Facebook WarFlow Skills List

Facebook WarFlow Skills List by boomy180

BulwarkGive a very high defense and 100 morale to the unit and cause normal attack damage.
ChargeAttack the target unit with normal and skill attack damage.
ConfuseAttack the target unit and put into disorder (Units affected by disorder will not be able to attack in next round).
CounterattackIncrease the parry effectiveness and attack the target unit.
DauntAttack the target unit and decrease its morale to 0.
EarthquakeAttack a row of enemy units.
HunkAttack the target unit and the units next to it.
InciteAttack the target unit and incite its soldiers to join your army.
KarmaAttack the target unit and steal the morale of it for own use.
NunchakuAttack the target unit twice with great damages.
OutbreakAttack the target unit and the morale of attacking unit will increase to 100.
PenetrateGenerate a shockwave to attack a line of units.
RageAttack the target unit with a great damage.
SacrificeSacrifice your own soldiers to cause a damage on target unit 1.5 times of your sacrifice.
ShadowAttack the target unit with a chance to make an extra attack.
ShelterGive a very high defense to the unit for one round. Damage on the unit will normally be 1.
SpurAttack the target unit with normal attack damage and skill attack damage. The morale of the attacking unit will increase to 100.
StrafeAttack all enemy units.
StruggleAttack the target unit. Fewer soldiers will cause bigger damage.
StunAttack all enemy units with a chance to cause disorder (Units affected by disorder will not be able to attack in next round).
TauntAttack all enemy units whose morale are above 0 and decrease their morale.
UpriseAttack the target unit with normal attack damage and supplement your own soldiers. The morale of the attacking unit will increase to 100.
VigorIncrease morale of each own unit by 120.
WaveAttack a line of units with normal and skill attack damage. The morale attacking unit will be boosted to 100.
WirlwindAttack the target unit and units behind it, with a big chance to cause disorder of attacked units (Units affected by disorder will not be able to attack in next round).

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