy otherwise.
6) MultiShot/Flurry if an enemy is near defeat and not yet used; Purge otherwise.
7) Repeat steps 2-6, using Accurate Shot/Summon Hawk/Debilitating Arrow instead of Poison Arrow/FlashBang/Purge as needed, until all enemies are defeated.

Defensive Strategy

A Ranger can work decently well with a Defensive Strategy, provided that the offensive moves are strategically placed out. Status and poison take an even bigger priority here while you are defending yourself.
Single Enemy:
1) Shield.
2) Poison Arrow.
3) Stunning Shot.
4) Dual Wield.
5) Purge.
6) Shield.
7) Dual Wield.
8) FlashBang.
9) Debiliating Arrow.
10) Repeat steps 5-9, using Accurate Shot/Weakness Seeking/Summon Hawk instead of Purge/FlashBang as needed, until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Shield.
2) Poison Arrow.
3) FlashBang.
4) Debilitating Arrow.
5) Dual Wield.
9) Repeat steps 1-5, using Purge instead of Poison Arrow and Accurate Shot/Weakness Seeking/Flurry/Summon Hawk instead of FlashBang as needed, until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Shield.
2) Poison Arrow.
3) Debilitating Arrow.
4) Stunning Shot if enemy is near berserk point; FlashBang otherwise.
5) Stunning Shot if enemy is near berserk point; Dual Wield otherwise.
6) Stunning Shot if enemy is near berserk point; Shield otherwise.
7) Repeat steps 2-6, using Weakness Seeking/Accurate Shot/Summon Hawk instead of Poison Arrow/FlashBang as needed, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Shield.
2) MultiShot.
3) Flurry to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies :
1) Shield.
2) Stunning Shot the strongest enemy; otherwise, Stunning Shot the enemy with the most HP.
3) MultiShot/Flurry if an enemy is near defeat; Dual Wield the above enemy otherwise.
4) MultiShot/Flurry if an enemy is near defeat and not yet used; Purge the above enemy otherwise.
5) MultiShot/Flurry if an enemy is near defeat and not yet used; Poison Arrow a second enemy otherwise.
6) MultiShot/Flurry if an enemy is near defeat and not yet used; Shield otherwise.
7) MultiShot/Flurry if an enemy is near defeat and not yet used; Dual Wield otherwise.
8) Repeat steps 4-7, using FlashBang instead of Purge, Debilitating Arrow instead of Purge, and Accurate Shot/Summon Hawk/Weakness Seeking instead of Poison Arrow as needed, until all enemies are defeated.


The Paladin class is one of the most situational classes in DF. Basically, it does its job as the typical undead slayer, healer, and tank; in almost all other occasions, however, the Paladin class is mediocre, sometimes worse. Almost half of its’ move convert the attack into a light element. This is both good and bad. This means that when fighting an enemy weak against light, AKA undead and the like, you can use your strongest enemy to wipe the floor with the light converters. However, this also makes your moveset next to useless against enemies with resistance to light or with a large weakness in another element. However, the armor does have another advantage against undead: when you use a light weapon, your damage is boosted by a certain percentage, around 9% or so. Thus, you have to balance out what you are going to do. Another useful trick the Paladin class has is Channeling Spirit. Look in the Notes section for what you should do. Overall, only use the Paladin class where it is needed: with enemies who have a weakness to light.

Note: Use your strongest weapon when using the light converters against enemies that are not dead.

Note: Decide which is better, either your strongest weapon or your light weapon with a 9% boost, when using the light converters against the undead.

Note: Use Channeling Spirit after wasting your mana on light converters and you are low on health.

Note: If you have a low Crit, switch the places of Ultima Combo and Spear Toss wherever you see them.

Offensive Strategy

Unless you are going against a boss, this is more than likely the strategy you will be using as a Paladin. Basically, bash that bad boy up and disregard your mana, health, and the enemy’s modifiers.

Single Enemy:
1) Zeal.
2) Spear Toss.
3) Ultima Combo.
4) Phoenix Song.
5) Spinstrike.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Pacify/Blinding Light/Mana Boost/Blessing instead of the recharging moves, until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Zeal.
2) Spear Toss.
3) Ultima Combo.
4) Phoenix Song.
5) Spinstrike.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Blinding Light/Mana Boost/Blessing instead of the recharging moves, until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Zeal.
2) Spear Toss.
3) Ultima Combo.
4) Phoenix Song.
5) Spinstrike.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Pacify/Blinding Light/Mana Boost/Blessing instead of the recharging moves, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Swords of Eternal Light.
2) Zeal to finish off survivors.
3) Spear Toss to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Zeal the enemy with the most HP.
2) Swords of Eternal Light if an enemy is near defeat; Spear Toss the above enemy otherwise.
3) Swords of Eternal Light if an enemy is near defeat; Ultima Combo the above enemy otherwise.
4) Swords of Eternal Light if an enemy is near defeat; Phoenix Song a second enemy otherwise.
5) Repeat steps 1-5, using Pacify/Blinding Light/Mana Boost/Blessing instead of the recharging moves, until the enemy is defeated.

Balanced Strategy

The Balanced Strategy works okay for a Paladin, as it uses its tank capabilities. However, you are giving up massive offensive power on the short run.

Single Enemy:
1) Zeal.
2) Pacify.
3) Spear Toss.
4) Pacify.
5) Ultima Combo.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Phoenix Song instead of Spear Toss when recharging and Mana Boost/Blessing when needed, until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Zeal.
2) Spear Toss.
3) Ultima Combo.
4) Phoenix Song.
5) Spinstrike.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Blinding Light/Mana Boost/Blessing instead of the recharging moves, until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Zeal.
2) Pacify.
3) Spear Toss.
4) Pacify.
5) Ultima Combo.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Phoenix Song instead of Spear Toss when recharging and Mana Boost/Blessing when needed, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Swords of Eternal Light.
2) Zeal to finish off survivors.
3) Spear Toss to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Zeal the enemy with the most HP.
2) Swords of Eternal Light if an enemy is near defeat; Pacify the above enemy otherwise.
3) Swords of Eternal Light if an enemy is near defeat; Spear Toss the above enemy otherwise.
4) Swords of Eternal Light if an enemy is near defeat; Pacify a second enemy otherwise.
5) Swords of Eternal Light if an enemy is near defeat; Ultima Combo the above enemy otherwise
5) Repeat steps 1-5, using Phoenix Song instead of Spear Toss when recharging and Mana Boost/Blessing when needed, until the enemy is defeated.

Defensive Strategy

The Paladin class and the Defensive Strategy simply don’t work together. The Paladin has terrible defensive moves, with only healing capabilities making up for the lack of defense.

Single Enemy:
1) Blessing.
2) Zeal.
3) Pacify.
4) Spear Toss/Blessing.
5) Pacify.
5) Ultima Combo/Blessing.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Heal instead of Blessing when needed and Phoenix Song instead of Spear Toss when recharging and Mana Boost when needed, until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Blessing.
2) Zeal.
3) Spear Toss/Mana Boost.
4) Blessing.
5) Ultima Combo.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Heal instead of Blessing when needed and Phoenix Song instead of Spear Toss when recharging and Mana Boost when needed, until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Blessing.
2) Zeal.
3) Spear Toss.
4) Pacify.
5) Ultima Combo.
6) Repeat steps 1-5, using Heal instead of Blessing when needed and Phoenix Song instead of Spear Toss when recharging and Mana Boost when needed, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Swords of Eternal Light.
2) Blessing to finish off survivors.
3) Zeal to finish off survivors.
4) Pacify to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Zeal the enemy with the most HP.
2) Swords of Eternal Light if an enemy is near defeat; Pacify the above enemy otherwise.
3) Swords of Eternal Light if an enemy is near defeat; Blessing the above enemy otherwise.
4) Swords of Eternal Light if an enemy is near defeat; Spear Toss a second enemy otherwise.
5) Swords of Eternal Light if an enemy is near defeat; Pacify the above enemy otherwise.
6) Swords of Eternal Light if an enemy is near defeat; Ultima Combo/Blessing the above enemy otherwise.
5) Repeat steps 1-6, using Heal instead of Blessing when needed and Phoenix Song instead of Spear Toss when recharging and Mana Boost when needed, until the enemy is defeated.


The Necromancer class is is a powerful class with plenty of defensive tactics that provide overall excellent strategies. Not many other classes can boast the capabilities the Necromancer posseses. Despite the major nerfs this class first underwent, it is still quite potent with a proper strategy. Due to the strategy required of the Necromancer class, its power is better shown in longer battles, like boss battles. Though this class works for your day-to-day bashing as well, the Necromancer excels in these longer battles.

Offensive Strategy

The Offensive Strategy is the easiest strategy to use with Necromancer. However, a Necromancer using this strategy will be missing out on all of the defensive moves that still dish out damage.

Single Enemy:
1) Seed.
2) Zombify.
3) Summon.
4) Final Blow.
5) Dominate.
6) Multi/Attack.
7) Summon.
8) Dominate.
9) Multi/Attack.
10) Sleep.
11) Repeat steps 1-10, using Multi/Dominate/Attack instead of the recharging moves, until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Seed.
2) Zombify.
3) Summon.
4) Final Blow.
5) Dominate.
6) Multi/Attack.
7) Summon.
8) Dominate.
9) Multi/Attack.
10) Multi/Attack.
11) Repeat steps 1-10, using Multi/Dominate/Attack instead of the recharging moves, until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Seed.
2) Zombify.
3) Summon.
4) Final Blow.
5) Dominate.
6) Multi/Attack.
7) Summon.
8) Dominate.
9) Multi/Attack.
10) Sleep.
11) Repeat steps 1-10, using Multi/Dominate/Attack instead of the recharging moves, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Multi.
2) Repeat step 1 until all of the enemies are defeated.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Seed.
2) Zombify the enemy with the most HP.
3) Multi if an enemy is near defeat; Summon the above enemy otherwise.
4) Final Blow the above enemy if it is not overkill; Final Blow a second enemy otherwise.
5) Multi if an enemy is near defeat; Zombify the second enemy otherwise.
6) Multi if an enemy is near defeat; Dominate the above enemy otherwise.
7) Mulit if an enemy is near defeat; Summon the above enemy otherwise.
8) Multi.
9) Repeat step 8, using Zombify on a third enemy if possible, Seed and Summon when available, and Dominate as needed, until all of the enemies are defeated.

Balanced Strategy

The Balanced Strategy is offers various routes for a Necromancer. Thus, feel free to adjust when moves like Turn and Dominate take place. This strategy is highly recommended for a Necromancer, and should be used if you are not in peril.

Single Enemy:
1) Seed.
2) Sleep.
3) Summon.
4) Final Blow.
5) Zombify.
6) Dominate.
7) Summon.
8) Multi/Attack.
9) Dominate.
10) Multi/Attack.
11) Repeat steps 1-10, using Multi/Dominate/Attack instead of the recharging moves, until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Seed.
2) Turn.
3) Summon.
4) Final Blow.
5) Dominate.
6) Zombify.
7) Summon.
8) Dominate.
9) Multi/Attack.
10) Multi/Attack.
11) Repeat steps 1-10, using Multi/Dominate/Attack instead of the recharging moves, until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Seed.
2) Zombify.
3) Summon.
4) Final Blow.
5) Sleep.
6) Multi/Attack.
7) Summon.
8) Turn if enemy is near berserk point; Dominate otherwise.
9) Multi/Attack.
10) Multi/Attack.
11) Repeat steps 1-10, using Multi/Dominate/Attack instead of the recharging moves, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Multi.
2) Repeat step 1 until all of the enemies are defeated.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Seed.
2) Turn.
3) Summon.
4) Final Blow the enemy with the most HP.
5) Multi if an enemy is near defeat; Zombify a second enemy otherwise.
6) Multi if an enemy is near defeat; Dominate the above enemy otherwise.
7) Mulit if an enemy is near defeat; Summon the above enemy otherwise.
8) Multi.
9) Repeat step 8, using Zombify on a third enemy if possible, Seed and Summon when available, and Dominate as needed, until all of the enemies are defeated.

Defensive Strategy

A Necromancer can really work with a Defensive Strategy, due to the amazing Turn, which is used more extensively in a Defensive Strategy then in a Balanced Strategy.

Single Enemy:
1) Seed.
2) Turn.
3) Summon.
4) Final Blow.
5) Shield.
6) Sleep.
7) Summon.
8) Zombify.
9) Dominate.
10) Shield.
11) Repeat steps 1-10, using Multi/Dominate/Zombify/Attack instead of the recharging moves, until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Seed.
2) Turn.
3) Summon.
4) Final Blow.
5) Shield.
6) Dominate.
7) Summon.
8) Zombify.
9) Dominate.
10) Shield.
11) Repeat steps 1-10, using Multi/Dominate/Attack instead of the recharging moves, until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Seed.
2) Turn.
3) Summon.
4) Final Blow.
5) Shield.
6) Dominate.
7) Summon.
8) Sleep if enemy is near berserk point; Zombify otherwise.
9) Sleep if enemy is near berserk point; Dominate otherwise.
10) Shield.
11) Repeat steps 1-10, using Multi/Dominate/Attack instead of the recharging moves, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Shield.
2) Multi.
3) Turn.
4) Multi.
5) Repeat step 4, using Shield when possible, until all of the enemies are defeated.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Seed.
2) Turn.
3) Summon.
4) Final Blow the enemy with the most HP.
5) Shield.
6) Multi if an enemy is near defeat; Dominate the above enemy otherwise.
7) Mulit if an enemy is near defeat; Summon the above enemy otherwise.
8) Multi.
9) Repeat step 8, using Zombify on a third enemy if possible, Seed and Summon when available, and Dominate as needed, until all of the enemies are defeated.


The Deathknight class is one of the best classes out right now. The class has the versatility of a variety of strategies. A Deathknight is capable of being a massive offensive powerhouse with power unmatched by other classes. However, a Deathknight can also take an extremely useful and dangerous (for your enemies) balanced strategy. More options in strategies are also available depending on class. The Deathknight class is indeed worth looking into.

The Deathknight class strategies will be split up for each class.

Note: If you have the inventory space, equip all of the Deathknight items possible every 4 turns and use Ultimate.

Note: If using an offensive strategy in a fast quest or a quest that you can easily heal in, use Cursed as your first move.

Note: Switch to a weapon with high Random damage when using Call Minion, like Guardian Blade. If you do have a weapon such as this, compare the damages between Call Minion and the other alternatives and decide which move to use first.

Note: If enemies are resistant to darkness, skip enemy step with Multi Strike or use the given alternative.

Note: Use Blast when fighting enemies already weak to darkness.

Deathknight Warrior

A Deathknight Warrior can tear through enemies like no other. As a Deathknight Warrior, you will also be able to break down your enemy’s resistances a bit while still maintaining massive damage. The only lacking power in a Deathknight Warrior is in multiple enemies, particularly the easy ones.

Offensive Strategy

The Deathknight Warrior does excellent in an Offensive Strategy. If you really want to amp up your damage and you know you can heal easily or don’t care, use Cursed as your first turn.

Single Enemy:
1) Demon.
2) Deadly Strike.
3) Final Blow.
4) Fiery/Icy/Call Minion.
5) Fiery/Icy/Call Minion.
6) Fiery/Icy/Call Minion.
7) Stun/Ultimate/Attack.
8) Stun/Ultimate/Attack.
9) Repeat steps 4-8, using Demon/Deadly Strike when possible, until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Demon.
2) Deadly Strike.
3) Final Blow.
4) Fiery/Icy/Call Minion.
5) Fiery/Icy/Call Minion.
6) Fiery/Icy/Call Minion.
7) Ultimate/Attack.
8) Ultimate/Attack.
9) Repeat steps 4-8, using Demon/Deadly Strike when possible, until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Demon.
2) Deadly Strike.
3) Final Blow.
4) Fiery/Icy/Call Minion.
5) Fiery/Icy/Call Minion.
6) Fiery/Icy/Call Minion.
7) Stun/Ultimate/Attack.
8) Stun/Ultimate/Attack.
9) Repeat steps 4-8, using Demon/Deadly Strike when possible, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Multi Strike.
2) Demon/Fiery/Icy/Call Minion to finish off survivors.
3) Deadly Strike to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Demon the enemy with the most HP.
2) Deadly Strike the above enemy.
3) Multi Strike if enemy is near defeat; Final Blow the above enemy otherwise.
4) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Fiery/Icy/Call Minion the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
5) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Fiery/Icy/Call Minion the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
6) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Fiery/Icy/Call Minion the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
7) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Stun/Ultimate/Attack the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
8) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Stun/Ultimate/Attack the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
9) Repeat steps 4-8, using Demon/Deadly Strike when possible, until all enemies are defeated.

Balanced Strategy

A Deathknight Warrior has the same advantages in a Balanced Strategy that a base class Warrior has, if not more. If it is a particularly long battle, feel free to delay stun until the 4th turn if a strategy calls it to be used in the beginning.

Single Enemy:
1) Stun.
2) Demon.
3) Deadly Strike.
4) Final Blow.
5) Fiery/Icy/Call Minion.
6) Fiery/Icy/Call Minion.
7) Fiery/Icy/Call Minion.
8) Ultimate/Coil/Attack.
9) Ultimate/Coil/Attack.
10) Repeat steps 5-9, using Demon/Deadly Strike when possible, until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Demon.
2) Deadly Strike.
3) Final Blow.
4) Fiery/Icy/Call Minion.
5) Fiery/Icy/Call Minion.
6) Fiery/Icy/Call Minion.
7) Ultimate/Coil/Attack.
8) Ultimate/Coil/Attack.
9) Repeat steps 4-8, using Demon/Deadly Strike when possible, until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Demon.
2) Deadly Strike.
3) Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Final Blow otherwise.
4) Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Fiery/Icy/Call Minion otherwise.
5) Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Fiery/Icy/Call Minion otherwise.
6) Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Fiery/Icy/Call Minion otherwise.
7) Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Ultimate/Coil/Attack otherwise.
8) Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Ultimate/Coil/Attack otherwise.
9) Repeat steps 4-8, using Demon/Deadly Strike when possible, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Multi Strike.
2) Demon/Fiery/Icy/Call Minion to finish off survivors.
3) Deadly Strike to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Stun the enemy with the most HP.
2) Demon the above enemy.
3) Multi Strike if enemy is near defeat; Deadly Strike the above enemy otherwise.
4) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Final Blow the above enemy otherwise.
5) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Fiery/Icy/Call Minion the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
6) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Fiery/Icy/Call Minion the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
7) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Fiery/Icy/Call Minion the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
8) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Ultimate/Attack the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
9) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Ultimate/Attack the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
10) Repeat steps 5-9, using Demon/Deadly Strike when possible, until all enemies are defeated.

Defensive Strategy

A DeathKnight Warrior has a significant advantage over a standard warrior in the Defensive arena. With a healing-draining ability and a solid standard shield, a Defensive Strategy works for a DeathKnight Warrior.

Single Enemy:
1) Shield.
2) Demon.
3) Stun.
4) Deadly Strike.
5) Final Blow.
6) Coil.
7) Shield.
8) Icy.
9) Fiery/Ultimate/Call Minion.
10) Fiery/Ultimate/Call Minion/Attack.
12) Fiery/Ultimate/Call Minion/Attack.
13) Repeat steps 2-12, using Demon/Deadly Strike when possible and Shield instead of Stun, until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Shield.
2) Coil/Demon.
3) Coil/Demon.
4) Deadly Strike.
5) Final Blow.
6) Icy.
7) Shield.
8) Fiery/Ultimate/Call Minion.
9) Fiery/Ultimate/Call Minion/Attack.
10) Icy.
9) Repeat steps 9, using Demon/Deadly Strike/Coil/Icy when possible, until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Shield.
2) Coil/Demon.
3) Coil/Demon.
4) Deadly Strike.
5) Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Final Blow otherwise.
6) Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Icy otherwise.
7) Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Fiery/Ultimate/Call Minion otherwise.
8) Shield.
9) Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Fiery/Ultimate/Call Minion/Attack otherwise.
10) Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Fiery/Ultimate/Call Minion/Attack otherwise.
11) Repeat steps 5-10, using Demon/Deadly Strike when possible and Icy/Fiery/Ultimate instead of recharging moves, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Shield.
2) Coil.
3) Multi Strike.
4) Stun.
5) Demon/Fiery/Icy/Call Minion to finish off survivors.
6) Deadly Strike to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Shield.
2) Coil the strongest enemy; if there isn’t one, Coil the enemy with the most HP.
3) Stun the above enemy.
4) Multi Strike if enemy is near defeat; Demon the above enemy otherwise.
5) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Deadly Strike the above enemy otherwise.
6) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Final Blow the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
7) Shield.
8) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Icy the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
9) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Fiery/Ultimate/Call Minion/Attack the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
10) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Fiery/Ultimate/Call Minion/Attack the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
11) Repeat steps 5-10, using Icy/Fiery/Ultimate instead of recharging moves and Demon/Deadly Strike when possible, until all enemies are defeated.

Deathknight Mage

A Deathknight Mage has offensive capabilities that soar through the roof, especially for single enemies. However, relative to the base class mage, a DeathKnight Mage loses offensive capabilities against multiple enemies. Furthermore, the most capable move of a Deathknight Mage comes at a price of 25% of one’s HP. Use this with caution and only in the offensive strategy.

Check above for your appropriate base class.

Offensive Strategy

The Deathknight Mage is even better at a short-run offense then a Deathknight Warrior with a catastrophic fire set-up. If the enemy is resistant against fire, switch the beginning turns to the Deathknight Warrior strategy. If you really want to further augment up your damage and you know you can heal easily or don’t care, use Cursed as your first turn.

Single Enemy:
1) Cold Blast.
2) Demon.
3) Infliction.
4) Deadly Strike.
5) Final Blow/Coil.
6) Final Blow/Call Minion/Coil.
7) Stun/Ultimate/Call Minion/Attack.
9) Repeat step 7, using Demon/Deadly Strike when possible and the Cold Blast/Infliction combo when wanted, until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Cold Blast.
2) Demon.
3) Infliction.
4) Deadly Strike.
5) Final Blow/Coil.
6) Final Blow/Call Minion/Coil.
7) Ultimate/Call Minion/Attack.
9) Repeat step 7, using Demon/Deadly Strike when possible and the Cold Blast/Infliction combo when wanted, until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Cold Blast.
2) Demon.
3) Infliction.
4) Deadly Strike.
5) Final Blow/Coil.
6) Final Blow/Call Minion/Coil.
7) Stun/Ultimate/Call Minion/Attack.
8) Repeat step 7, using Demon/Deadly Strike when possible and the Cold Blast/Infliction combo when wanted, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Multi Strike.
2) Demon to finish off survivors.
3) Deadly Strike to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Cold Blast the enemy with the most HP.
2) Demon the above enemy.
3) Multi Strike if enemy is near defeat; Infliction the above enemy otherwise.
4) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Deadly Strike the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
5) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Final Blow/Coil the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
6) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Final Blow/Call Minion/Coil the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
7) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Stun/Call Minion/Ultimate/Attack the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
8) Repeat step 7, using Demon/Deadly Strike when possible and the Cold Blast/Infliciton combo when wanted, until all enemies are defeated.

Balanced Strategy

A Balanced Strategy works okay for a Deathknight Mage, depending if you want to risk the Cold Blast/Infliction combo. The strategy here will not include the Cold Blast/Infliction combo. However, if you want to use it, follow the Offensive Strategy while replacing any step following Deadly Strike with Stun. Without that combo, you will be much safer, but will also be causing much less damage.

Single Enemy:
1) Stun.
2) Demon.
3) Deadly Strike.
4) Final Blow.
5) Ultimate/Coil/Call Minion/Attack.
10) Repeat steps 5, using Demon/Deadly Strike when possible, until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Demon.
2) Deadly Strike.
3) Final Blow.
4) Coil.
5) Ultimate/Call Minion/Attack.
6) Repeat steps 5, using Demon/Deadly Strike when possible, until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Demon.
2) Deadly Strike.
3) Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Final Blow otherwise.
4) Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Coil otherwise.
5) Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Ultimate/Call Minion/Attack otherwise.
6) Repeat steps 5, using Demon/Deadly Strike when possible, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Multi Strike.
2) Demon to finish off survivors.
3) Deadly Strike to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Stun the enemy with the most HP.
2) Demon the above enemy.
3) Multi Strike if enemy is near defeat; Deadly Strike the above enemy otherwise.
4) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Final Blow the above enemy otherwise.
5) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Ultimate/Call Minion/Attack the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
6) Repeat steps 5, using Demon/Deadly Strike when possible, until all enemies are defeated.

Defensive Strategy

Again, a Defensive Strategy is simply okay for a Deathknight Mage. You are definitely not going to use that Cold Blast/Infliction combo now.

Single Enemy:
1) Shield.
2) Demon.
3) Stun.
4) Deadly Strike.
5) Final Blow.
6) Coil.
7) Shield.
8) Ultimate/Call Minion/Attack.
9) Repeat steps 8, using Demon/Deadly Strike/Coil/Shield when possible, until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Shield.
2) Coil/Demon.
3) Coil/Demon.
4) Deadly Strike.
5) Final Blow.
6) Ultimate/Call Minion/Attack.
7) Shield.
8) Ultimate/Call Minion/Attack.
9) Repeat steps 8, using Demon/Deadly Strike/Coil/Shield when possible, until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Shield.
2) Coil/Demon.
3) Coil/Demon.
4) Deadly Strike.
5) Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Final Blow otherwise.
6) Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Ultimate/Call Minion/Attack otherwise.
7) Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Ultimate/Call Minion/Attack otherwise.
8) Shield.
9) Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Ultimate/Call Minion/Attack otherwise.
10) Repeat step 9, using Demon/Deadly Strike/Coil/Shield when possible, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Shield.
2) Coil.
3) Multi Strike.
4) Stun.
5) Demon to finish off survivors.
6) Deadly Strike to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Shield.
2) Coil the strongest enemy; if there isn’t one, Coil the enemy with the most HP.
3) Stun the above enemy.
4) Multi Strike if enemy is near defeat; Demon the above enemy otherwise.
5) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Deadly Strike the above enemy otherwise.
6) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Final Blow the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
7) Shield.
8) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Ultimate/Call Minion/Attack the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
9) Repeat steps 8, using Demon/Deadly Strike/Coil/Shield when possible, until all enemies are defeated.

Deathknight Rogue

The Deathknight Rogue sort of falls in between a Deathknight Warrior and a Deathknight Mage. It does not have the straight-out offensive capabilities ofeither, but can deal more damage over a longer period of time then a Deathknight Mage and survives longer then one as well. The strength of a Deathknight Rogue lies in his or her DOT and debilitating moves. Though some of these are unreliable, it does add a nice little perk to an otherwise bland Deathknight Rogue.

Check above for your appropriate base class.

Offensive Strategy

The Deathknight Rogue can handle an Offensive Strategy decently, but not too much more.

Single Enemy:
1) Demon.
2) Deadly Strike.
3) Final Blow.
4) Toxic/Freeze/Burn.
5) Toxic/Freeze/Burn.
6) Toxic/Freeze/Burn/Attack.
7) Ultimate/Call Minion/Stun/Attack.
8) Repeat step 7, using Demon/Deadly Strike when possible, until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Demon.
2) Deadly Strike.
3) Final Blow.
4) Toxic/Freeze/Burn.
5) Toxic/Freeze/Burn.
6) Toxic/Freeze/Burn/Attack.
7) Ultimate/Call Minion/Attack.
8) Repeat step 7, using Demon/Deadly Strike when possible, until the enemy is defeated

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Demon.
2) Deadly Strike.
3) Final Blow.
4) Toxic/Freeze/Burn.
5) Toxic/Freeze/Burn.
6) Toxic/Freeze/Burn/Attack.
7) Ultimate/Call Minion/Stun/Attack.
8) Repeat step 7, using Demon/Deadly Strike when possible, until the enemy is defeated

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Multi Strike.
2) Demon to finish off survivors.
3) Deadly Strike to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Demon the enemy with the most HP.
2) Deadly Strike the above enemy.
3) Multi Strike if enemy is near defeat; Final Blow the above enemy otherwise.
4) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Toxic/Freeze/Burn the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
5) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Toxic/Freeze/Burn the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
6) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Toxic/Freeze/Burn the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
7) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Stun/Ultimate/Call Minion/Attack the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
9) Repeat steps 7, using Demon/Deadly Strike when possible, until all enemies are defeated.

Balanced Strategy

A Deathknight Rogue can definitely have an easier time with a Balanced Strategy. Keep your enemy partially at bay while taking them down.

Single Enemy:
1) Demon.
2) Deadly Strike.
3) Final Blow.
4) Stun.
5) Toxic/Freeze/Burn.
6) Toxic/Freeze/Burn.
7) Toxic/Freeze/Burn/Coil.
8) Ultimate/Coil/Call Minion/Attack.
9) Repeat step 8, using Demon/Deadly Strike when possible, until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Demon.
2) Deadly Strike.
3) Final Blow.
4) Coil.
5) Toxic/Freeze/Burn.
6) Toxic/Freeze/Burn.
7) Ultimate/Call Minion/Attack.
8) Repeat step 7, using Demon/Deadly Strike when possible, until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Demon.
2) Deadly Strike.
3) Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Final Blow otherwise.
4) Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Toxic/Freeze/Burn otherwise.
5) Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Toxic/Freeze/Burn otherwise.
6) Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Toxic/Freeze/Burn/Coil otherwise.
7) Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Ultimate/Coil/Call Minion/Attack otherwise.
8) Repeat step 7, using Demon/Deadly Strike when possible, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Multi Strike.
2) Demon/Fiery/Icy/Call Minion to finish off survivors.
3) Deadly Strike to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Stun the enemy with the most HP.
2) Demon the above enemy.
3) Multi Strike if enemy is near defeat; Deadly Strike the above enemy otherwise.
4) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Final Blow the above enemy otherwise.
5) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Toxic/Freeze/Burn the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
6) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Toxic/Freeze/Burn the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
7) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Toxic/Freeze/Burn/Coil the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
8) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Ultimate/Coil/Call Minion/Attack the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
9) Repeat step 8, using Demon/Deadly Strike when possible, until all enemies are defeated.

Defensive Strategy

A Defensive Strategy works relatively well for a Deathknight Rogue, as one keeps up the defences while breaking down those of the enemy.

Single Enemy:
1) Shield.
2) Demon.
3) Stun.
4) Deadly Strike.
5) Final Blow.
6) Coil.
7) Shield.
8) Toxic/Freeze/Burn.
9) Toxic/Freeze/Burn.
10) Ultimate/Call Minion/Attack.
11) Repeat step 10, using Demon/Deadly Strike/Coil when possible, until all enemies are defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Shield.
2) Coil/Demon.
3) Coil/Demon.
4) Deadly Strike.
5) Final Blow.
6) Toxic/Freeze/Burn.
7) Shield.
8) Toxic/Freeze/Burn.
9) Ultimate/Call Minion/Attack.
10) Repeat steps 9, using Demon/Deadly Strike/Coil when possible, until the enemy is defeated.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Shield.
2) Coil/Demon.
3) Coil/Demon.
4) Deadly Strike.
5) Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Final Blow otherwise.
6) Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Toxic/Freeze/Burn otherwise.
7) Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Toxic/Freeze/Burn otherwise.
8) Shield.
9) Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Toxic/Freeze/Burn/Attack otherwise.
10) Stun if enemy is near berserk point; Ultimate/Call Minion/Attack otherwise.
11) Repeat steps 10, using Demon/Deadly Strike/Coil when possible, until the enemy is defeated.

Multiple Easy Enemies:
1) Shield.
2) Coil.
3) Multi Strike.
4) Stun.
5) Demon to finish off survivors.
6) Deadly Strike to finish off survivors.

Multiple Difficult Enemies:
1) Shield.
2) Coil the strongest enemy; if there isn’t one, Coil the enemy with the most HP.
3) Stun the above enemy.
4) Multi Strike if enemy is near defeat; Demon the above enemy otherwise.
5) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Deadly Strike the above enemy otherwise.
6) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Final Blow the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
7) Shield.
8) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Toxic/Freeze/Burn the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
9) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Toxic/Freeze/Burn the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
10) Multi Strike if an enemy is near defeat; Ultimate/Call Minion/Attack the enemy nearest defeat otherwise.
11) Repeat steps 5-10, using Demon/Deadly Strike/Coil when possible, until all enemies are defeated.

{dmk}DoomKnight- The most overpowered, under apriciated class in-game. This class shines when up agains bosses

Offensive Strategy

The Doomknight can handle an Offensive Strategy greatly.

Single Enemy:
1) Spikes.
2) Blood.
3) Crave.
4) Blood.
5) Repeat Blood untill dead.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Blood.
2) Deadly Strike.
3) Blast.
4) Blood.
5) Repeat Blood until dead.

Berserker Single Enemy:
1) Repeat Blood until dead

Multiple Enemies:
1) Spikes.
2) Blood.
3) Blood to finish off survivors.

Balanced Strategy

A Doomknight can definitely have a harder time with a Balanced Strategy. Keep your enemy partially at bay while taking them down.

Single Enemy:
1) Spike.
2) Carve.
3) Blood.
4) Carve.
5) Blood.
6) Carve.
7) Repeat step 5-6, until the enemy is defeated.

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Break.
2) Spikes.
3) Blood.
4) Taunt.
5) Blood.
6) Blood.
7) Carve.
8) Carve
9) Vengeance

Bosses-Were DmKs shine

1) Revert
2) Void
3) Taunt
4) Repeatedly use Carve until dead.

{tech} Technomancer

Offensive Strategy

The Technomancer class can handle an Offensive Strategy greatly.

Single Enemy:
1) Grenade.
2) Overdriv.
3) Grenade.
4) Force.
5) Bow.
6) Should be dead

Multiple Enemies:
1) Bow.
2) Hole.
3) Alternate between grenades overdrive and force.

Balanced Strategy

A Technomancer can definitely take a balanced stradegy!

Single Enemy:
2) Grenade.
3) Overdriv.
4) Grenade.
5) Force.
6) anything
7) Should be dead
Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) shield
2) Grenade.
3) Overdriv.
4) Grenade.
5) Force.
6) anything
7) Should be dead

Bosses- They can take ’em

1) Grenade.
2) Overdriv.
3) Grenade.
4) Force.
5) Bow.
6) Repeat. use potions when needed

{ds} DragonSlayer 

A dragonslayer isn’t a very good class unless your fighting dragons, so not recommended for regular batlles. So this part is thinking that you are fighting draagons.

Offensive Strategy

The DragonSlayer class can handle any stradegy greatly.

Single Enemy:
1) Strike
2) Double
3) Triple
4) Dragon
5) Repeat steps 1-3
6) Should be dead

Multiple Enemies: Theyre not to good at these and will leave this out because I cant find a multiple dragon enemy.

Balanced Strategy

A DragonSlayer can handle a balanced stradegy good enough!

Single Enemy:
2) Blind
3) Scale
4) Dragon
5) Blood
6) Should be dead

Bosses- They can take ’em if they’re dragons.

1) Blind
3) Dragon
4) Force.
5) Duoble
6) Triple
use potions when needed

{fma} Frost Moglin Armor

Single Enemy:
1) Brick
2) Spirit Burst
3) Spirit of Giving
4) Spirit Burst
5) Twig
6) Spirit Burst (if needed)
7) Dead

Multiple Enemies:
1) Yule Tide
2) Missle Toe
3) Yule Tide
4) Missle Toe
5) Yule Tide
6) Missle Toe

Balanced Strategy

Single Enemy:
1) Brick
2) Spirit Burst
3) Spirit of Giving
4) Spirit Burst
5) Twig
6) Spirit Burst (if needed)
7) Dead
Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
1) Blind
2) Spirit Burst
3) Spirit of Giving
4) Spirit Burst
5) Twig
6) Spirit Burst (if needed)
7) Dead


1) Brick
2) Spirit Burst
3) Spirit of Giving
4) Spirit Burst
5) Twig
6) Spirit Burst
7) Warmth
8) Spirit Burst
9) Dead

Kathool Adept Armor

Offensive Strategy

Single Enemy:
3)Mind Twist
4)Red tide
6)Attack till Kathool at 1 CD

Multiple Enemies:
1)Shadow enemy w/ most hp
3)Tidal Wave
Amazing if there not dead yet

Balanced Strategy

Single Enemy:
4)Mind Twist
5)Red tide
7)Attack till Kathool at 2 Cool Down

Stun-Resistant Single Enemy:
4)Mind Twist
5)Red tide
7)Attack till Kathool at 2 Cool Down


1) Unnerve
2) Fear
3) Corrupt
4) Mind Twist
5) Mad Fury
6) Red Tide
7) Shadow Swarm
8) Kathool
9) Dead

ChickenCow Lord

Single Enemy:
1) Mad ChickenCow Attack
2) Reapetadly spam step 1 until dead

Multiple Enemies:
1) Same as above


1) Same as above

Evolved ChickenCow Lord

Single Enemy:
1) Mad ChickenCow Attack
2) Zuester
3) Mad ChcikenCow Attack
Should be dead

Multiple Enemies:
1) Mad ChickenCow Attack on first enemy
2) Zuester on second
3) Mad ChickenCow Attack on third enemy


1) Mad ChickenCow Attack
2) Zuester
3) Mad ChcikenCow Attack
4) KFCow
5) Mad ChickenCow Attack
6) Egteor Shower
7) Mad ChickenCow Attack

{GPS} GPS 2.0

Single Enemy:
Multiple Enemies:
1) Flamethrower
2) Cannonball highest health enemy
3) Overdriv
5) Blind highest health enemy
7) Repeat

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